Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Community Day Classic Prospects

Community Day Classic in Pokémon Go started out in 2022 and there have been 10 editions of it so far, with an 11th coming this Saturday (that's a teaser). Obviously, that hasn't covered all the previous (unique, non-recap) editions of Community Day - 72 of them as of this month - and due to its infrequent nature, it'll always be playing catch-up somehow. All the same, there are certain prospects for this event that some Trainers (including me) are expecting or desiring, and some of those prospects deserve to be explained.

A popular expected target for this event is Beldum, which had been featured in October 2018 with a repeat the following week due to technical issues. The special move (Meteor Mash for Metagross) for this edition had been able to be gotten as part of certain other events, but the Pokémon itself hasn't been featured all that much, which is why many are eager for a Classic edition with the Pokémon. However, this one does face a few problems. It had actually been scheduled in the past but was changed at the last minute, perhaps due to unscrupulous reactions. Also, with Candy XL and Mega Evolution (for Metagross) in mind, they make for good reasons to defer it to prevent drastic changes to the PvP landscape. Whether or not this will continue to be the case, perhaps only time will tell and eventually it will be had.

Next on the list is Ralts, previously featured in August 2019. For this one, it seems fewer Trainers expect or desire it, but in my circles, I know a few of them who desire its return as a Classic edition, and I would support that. Like the one above, the special move (Synchronoise for both Gardevoir and Gallade) could have been gotten in certain other events, though the basic Pokémon less so. Mega Gardevoir has also become available since then, but Mega Gallade hasn't; a potential Classic edition might have to be adjacent to or including its availability (like Mega Altaria was), which also applies to the above. The realization of this may or may not have similar barriers.

Personally, I desire for a return of Rhyhorn from February 2020. This particular Pokémon has also been at a dearth of being featured in events, and I could really use a repeat to gain its resources, not to mention for Rhyperior's special move of Rock Wrecker. Generally, it was also part of the last edition before the world "went south" for a few years, and it too was already affected at that time; thus, I'm certain a good number of Trainers would also want this one to be featured properly as a Classic edition. Though the excuse may be for different reasons, the objective is still pretty much the same.

The potential prospects for future editions of Community Day Classic are many, but they are also seemingly dependent on the priorities for keeping order - perhaps not so much the sequence of things, but more on the state of affairs in Pokémon Go and of its Trainers. With that in mind, at least some bases for new and old Trainers alike will be covered with future editions, and at that point, the expectations and desires can come to a head with reality.

Five years ago: On Copyrights
Six years ago: Boxes of Go-Goodies
Seven years ago: There Is Only One Ball

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