Saturday, September 28, 2024

The State of Nominations, Part 30

A "big deal" has been going on in Pokémon Go at the start of this month (and season) that also led to some changes to its overworld, as I've detailed recently. Nevertheless, for some people (myself included), filling that overworld with more Waypoints through nominations remains a big deal. And as I am wont to do here, I'm updating the progress on that every couple of months presently - and now is the time, appropriately being presented with the circumstance as the happenings above unfold.

That said, it would be appropriate to just focus on the big numbers this time. Of the Accepted nominations, they've increased by 5 to 140 - not a major increase, but still better than nothing. Not Accepted nominations have decreased by 2 to 64, certainly due to Appeals overturning their rejection (of which I currently have none, as they have all been decided quickly - a big point of contention). For undecided nominations, there are 21 of them In Voting and 6 of them In Queue, vaguely indicating that they may be stuck in that state and a major effort may be needed to get them out of that state. Aside from Duplicates (11 as previously), these pretty much constitute the big numbers for the "big picture".

Because of the addition of Power Spots as uses for extraneous Waypoints, this has expanded the nominations that can possibly be made, as they can now stand to be used in Pokémon Go for this purpose. Even if they don't become PokéStops (and eventually Gyms) and with or without careful planning, they can become Power Spots instead and provide possible alternative places for Dynamax raids, not to mention possibly Gigantamax later on. Hence, I now no longer need to hesitate or "research" too deeply in considering the nomination for a Waypoint; if it can stand to be made and meets all criteria, then it probably should be made.

Meanwhile, I'm also considering the Appeal of certain rejected nominations - which has already happened, successfully - to allow them to become possible Waypoints for Power Spots. Further identification of Accepted nominations as the roles that they serve on the overworld and according to my records is also the next step to take, to make things a little easier on myself. The point is that the addition of Power Spots has changed not only the overworld dramatically, but also the ways that nominations are made - and tracked, personally - so more and other big changes are a natural consequence.

Over the course of nominations for PokéStops in Pokémon Go - and now Waypoints in general for it, as well as other Niantic games on the side - the present time has to be a "big deal" because of recent changes all around. Still, there will always be more "big deals" to go around, including for this season, which is only a third of the way through; the nomination process could be able to reduce the severity of those "big deals" while still allowing to see the "big picture of Pokémon dealings in Pokémon Go.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Fascinated by TCG Art Varieties

As the last post in my coverage of TCG matters this month by "four fours", I want to discuss about the art on the cards for them. It's not intended to be an exhaustive post, for I do not have such a reach with the TCG, at least not yet. Instead, I've opted to discuss my interest and intrigue - that is, fascination - with that art, given its dazzling variety. And that dazzling variety lends the fascination a certain weight. 

Many non-Energy cards have the common art in a frame design, but that doesn't mean they can't be dazzling. I'm particularly fascinated by how landscapes and environments are depicted in these cards, which could be unique: for example, a set of recent Pokémon cards have landscape backgrounds that are interconnected to others in the set, and form a big image when arranged in such a way. Additionally, I'm also intrigued with how certain people (characters) are depicted in Supporter cards as well as what poses are selected for them -including whether they are standing or sitting. These characteristics can be very insightful, and that makes them fascinating.

Of course, some cards have art that "breaks out" of these frames, but still mostly occupying the upper half. For Pokémon cards, this causes them to lose their framed descriptions, but it's a small price to pay to see this form of expanded art. Even so, in this case, I have to say that I'm more fascinated by cards that show entire Pokémon and/or those that are not showing them in their non-attacking form, which could be rare at times since most are inevitably neither. 

Then, there are the cards with full art in the main card body, which are also as diverse in art styles as they are diverse in their card types. Some Pokémon cards in particular can appear understated, at least relatively, and I would be fascinated to use them in an actual battle, leaving the more "busy" ones for purely to be included in my collection (that is, not for battling purposes). Other cards of other types - for example, Professor's Research cards - with art like this would also be fair game for myself, if I ever obtain and get to use them physically. The fascination is still present regardless.

