Friday, June 7, 2024

LINE App in a "Downturn"?

Faithful readers of this blog will notice that I used to cover some of facets of the LINE messaging application for Pokémon matters, mostly involving stickers as a "cornerstone" of its messaging aspects. Now, though, my usage of the messaging application have drastically declined almost to the point of nothing, as I noted on my last post about stickers from there. Further, it seems like the app itself is in a bit of a "downturn" as much as I've been in one. For that, I feel the need to discuss my use of the app for Pokémon prospects in light of this situation, as something that's overdue as mentioned a few years ago.

Both my Pokémon groups there and the individual (related) people whom I message have been largely inactive, which has a strong indication that they have been absent in messaging there and/or moved to another platform, though I'm not necessarily informed on what that might be. It may mean that LINE is no longer sufficient for their needs and/or other established platforms may be better for their purposes even if they don't offer the same niceties, which I also do see somewhat in my long messaging absence.

As for the app itself being in a "downturn", it has had a few additional yet useful features being removed, and another is about to be as such very soon. The "Keep" feature, which allows chat bits and pieces (including files and media) to be kept, is about to be removed in a couple of months' time, and anything that needs to be preserved must be downloaded off of that. I happen to have a few pieces of Pokémon things in it, so there is an imperative for me to do the above action for my needs, before the feature is removed.

Overall, with the lack of activity and some of the means to do things as before (like getting free or reduced-cost stickers), particularly as they become unavailable, it seems that my activity will remain very low on the application. It would be possible to contact people for Pokémon matters outside of the app, but I'd have to find out how, whether through the application or elsewhere outside it, which could be a challenge.

While the application may or may not be in danger of going out of service - for which I am sure that other users elsewhere are keeping it alive for their purposes, Pokémon or otherwise - it seems its services for my Pokémon and general needs are indeed in a "downturn". It's definitely a prompt for me to do some Pokémon things that I used to do with it differently, with or without continued use of the messaging application in some way.

Four years ago: It's a-Mario Time
Five years ago: Going Big in Galar
Six years ago: Pokémon Archetypes
Seven years ago: New Paradigms

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