Saturday, June 29, 2024

Cosplay: Grill Summer Festival

Goh: So... Is this something else, or a same old thing?

Me: I'd have you believe it's the former, but it's somewhat of the latter. 

Ash: And of course you're sending me!

Me: Right. And in this case, I'm practically required to do that.

Goh: Hmm? Oh, I see now. I have the poster for it, and... Ash is a special performer. 

Ash: Yes, I am!

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["Very nice!"]

Me: That is the case. Since the photo was already picked, I pretty much have to send you in that outfit.

Ash: The special journey outfit! That's fine by me.

Me: OK. Also, I've sent you real early, because you need to meet my raid friends first.

Goh: To raid?

Me: Of course - and the subject for this one is a big (and real big) serpent of the skies.

Goh: Rayquaza...? Mega Rayquaza??

Me: Hey, someone figured it out. Yeah, so that came down and challenged Trainers. How'd that go?

Ash: I battled five times and caught it three times. They weren't Shiny or very good.

Me: Well, we did what we can. After that, you should have gone over to the festival.

Ash: I did! It was in the same mall as before... but this time we were outside in the parking lot.

Goh: Interesting. The layout must have been different too.

Ash: Yeah! The stage was a T shape and the stands were in front of it. But there weren't too many...

Me: That's OK. What else happened?

Ash: There were games and other performances as usual.

Goh: As usual... I got it now. Bocchi Noizu helped with the festival.

Ash: Pretty much.

Goh: What about your performance?

Ash: I sang two really different songs today!

Me: Well, mostly. I gave them to you: one of them is by Rica Matsumoto but for something else, and the other is an idol song that you also performed some weeks ago - so that last one is not completely different, but it still is.

Goh: Wow. That's... different, all right.

Pikachu: Pika, pika chu. ["Right, a wild choice."]

Ash: Um... but I slightly messed up on one of the lines for each - and the idol song was a little loud in the background, and it shocked me a little.

Goh: Sorry about that.

Ash: But I got to rock with both songs! The first one really felt like me, even if it wasn't me.

Me: That's why I chose that one - and then there's the paradise event for the second one.

Goh: That's great anyhow. Did anything else happen?

Ash: That was pretty much it. Oh, another performer got unwell and changed at the last minute.

Goh: That's regrettable. And... the character parade? Wasn't there one?

Ash: Well, there was, but I wasn't in it this time.

Goh: Oh. I guess this means your performance compensated.

Ash: It did! So it's a little something for me and our friend.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["Every bit helps."]

Me: It's a little, but it means somewhat, which is why I sent you even with all the things we've got going.

Goh: You know, you could think of today as a practice if you want to try to get something from a competition next time.

Ash: Sure! I think we may have plans.

Me: I already do - but that's for later. Anyway, even today, the same old things can be something else, especially if they happen in the same day.

Ash: You bet! And we can make the difference.

Goh: I wouldn't disagree.

Me: And if that doesn't involve "grilling" ourselves (ahem), then that may just be what it takes.

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