Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Season of Shared Skies

"Taking to the sky", as mentioned in my end-of-season post for Pokémon Go yesterday, is obviously a nod and a hint to the upcoming season, which starts today. Its moniker is "Shared Skies", which becomes rather telling, because if every Trainer takes to the (same) sky, they'd inevitably have to share some parts of it. Not to mention, they have their Pokémon and there are other Pokémon as well, so something has to give. In any case, this new season is now open for discussion and interpretation.

According to the promotional logo image, there is a lot of blue in it, indeed suggesting the sky and all the Pokémon present therein. Yet it is also known that the blue of the sky results from the blue of the water (ocean, sea), so water Pokémon might be fair game as well. Furthermore, the symbolic image of the season is a square divided into polygonal pieces like those of a tangram, so this suggests that Trainers might need to be making sense of things, all while they "take to the skies" as suggested.

For Pokémon Go, the new loading screen image that comes along with the start of this season already contains suggestions of all of the above, so the interpretation is not far off (or out). Still, it's only early in the season and not much of everything has been divulged - except for one very important regular series of events and a few other details - and the remaining two months of the season remain open for interpretation. Regardless, all the events and featured Pokémon will share spaces above and below.

Meanwhile, Pokémon in general always has a few things going on this time of year, one of them being the World Championships. Here, the best of the best share skies while vying for supremacy, each and every year; this year, though, it seems to align appropriately with the current season... or perhaps it's the other way around. Anyway, more details are to come when they need to come while the rest of those goings-on unfold, waiting to be seen how they will fit with the Pokémon Go seasonal framework.

In a way, this new season by its name is very much spiritual for all Pokémon Trainers and the possible Pokémon they may have. There will always be a reflection of that in any Pokémon happening, in and out of Pokémon Go, but this time there is a particular spotlight for that in the current season and three-month period. The wide open skies now become the venue for Trainers to show what they and their Pokémon can do as well as to get along with others there in that big and shared space. 

Two years ago: The Season of Go
Three years ago: The Season of Discovery
Five years ago: Techno-Poké-Captain
Seven years ago: (Self) References

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