Tuesday, June 25, 2024

On the Green Side with Pokémon

A couple of years ago, I wrote about going to the "blue side" of things with Pokémon. Given that post as a partial inspiration, now I want to go into the "green side" of things. And it's a natural, really - for the same earth-like planet, there has to be such a side, as the verdant beauty of the land with its plant (and to some extent animal, as Pokémon) life. It covers an extent that is wide instead of deep, and that is similarly applicable to the thoughts and considerations for that side.

If the oceans create and support life, then the land may be thought to give and receive life. Here too there are small things like Cutiefly and large things like Snorlax, whose life sustenance is partly owed to the things that are gained from the plants on the land. The way that they sustain themselves is also what makes (and in some cases, keeps) things green on the land; for many, this would come naturally, while some others need a little - or a lot - of help for the know-how.

Consequently, the land similarly also has its own brand of economics: "green economy". If "blue economy" deals with taking advantage of the sea and its resources to move the economy along, "green economy" instead deals with keeping the natural state of things - "green" and sustainable if possible, non-destructive and efficient if at all. Pokémon species would be expected to have an innate sense of things, but the people (Trainers) would need to sense things out with their minds.

This discussion also prompts thoughts on how Pokémon as realized in real life can help to maintain a "green" balance of things. It is known that much of Pokémon is realized in electronic form - and in the case of the TCG, also in physical paper form - both of which might have their toll on the environment if not wisely realized. The consideration would be on how to keep the fantasies going in reality while maintaining the environment, something that most facets of the above economy deals with.

How Pokémon fits on the "green side" of things is not something that most people or its fans would consider, but at least I would have some of the considerations based on what I do or have done, in and out of the franchise. For the good of this world, this and the earlier "blue side" are important considerations, especially in current times. At least some of that would (and should) carry over into the Pokémon world, where the vital spirits may work in much of the same ways.

Five years ago: The Show Must Go On
Six years ago: Jumping the 'Karp
Seven years ago: Married... to Pikachu?

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