Monday, August 19, 2024

Observing (and Playing) an Evening with TCG Friends

I had previously discussed about how it might be time for me to get back into playing the Pokémon TCG, and one of the prompts for this was being drawn into a local group of players. Last Friday, the group held one of their weekly meetings, and I decided to come to - in a way, "crash" - the meeting to interact with the others, and more importantly to observe what was happening. As it turns out, I also got in a bit of playing time, and that fulfilled at least some of that objective.

The meeting was held in a local convenience store with ample tables and chairs to play. I came early in the afternoon, so it wasn't until later that I found the people from the group. Once I did, however, I met not only one of the people from the booth at the convention, but also two friends I already knew quite well from other Pokémon endeavors. At that moment, I knew that I'd feel at home even with this group of players and I could stand to attend more of their meetings when I'm able.

Having attended, it was decided that I should try playing at least once, and the first attempt was with an advanced deck belonging to another person. Even with the assistance of another person, I was quickly overwhelmed by the play sequences, much of which I probably would have needed to discover by myself prior to beginning play. Such is likely the nature of any advanced deck with a number of cards that play into each other and/or demand special circumstances.

Essentially, the meeting of the group, as with prior meetings I tracked in my group but could not attend, was for the purpose of holding a weekly tournament. Its organization and execution are carried out through similar means as other Pokémon game tournaments I (used to) participate in, and there were clear winners and rankings determined from play. Even so, there are likely other mechanisms that I can only discover with closer observation or even direct participation.

During the progression of the tournament, I examined a simpler Grass-type deck and was invited to play against a similar deck (a "mirror" play). Unlike the advanced deck, I started to get the hang of it almost right away, although there might have been one or two cards I should have played in a better way. Coupled with the bad luck of the opponent, I got to a point where I was well ahead, essentially being assured a victory. The deck is likely a kind that suits my play style well.

At the closing of the tournament, there was a distribution of booster packs for the top winners and promotional cards for the rest. Although I didn't participate in the tournament, I did receive some individual cards with compliments - including one card which I'm told should not be opened from its clear plastic packaging, and I will definitely heed this advice. A group photo was taken at the end, in addition to various photos of the action taken over the course of the evening.

Overall, the meeting (and associated tournament) was a splendid one for getting to know the others in my group... and getting to know what I'm capable of with the TCG cards, even with whatever is plainly presented before me. In a future meeting, I might just work up the courage to participate in the tournament - hopefully with a deck that I can manage and know the workings of - but to become an observer and indirect player in this one is still just as satisfying as any TCG effort.

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