Friday, June 21, 2024

My Pokémon Leveling Progress in Café Remix

As discussed in different blog post opportunities, leveling up Pokémon in Café Remix is an important part of playing the game. It's also a bit of an involved process, as it involves various uncapping milestones as well as efforts and/or items that are necessary for that purpose. Still, due to the relative paucity of Pokémon in the game, it may be easier to keep track of my progress and to be necessitated to do so, and that's why I've decided to take a post for that specific purpose of detailing things. 

Currently, I have six Pokémon fully leveled up to Level 25, the highest as of yet. I also have a good swath of Pokémon in the 20s, uncapped by the spending of Macarons for them. They will continue to be leveled up by way of training as well as regular event gameplay, both of which give out the most EXP aside from the use of Tarts. My plan at present is to make sure that some of them regularly climb up through these levels in order to have a good selection of Pokémon that are maxed out and raring to cook. 

I also have lots of Pokémon at Level 20, and they are all awaiting their turn to be uncapped with Macarons for the next phase as above. The rest of the Pokémon that are not at this level will also be gradually brought to this level, particularly as their use in regular event gameplay becomes evident, and to some extent I also need to use up the Tarts I receive from Daily Training and other sources. They will then also become my workhorse in the remaining main orders that I haven't gotten to play through.

The rest of my Pokémon are at the Level 15 or 10 uncapping milestones, or somewhere close to those milestones. I keep them there for as long as their purposes are not yet evident or they are not needed at or for higher levels. What is almost assured is that any new staff member Pokémon at this point will be brought up immediately to either of these milestones, given the ease of doing so and the plentiful resources at my disposal. Even at those points, they might become usable even in regular gameplay, which is definitely important.

Out of all the things that can and need to be done in Café Remix, leveling up Pokémon might be the easiest yet the most demanding to be done. Yet if my progressions are of any indication, if the resources are present, then half of the effort is already there, and the other half is what is willing or needs to be put in. Regular gameplay can support this well enough, and once the leveling effort has been put in, one should be well on their way to have capable Pokémon staff members for any kind of order (stage) that might come.

Two years ago: The Fossil Cup of GBL
Three years ago: Community Day Patterns
Four years ago: Another Anime Dream
Seven years ago: Resets and Redos

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