Monday, August 26, 2024

Network Connections

In playing the games and going through stories related to Pokémon, one will have noticed the presence of many kinds of devices. Besides electricity, something else that makes them tick - as with similar devices in real life - is their connections to other devices, likely over something similar to the real-life Internet. Without those connections, they wouldn't function, and so would the people who would be using them - or at the least, they would have a hard time. With that in mind, it seems apt to deal with them in a discussion.

Those devices range from realistic videophones and smartphones (or devices similar to them) to surrealistic transporters for Poké Balls. If the experience of modern times has anything to say, any and all of these devices not only require network connectivity of some sort, but also fast ones to allow them to do what they do, and reliably at that. This fact also might explain why video calling was only realized in modern times: it took time for the connectivity to mature and get faster to allow this to be done. In that sense, Pokémon was well ahead of its time, although now it seems just beyond contemporary, including in network connections.

Yet even in the world of Pokémon, it's possible to be in places where network connectivity is absent - specifically places without phone reception, as has been discovered in at least one episode of the anime. While it seems that cable connections are persistent, it also seems reasonable that some places might experience their absence until they are made to be present for the requirement of devices such as those that I've mentioned above. 

Recently, I've had the experience of having such an absence where I currently live, after it had been made present after a previous absence. This may also be considered one reason why many recent posts on this blog might seem slightly (OK, somewhat) off in some way regarding their execution, and I do have to apologize if that was perceived. It also may have - or in fact has - hampered the progression of all the current Pokémon things that I do around the place I live, including for the purpose of writing them up on this very Pokémon blog.

Network connections are inherently important for Pokémon matters involving electronic devices, whether they are present in the Pokémon world or the real world. They make the things that they do possible, and in the case of their real-world presentation, they make dealing with the Pokémon world possible. As interactions continue within and beyond the Pokémon world, some of that connectivity is going to be needed - including for myself.

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