Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Quickies: Smells Like Pokémon

I'm exposed to all kinds of smells each and every day. Some of them are pleasant and can be smelled for hours on end, while others are (bordering on) offensive and less deserving of that honor, even becoming set aside after a short time. Pokémon, as expected by its adjacency to the real world, can have similar smells, in particular for the species that bear the name. Because I've been thinking about some of these smells, I'm directed to make a post on that, in particular to fill a bit of time due to ongoing happenings.

Previously, I've explored some species twice over that have their own pleasant smells, and they certainly still apply within the context of this post. But then, it's also still plausible that some Pokémon of the Fairy type can have their own brand of pleasant smells; otherwise, they wouldn't be very attractive indeed. Even for some people, the briny smell of creatures from the ocean could be expected to be its own pleasing smell, and this also fits some Pokémon species. Then, it might just be possible for some Pokémon of the Rock and/or Ground type to possess "earthy" smells that are still pleasant, further increasing the possibilities.

The ones with offensive smells are unfortunately just as numerous. It has been attested that species of the Poison type definitely reek of certain smells that are universally agreed as offensive. It may also be possible for species of the Steel type to leave behind residues of their metal bodies, which some people could find offensive. On the other end of the spectrum, even Pokémon of the Grass (as well as some with the Bug type) could potentially exude foul smells, in particular when they are disturbed. This last bit also seems the key to most species in this category, as they might be less offensive if they are not disturbed.

Any nice smell is likely to be allowed to pervade and any not-so-nice smell is likely to be covered up. The same would likely apply to some Pokémon who might be responsible for these smells. Even so, some smells still catch on the wind no matter what happens - this being also true in my real case - and they become an inescapable part of the world. So too is what applies for Pokémon for its fans and people in that world, and both can expect certain smells in the air every which way they go.

Three years ago: The Floating City Awaits
Four years ago: As In As All...
Five years ago: Nationally Challenged
Six years ago: Before Gold and Silver
Seven years ago: Red on a Bike

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