Sunday, June 16, 2024

Cosplay: Gold Generation

Me: Well, this weekend's golden, all right.

Ash: So what am I up to now?

Me: Let's start with a bit of storytelling. So, a local gold shop - yes, as in the stuff that shines and found in jeweled treasure - wanted to hold a little celebration. They then came up with this.

Goh: Hmm, it doesn't look half bad. 

Me: Actually, I'm told "half and half" is the way things go for this one. One half of it is a gaming tournament, but it's for a game neither of us play.

Ash: Oh! I think I know. It's the same game from the "spicy carnival".

Goh: That went too spicy for us.

Me: Tell us about it. Anyway, yes, it's that game, so we don't really have anything to do with it. But the other half...

Ash: That's where we are! 

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Sure enough!"]

Me: One other thing: you'll probably notice something familiar about the venue and people who help to hold it.

Ash: OK, so I got there after you told me to meet with a few friends first, and... oh - it's the same as the gatherings from back when.

Goh: Well, I think we know how things (would) go. How many performances were there? 

Ash: Not many. Just five and all at once. You know, singing, dancing, magic tricks, and stuff.

Goh: OK, I trust you.

Me: What about the character parade, though?

Ash: I tried something a little dramatic - maybe I even worked my Poké Ball a bit much?

Me: Careful with that - we might be in for weird things if the worst happens.

Ash: I'll remember that next time.

Goh: Well, the judges might have had something to say.

Ash: They did - Judges' Choice!

Pikachu: Pika chu pika! ["Very nice job!"]

Me: Neat! Another addition to our portfolio (mine, but whatever).

Goh: How many prizes were there?

Ash: A lot! I think almost everyone got something.

Goh: That's pretty nice.

Ash: I'd say. They were pretty generous.

Goh: Now, maybe we could cover a bit of the game side? 

Ash: I saw some matches and I thought they were neat, so we got our Pokémon version going... maybe to show it off a little.

Me: Hey! Why not - let the other people take a look at what we do. What did they think about that?

Ash: They might have been interested? But I can't tell.

Goh: If they are, maybe we could see something in the future.

Ash: And I think I'd bring Pikachu in.

Pikachu: Pi, pika chu? ["Sure, why not?"]

Me: I hope that happens. For now we can only hope.

Goh: So, Ash got to see a few golden things today.

Ash: Pretty much, even a little of the gold stuff.

Me: For security reasons, obviously you didn't see a lot of the actual stuff. But people who shine seems to be a good alternative.

Ash: Like us!

Goh: And others.

Me: We'll keep shining any way we can.

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