Friday, August 30, 2024

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 8/30/2024

Well, things are going to be as different as they are the same for this month's Pokémon Go event rollup, which have occurred in the same day in many past years (see below). That is one point of sameness; another would be the quality of those events, for which this month there is a certain "epic" quality to them, despite there being relatively few. Yet what few there are, they have some things going for them that makes them "epic", and thus they need to be explained, and of course rolled up.

First is (was) a throwback to a June event. Back then, there were Mega Rayquaza Elite Raids, but apparently, they didn't go well for some people... so, it was repeated on August 3, this time as a Mega Rayquaza Raid Day (dubbed as an "Event", but it is obviously what it is) composed of three separate Raid Hours at 11 AM, 1 PM, and 5 PM, emulating the Elite Raids at those times but for all Gyms. The Timed Research also returned, while the remote raid limit was increased as with a Raid Day in general. With or without this redone event, this month went off to an epic start.

That's because going back a day earlier (August 2), Adventure Week made its return; it is more appropriately an "Adventure Fortnight", as things would last until August 12. As is the norm with previous editions of this event, fossil Pokémon were abound, this time complemented with a few "earthy" Pokémon. Some of them appeared in the wild, while others appeared in 7 km Eggs, and a great deal appeared in Field Research task encounters, along with Mega Energy for Aerodactyl. There were bonuses of increased XP from PokéStop spin and hatching Eggs, as well as increased Shiny chance for specific Pokémon; meanwhile, Collection Challenges had additional bonuses, showcases featured the Pokémon of the event, and a paid Timed Research set rewarded incubators and more encounters. This event is always an "epic" adventure with its Pokémon, but the current edition would up the ante for a part of it on its remaining few days.

For the remaining four days of the above event (August 8 onwards), things went to the next level as Team Go Rocket took over the event, as the Taken Over portion. Two of the fossil Pokémon, Tirtouga and Archen, along with Timburr became available in Shadow form, while Cranidos and Shieldon appeared in Shadow raids along with other "earthy" Pokémon. A new Special Research set led Trainers on the hunt for Shiny Cresselia, while the weekend of August 10 and 11 once again featured Shadow Lugia in raids. The usual bonuses of more frequent grunt appearances and changing Frustration by TM applied, while Field Research tasks rewarded TMs and Mysterious Components, and Pokémon showcases were present. Two item bundles, one in the Web Store and another in the in-game shop, complemented this "epic" twist of Adventure Week into the "darkness".

The Pokémon World Championships were held in the middle of this month, so naturally there had to be the complementary event from August 16 to 20. This event also served as a Go Battle Week event with the usual perks (more battle sets each day, increased Stardust rewards, a featured Timed Research set, and varied IVs for Pokémon encounters) for all the three common Leagues plus Catch Cup, complemented by Web Store item bundles featuring mostly TMs, including some of the Elite variety. As for the World Championships part, it featured the in-game debut of the "snorkeling Pikachu" mascot of this year's edition, which appeared in raids and Field Research task rewards, as well as Shiny Mienfoo. Meanwhile, a selection of Pokémon popularly used in the competitions appeared in the wild, with some in raids - both regular and Shadow - and Field Research task encounters. A number of species also came with certain moves when caught or evolved, while the bonuses of increased Special Trades and changing Frustration by TM were very, very nice indeed. A paid Timed Research rewarded encounters with more frequently used species, which may also be entered in showcases. Finally, there were new fashion items and poses, some of which are free, others paid, and still others special to competitors. All of that was definitely "epic" as far as competitions go.

Wrapping up this month, there is the Triumph Together event from August 23 to 30 - by U.S. Pacific Time instead of local time as with most events nowadays. This event is based on three Global Challenges, one representing each team (Valor, Instinct, and Mystic, successively in that order). The Valor challenge involved defeating Team Go Rocket grunts, while Instinct involved hatching Eggs, and Mystic involved completing Field Research tasks; accordingly, each were given bonuses of more frequent grunt appearances, halved Egg hatch distance and special Pokémon in 7 km Eggs, and unique Field Research tasks. Completion of each challenge unlocks Timed Research with similar objectives with ultimate rewards of costumed Pokémon previously encountered during the season of Rising Heroes, this time with special backgrounds, and further bonuses of increased PokéStop spin XP, double hatch Stardust, and 2 Candy XL for evolving Pokémon respectively. In the sense that everyone collaborated for this event, it really was an "epic" triumph accomplished together.

At any rate, the "epic" quality is manifested through the content included in the events this month, which wasn't short even if the events were. Considering the big Pokémon event of this month and it being the last one of the season, things had to go (out) in a bang or an "epic" fashion, and the events delivered. All that stands to be found out is how same or different things can get after these events and the process of rolling them up.

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