I leave off the TCG topic for this month's "four fours" with the remark that there is still much for me to discover after rarely interacting with this Pokémon realm all these years. That also applies well to all of these art kinds on TCG cards, which I will surely discover more of with continued play. That too is fascinating in and of itself.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Only Here, Only Now

'Cause it's OK for you to be with me
The one beside me is the one who's close to me
Just like that time, unchanging since so long ago
And for the last time, only today
We're together in this silly love of ours
Until the sun fades in the distance...
-- "Only Today", free-translated lyrics

I'd written about two idol songs that in the process of a certain local journey became "adjacent" to Pokémon, and now I'd like to write about (and add) one more. The process is the same: thanks to JKT48 performing the (local version of the) song as part of their setlist - specifically on the Sunday show, which I (Ash) had the chance to see - and certainly with Pikachu in tow, the "adjacency" became apparent. It's also a bit of an odd song of sorts, which does make the "adjacency" a little odd as well.

As with many of the group's repertoire, the song is adapted from its Japanese counterpart (by AKB48) with the same title. While the Japanese version seems to be a "minor hit" compared to the group's other hit songs, the local version seems to be much more popular and can be considered a "flagship" song of the group's "New Era"; its fan chant seems to be "locally adapted" in that regard as well. Of course, adapting the performance to include four Pikachu became the next step, and a fancy one at that.

Now, the song can be loosely described as a "breakup song", based on both its Japanese and local lyrics, and the free translation of the first chorus above adopts facets of both. Yet, it's a rather happy song, which means the parties of the "breakup" seem content with each other; the song is pretty much an expression of that feeling. As for tying all this into Pokémon, even if not related to love, some experiences detailed in the song may pertain to Pokémon friends past and present, and breakup or not, they're nice to be imagined.

By now , the local offshoot of the popular Japanese idol group may be considered to have an "intimate" (ahem) relationship with Pokémon - still something that needs to be explored separately - and the recent performance of this song seems to illustrate some of that quality well. Hopefully, that may not be an "only here, only now" situation as the song (and title of this post) may suggest, but one that lasts for a long time - even if only in the minds of (local) fans - for whatever new experiences Pokémon and the group may bring. 

Two years ago: The Original Dance Mix

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Completing the Stylistic Stickers

It has been over a year since I posited the idea for having a certain "complete set" of a certain kind of stylistic Pokémon stickers, specifically those obtained from conventions. Since then, there's been a lot of ups and downs in dealing with the convention scene (and my life scene), but thanks to picking up more of the stickers from another edition of a convention where I got some of these stickers, at this point, I can say that I now have such a complete set of stickers, and further, a means of showing them off.

This "sticker collage" shows off that complete set with a neat presentation. The new stickers I obtained since the last time are obviously the Ash and Raihan stickers on the upper corners, in addition to the Eevee, Torchic, Turtwig, and Froakie stickers. This fulfills the "triple-triple" of selected starter Pokémon - three types three times for the nine extant generations, shown here in a square. Above that, there are Pikachu and Eevee "leading the pack". Overall, the selection is also just as neat as the presentation.

Still, I also ended up with two leftover stickers (not shown here) that I thought could complete the stickers but wasn't able to make them work. They were of Piplup and Fennekin; if I had wanted to make them work, I would have needed a Treecko sticker to satisfy the constraints and sub for the representative generations as in the above collage... but I didn't think long and hard enough to determine this course of action nor pass it on to Ash for execution. The arrangement as above may be just as well.

By the way, this "sticker collage" is admittedly an effective and artistic way of displaying stickers, especially ones that one doesn't want to display anywhere else for certain reasons. I'm certain to make more of them, in particular with Pokémon stickers I get from conventions and festivals. This then would include the two leftover stickers as above, though the results for those wouldn't be evident until some time ahead. It'll take a few more stickers and a bit of mental willpower before it'll surely be ready.

After a long time, I managed to complete a collection of these particularly stylistic Pokémon stickers and even discover a way of displaying them. There will still be some ups and downs in the scene of conventions and my sending of Ash to them, but now I know what I can prepare Ash to obtain from them in order to have a piece of something (related to Pokémon) from them, which I can then assemble in certain ways to make something artistic of my own while celebrating their own inherent artistic quality.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

PIJ Drone Show Narrative

As Ash reported, the festival that marked the high point of Pikachu's Indonesia Journey and the close of City Safari ended with a drone show on both days the latter was held. For a lack of a better description, it is "awe-inspiring", literally: it put awe in the minds of people like me, and now it's especially inspiring for me. To that end, I'm inspired to write a narrative using what was shown by the drones.

I have to say that the drone show itself wasn't presented with a set narrative, but videos shown in the video wall did provide a hint of what those narratives may be, as do other elements shown by the drones aside from the ones related to Pokémon. The narrative - the one I create here - is built on those elements and in combination with the Pokémon elements, certainly, relating them as a whole.

