Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Flying Pokémon Flags High

Some time ago, I saw a flag being put up for an element of another fandom I appreciate, which is just as funky (for its real-life weirdness) as it is appropriate (since the fandom deals with flags in a certain manner). I haven't been able to remove that from my memory - and likely never will - which explains why I've just been able to think about it at the moment. Of course, I can't remove Pokémon either from my mindset, so I become inclined to think about it with and involving Pokémon - and thus I'm thinking about flags with Pokémon.

The first thing that would be considered is the element that would be present on the flag. The Pokémon logo is a given for this case and could appear on a flag. The universal symbol of Pokémon capture and the tool used for that purpose, the Poké Ball, is also certain fodder. As for certain Pokémon species appearing on flags, the franchise mascot Pikachu is an obvious contender for its universality, though others like Piplup and Snorlax are also thematic options not out of contention. The flag element can thus have a good variety.

Raising a flag, any flag, would have to be prompted by certain situations, and Pokémon can provide some of them. The annual anniversary celebration of Pokémon Day certainly would make for one, as it is important for any fan. Then, during the run of the (also annual) World Championships, Pokémon flags could also be raised to commemorate it as it takes place. Beyond that, it seems that some other special occasions could be complemented with a Pokémon flag or two, and that could make for a special touch.

Of course, considering that some flag-raising situations abide by certain rules and ethics, some of them could also conceivably be applied to the raising of Pokémon flags as well. For starters, any Pokémon flag would likely have to be raised below those of "superior entities", and anyone living in today's world will recognize at least one of these. A ceremonial aspect may or may not have to be considered, but it could be prompted nonetheless. In short, it would be prudent to observe the situations and do what is necessary.

Even though the situation of that fandom flag being raised has long passed, the fact that it still sticks out in my mind is a testament of its significance, for both that fandom and my enjoyment. Still, my prime enjoyment is Pokémon, so I have to figure out how it would work with the above situation, and the above discussion may just encapsulate that. For as long as I am a fan of Pokémon and a minor fan of the other fandom, flags may become a necessary consideration - and ones that could stand to be raised as high as situations allow.

Four years ago: The Pokémon Battlefields
Five years ago: Holding Hands
Six years ago: Raid Preferences
Seven years ago: Sympathy for Villains

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