Friday, June 14, 2024

The Unnerving Feeling and Pokémon

Like other people, sometimes I have the same feelings that they have. One of those is the feeling of being unnerved (weak) at the sight or thought of certain things, which makes me somewhat unable to function. Luckily, it's a feeling I don't often have, and the triggers are few. Given my liking of Pokémon, though, I have to think about the fact that fans like me might have all sorts of reactions to things involving it, and one of those reactions might be this very feeling, which means putting down my thoughts about it here.

Personally, I find that the feeling comes for me when I think of some gruesome things that pertain and occur to the physical body, and how those things might affect it and its functioning profoundly. The way that I feel at that point might be as if I was afflicted with those things. All the same, these are things that aren't (often) brought up in Pokémon (at least in official mannerisms), so I'm practically safe from them in that regard. Still, there are other things in Pokémon that might just provoke the feeling for some people.

The slime from the Goomy species family as well as the Stun Spore from various Grass-type Pokémon have been reputed to have ill (or at the least yucky) effects for some people. As such, there might be a possibility that some people could perceive its effects and become unnerved, just like with the gruesome things as above. What could probably be somewhat gruesome is to think about Slowpoke tails actually coming off of the species in unnatural means, which has been referenced in some contexts and could actually be unnerving.

As a whole, though, Pokémon could be considered to be somewhat safe from inciting the feeling of being unnerved, and that is somewhat of a good thing. Yet the possibility could still remain open to be realized as in the circumstances above, though quite possibly much less commonly. Being adjacent to reality, it's still hardly a surprise if anything related to Pokémon triggers all kinds of real feelings, even something less savory as being unnerved - yet hopefully most of the feelings will be good ones and enjoyable ones instead.

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