Thursday, June 13, 2024

Time to Get Back into the Cards?

The Pokémon TCG has always been a kind of secondary venture for me, even as I began to understand its gameplay a long time ago. With the aid of Ash delivering a joint effort for even winning a short match on Sunday, there is now the consideration that I may want to get back into playing the cards regularly... or at least try to. Still, there are a few present (and personal) matters that help and hinder such an endeavor at this time.

One of those matters is that I'm always reminded that I should be logging into the TCGL regularly to claim certain things that can help my gameplay there one way or another, and if I don't (at least not within a certain time period) I won't be able to claim their benefits for my purposes. At the very least, this is also an initiative for me to play a game or two as I log in for the purpose of keeping up my skills there as well.

As a result of that victory, I've been invited to participate in a minor group of local fans of the TCG for the purpose of seeing whether we could help each other, and even get some things going on the TCGL if need be. This latter thing has not yet happened, but there have been some lively discussions on the common local physical cards, especially with regard to procurement, which might help me as much as it can help the others.

Even with all that, I also find myself presently also hampered by connection issues, both at home and outside, which can hinder play on the TCGL and sometimes communication with my group. Then there is the fact that some people in the group only meet inopportunely, and the gentle reminder that most forms of improvement to my physical gameplay will necessitate some spending, which may not be in my current best interest.

With all the things that have happened, a present personal effort for getting back into playing the cards (regularly) might be as intriguing as it is challenging. Yet, I've already gotten quite a bit of knowledge about them, so it's important to maintain that knowledge somehow with an effort to play - the one from Sunday being an instance of this. Given the way things go, I'd say I'd need to figure out how to incur more of these instances. 

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