Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Lately, a concept has weighed heavily on my mind. That concept would be of loyalty, the devotion one has to stay attached to something. It has been on my mind in two ways: when it is maintained and when it is degraded. In addition, I've also been thinking about it with a Pokémon perspective, particularly that of my own. That has, of course, led to the consideration of it being discussed, and I've chosen to do it in this post.

The latest Pokémon game that has gained much attention - Pokémon Unite - as well as other similar games has a player "loyalty" concept called "main". It just simply refers to the character (in this case, Pokémon) that is most frequently used by a player, barring it being taken by someone else. For example, I main Mamoswine at present, especially if no one else has taken a Defender role; if it is taken and/or I need a (more) offensive role, then Charizard becomes my go-to. This is arguably a form of "shifting loyalty", but it is a kind of loyalty nonetheless, one that someone and others can can rely upon.

With all that has happened in the world of Pokémon games, especially ones beyond the main series that I frequently play, it might call into question my loyalty to the main series games. The answer is that the loyalty is still there - that is, not degraded - but mostly hindered by factors not related to that loyalty, such as being occupied with other, more important matters, the results of which would serve that loyalty. Even (still) without a Switch to my name, I still support the goings-on there and desire to participate as soon as I possibly can.

As for the overarching loyalty to Pokémon, that matter needs not to be questioned, as it is obviously also still there - or in other words, maintained - with everything that I do and as this blog progresses along with all those things. I have become very much loyal, and the things that I do, even as unrelated as they may be, only serve to bolster that loyalty as I continue to deal with life and all (well, almost all) Pokémon matters. Much still depends on that loyalty, and it is not one to be forgone.

Maintaining loyalty is always very nice and may in fact be very much necessary, as opposed to degrading it. Even within a (personal) Pokémon perspective, this is apparently rather evident with goings-on that are more recent as well as over time. The heavy weight of me pondering the concept is still there, but at least with this discussion, it seems to have been lessened, at the very least for Pokémon matters.

Three years ago: PikaPool

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