Thursday, June 20, 2024

Driving and Loving with Pokémon

Many years ago, a certain car company adopted two verbs (and a conjunction) as its slogan, both of which are present in the title of this post. Their intent was most likely to frame the main activity - that of the former - as a pleasurable experience, besides being an utilitarian one for getting from one place to another, most likely within one of the cars made by them. Of course, this is a Pokémon blog, so I'd have to consider this situation with Pokémon in mind in order to be able to write about it here, and I have a couple of those considerations.

One consideration is that the activity could be done with Pokémon, quite likely in a car with lots of Pokémon decorations, like dolls, figures, and the like - including the car itself as an itasha. For a Pokémon fan who likes to drive, this could very much be an ethereal and thus pleasurable experience, though one would have to be somewhat careful as well with the way the vehicle is, both inside and outside. Other fans who tag along for the ride in the vehicle would have a chance to feel the same way, and therefore it could become a method of sharing the "love" in addition to the drive.

If the drive isn't being done with Pokémon, it could be done for Pokémon instead, and that becomes the point of the other consideration. It could be done in order to get to a convention where Pokémon is being exhibited by the driver or otherwise, or with a very practical Pokémon purpose, it could be done in order to get to an edition of the World Championships, wherever it might be held that given year. On a more personal note, and as a bit of a stretch, one could take the drive in order to get to a friend, colleague, or whoever, in order to arouse them and get some Pokémon activities going - which might prove to be as ethereal and pleasurable as all the other activities mentioned above.

That last activity recalls a similar activity I was involved in many years ago with similar purposes and objectives, even if it was less related to Pokémon. Else, it could be considered that the activity was intended to allow this Pokémon fan to be hosted by someone else in order to be able to continue Pokémon pursuits while being away. It sounds like a certain song, which could be considered to tie back into the car company slogan as above:

I drove all night
To get to you
Is that all right?
I drove all night
Crept in your room
Woke you from your sleep
To make love to you
Is that all right?
I drove all night...
-- "I Drove All Night"

So it seems that driving and loving could be well within the bounds of the same activity, and the car company is somewhat justified for having picked that former slogan. Justifying them together with Pokémon is a whole another thing, but that seems to be just as workable, and that should please all Pokémon fans, including me.

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