So, here is that narrative:

Pokémon is world of magical and wondrous creatures - the ones that might come out of a Poké Ball.

There is also a magical and wondrous place in this world: Indonesia - the islands along the equator - and Pikachu has taken a liking for it.

So, it came by air - by balloons, to be precise - with Snorlax not far behind, as sleepy as it may be.

And thus we have Pikachu's Indonesia Journey, a journey of magic and wonder of Pokémon in this dazzling land.

Other Pokémon wanted to join in the fun too in different ways. Articuno flew over the islands of Raja Ampat, bringing its icy beauty to the place.

In the Subak fields in Bali and its pura gateways, Zapdos became one with the spirits of the people and the land.

Moltres, of course, felt at home near the many volcanoes spewing heat and clouds - Mount Bromo being one of them.

Even some massive Legendary Pokémon partook in the journey. Kyogre passed by - or over - the Suramadu Bridge and seems fond of it.

Groudon found its magnificence in size is equal to the grandeur of Prambanan Temple, a sight for any eye.

And though it mostly stays in the stratosphere, Rayquaza became attracted to the beacon that is the National Monument or Monas.

All the Legendary Pokémon - Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, and Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza - found something to appreciate in these lands of wonder and magic.

In the starry night, there is even Jirachi - which means it's time to make a wish for the good things the land has to offer.

Where will the journey take Pikachu next? That may be up to Pikachu and its plane to decide... but we hope you'll join us there!

The above narrative can also be spoken over the main part of the drone show, certainly if one has a video available for that purpose. It could also be modified slightly as needed for that purpose - maybe even to remove one or two quirks in the narrative that could be present as it is above. Such a project is currently beyond my own capability in undertaking, but anything is totally possible with the assistance of others.

Certainly, the above is just one of many possible narratives that could be made by interpreting the main part of the drone show, and different people may have their own. One thing is for sure, however: as this series of local Pokémon events brings people and fans together for its experience, they can also bring their minds together, as with the conception of the drone show and the narratives that may result.

Two years ago: The Desire to Refresh

Monday, September 23, 2024

The Batik Motifs of Pikachu's Journey

Now that the journey of the de facto mascot of Pokémon in the big archipelago of Southeast Asia has reached its peak, I want to discuss something that has become a characteristic part of that journey, and that would be the batik fabric and subsequently shirts made out of them. It started with one pattern, revealed when the journey started, and at this point, there are four of them. Each of these I will discuss with their particular characteristics and especially how Pokémon is incorporated into the design. 

The first pattern is dubbed the "Pikachu" pattern and takes inspiration from (or could be considered an homage to) the "parang" motif. Here, images of Pikachu and Poké Balls are intermingled to create the wavy pattern of the motif it is inspired by. It is said that the motif that carries the inspiration for this pattern signifies continuity like waves crashing upon a shore, for all the important struggles, connections, and improvements in life. Pokémon Trainers may be considered to require to possess some of that continuity, and therefore the pattern might speak to them - certainly including for me.

Up next is the "Xatu" pattern, shown at around the second stop of the journey. Visually, it has some resemblance to a motif that hails from East Kalimantan, more specifically of the Dayak tribe. It is stately and royal (also, formal), much like the Pokémon that is incorporated into the design. It might also involve a certain numerology (Xatu is #178), but even more than that, the other parts that show natural symbols demonstrate beauty as well as strength and resilience. A friend of mine possesses a shirt with this pattern, and whether that friend realizes its symbolism or not, it's definitely a fitting one.

Pattern number three is the "Staryu" pattern, obviously featuring this characteristic starfish Pokémon. Its brown shading suggests calmness with a jeweled accent by the crystal core of the Pokémon. Its closest visual match could be considered the "Sogan" motif applied on fabrics that would only be worn by people of the royal court and indeed has a similar brown shading. Just like how things with this fabric can now be worn by anyone and everyone, the incorporation of Pokémon into the design is a bit of an affirmation that Pokémon is for everyone - and even all cultures, by these fabrics.

Lastly, there is the "Floral Pikachu" pattern. This one has a slightly more cutesy, in a way feminine touch by including a bright pink color and geometric outlines, particularly for the characteristic flowers of the pattern. It seems this pattern was inspired by the "Kawung" motif that features a similar arrangement of shapes and outlines, even if not a very close match to it. Yet another one of my friends bought shirts with this pattern for the entire family, so its appeal is high (and so is the motif for the inspiration in general). Needless to say, the appeal of Pokémon for everyone is also affirmed.

