Saturday, June 15, 2024

Pokémon Calendars

Various tools are needed to keep time in this day and age, and one of them is the calendar for the time of year. The tool itself can also come in a variety of forms and appearances, and it might also be possible to make them pretty with different things. As expected by this blog, Pokémon is one of those things of concern, and that in fact has been and can be the case, either of which is possibly quite pleasing for its fans.

A long time ago, I saw a day-to-day style calendar featuring Pokémon, and each day would contain a Pokémon trivia of some sort. While this type of calendar does work, it might be a little too precious for some, especially if it's enhanced with content outside of timekeeping. I had one such calendar with different enhanced content - also a long time ago - and I stopped keeping up with it early in the year it's supposed to keep because it seemed somewhat precious; there was also the apparent waste-increasing potential of the calendar with its daily bulk. If another calendar of this style featuring Pokémon comes up, it may make a difficult choice for some fans (like me) to use in light of the above.

Of course, it's also possible to have a calendar in sheet form for each month, which might be considered a more common and workable style. This kind of calendar can have a page spread consisting of timekeeping content on one part and enhanced (Pokémon) stuff on another part, and that makes things workable with a lot less bulk than the previous form. This is also the kind of calendar that some desktop publishing programs (the previously mentioned Pokémon Project Studio being included) can assist in making, and given this and the above fact, this seems to be the "happy medium" for things.

Then, it's possible to make a desk calendar in similar form as the previous one, and it might show two months at a time, further reducing bulk. The Pokémon enhancement might have to be thought about carefully (regardless for the previous one), but if a fan is to use it and keep it after it's been used, this might very well be the best option.

Calendars obviously come in all kinds of forms, which also implicates certain sizes, and they're indispensable for timekeeping. Meanwhile, for some people, fandoms are indispensable, and that likely applies to many Pokémon fans. With that being the case, those fans may feel the need to have calendars that represent or show off what they like, and any of the above forms might just satisfy this need wonderfully - allowing times to be kept neatly while showing off their fandom of choice in a pleasing manner.

Five years ago: Code Affairs
Six years ago: Number One for...

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