Sunday, June 23, 2024

Let's Talk About Not Becoming Ourselves

Ash: Oh, we're just talking today.

Me: Yeah, um... It's a bit all over the place, so I've decided to have a "Let's Talk".

Goh: Well, this has to do with something, doesn't it. But we'll play along.

Me: So, um... I want to talk about the days when we're not our usual selves. I think we've all had one of those.

Ash: Oh, um... I guess that reminds me of the first time a long time ago that I became a girl.

Goh: You became a girl?!

Ash: Er... it was to get in to the Celadon City Gym so I could battle the Gym Leader.

Goh: Obviously that wasn't you, all right.

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["Surely."]

Me: But you did get your battle in, so you got back to yourself in a way.

Ash: I sure did.

Goh: If you didn't, you might have needed to keep up the act.

Ash: Er... don't ask. What about you, Goh?

Goh: Let me see... You know, I guess in that Project Mew assignment with the Regi titans, I wasn't feeling like myself at the start of it.

Ash: I think you told me about it - you had to do that one with Gary, right?

Goh: Right, we did that one together. Come to think of it, he was a little bit like that too, so I guess that applied for the both of us.

Ash: That seems a little strange for him, but I guess I can believe a bit of that.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu. ["We'll take that."]

Me: Given that I heard about the success, you also got back to yourself.

Goh: Make that the two of us.

Me: Of course.

Goh: Maybe now it's time to hear from our friend, about the choice of topic for today.

Me: So, um... I did send out Ash to somewhere today. But I can't say what it is, since I've learned that it is likely supported by some shady parties, even though we're already familiar with it.

Ash: Oh! So you mean to tell us that the "moving" festival you sent me to earlier is like that?

Me: I can't fully verify, but my friends and our character friends have some indirect evidence.

Goh: I get it. Now it makes sense. So there was one... but where was it?

Ash: This time it was at a plaza near our friend's house.

Me: It's not exactly "near" near, but it's close enough - that I could have you walk there.

Ash: I did, and I got a few things for you.

Goh: But then... what was the "not ourselves" part?

Ash: I wasn't in the character parade, and some people did ask.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu... ["They had to..."]

Me: That was my directive. So I guess we weren't ourselves for this one.

Ash: I did get together and talk with friends, and that was great.

Goh: That part is definitely your usual selves.

Me: That's probably the only concession. So you went back and reported to me after that.

Ash: For this too!

Goh: Of course.

Me: And... actually, I have to say that there's a Pokémon development that I'm now taking part in, but I haven't "found myself" yet for it - in other words, I haven't "become myself".

Goh: I see - so there's another aspect to the topic.

Ash: I'm sure you can find it! 

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Surely!"]

Me: And I hope to report on that when that happens. So to close up, there are lots of ways we don't become ourselves.

Goh: On the other hand, there's just as many ways to do that.

Ash: I think Goh is right. We'll just have to find it.

Me: If anything, talking about it could at least be the first step.

Ash, Goh: Yeah!

Two years ago: 2000 Posts!!!

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