In the nearly one year that Pikachu's Indonesia Journey has gone on, the defining moments of that journey ought to be not only marked by the Pokémon experiences but also the things that put perspective into that journey, like these four batik patterns and the shirts made from them. The four patterns bring out the local characteristics associated with the fabrics, and their inclusion of Pokémon shows that they can play well with that franchise, bringing together tradition and modernity in a single journey.

Three years ago: Unite Uptake
Four years ago: Making Time, Taking Time
Five years ago: Doubleheaders and Such

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Cosplay+Pokémon Go: Pikachu's Indonesia Journey in Jakarta - Jakarta City Safari

Me: Surprise once more!!!

Goh: [*GASP*]

Me: I told you it's big and familiar - and really far too.

Ash: OK, so it'll be like the ones on the island and the other city, right?

Me: Yes and no. This time, instead of everything being (mostly) centered in one place, there are now several places that are designated for Trainers to explore. 

Goh: Thus, "City Safari".

Me: Exactly. And because this is an official "Safari" event, there are two new twists, plus one more later on - but I'll let Ash find that out. 

Ash: Neat!

Me: There are also a few other tasks for you to do. And the first place you'll explore... is a field nearby the point of arrival. 

Goh: Wow! So you get into action as you arrive. 

Ash: Uh-huh. It's a little daring, but our friend has things figured out... I think.

Pikachu: Chu pika. ["Hope so."]

Me: As if that's not enough, you also change outfits for this one - in part by necessity, conformity, and other stuff.

Ash: I got my Journeys outfit for this one!

Goh: Just like in those two places.

Me: See, that's the whole deal. OK, so I think we can get into the wheel and deal of this one.

Ash: So I got to the field, and I saw a few people playing. I hooked up with two of them and really explored around the field - they even gave me a new Pokémon! 

Goh: What does it look like? 

Ash: It looks like a block of stone on top of two smaller ones.

Me: Oh - Stonjourner. Some people have been looking for that since the Galar starters appeared. So... those people must be from England.

Ash: Yeah! I think so. Then you told me to go to the old city to play... but then I had a hard time playing there.

Me: In retrospect, maybe I should have told you to stay there, since a friend of us should have picked you up to go somewhat far west to play.

Ash: He did, and he took us to a small island. It was really far, but it also felt like the event on the big island.

Goh: Even the entertainment and everything? 

Ash: Even that. I finally got to see the idol group from before, plus a female singer, a virtual singer, and a Pikachu DJ.

Goh: How neat!

Pikachu: Pi, p-p-p-pika. [feigns turntable scratching]

Ash: And at the end, there was a light show with drones. They showed images of a few Legendary Pokémon!

Goh: Amazing! 

Ash: And that was the end. But it really made a great day!

Me: Which leads me to discuss what actually happened. Did you raid for Latias and Latios to get their card images? 

Ash: Yeah! But they weren't that good and weren't Shiny.

Me: OK, that's fine. Did you catch a few Skiddo?

Ash: Sure! Maybe a bit more so you could give them to friends. 

Goh: Skiddo, huh. Is it that rare?

Me: It only comes with "Safari" events so far, so you could say that.

Goh: Makes sense.

Me: You also should have caught Eevee with explorer hats. 

Ash: I got 10 of them, 8 from timed tasks. Luckily, I got them all done before time was up. 

Goh: Why couldn't they have not made them untimed? Our friend here must have paid for them.

Me: See, I was thinking the same thing. I consider it a perk of the experience, not a bonus. But 10 is very good.

Goh: Were Skiddo and Eevee the two twists?

Me: Yup. The third was Oranguru and Passimian from field tasks mid-afternoon. How was that? 

Ash: I got two Shiny Passimian back to back! 

Goh: Impressive. 

Ash: But no Shiny Oranguru.

Me: You did what you could. I guess... no Shiny Pikachu with the batik shirt, then.

Ash: Nope.

Me: [sigh] Well, next time I go or send you to the other big city - the closest place to me - let me see if it can be hunted for it. They say it should still be around until next year.

Goh: It's worth a try.

Me: Indeed. With that, the journey has reached its peak - I don't want to say it's an "end", for there might be others down the line. 

Goh: And you sent Ash to three places. Wasn't there a fourth?

Me: There was - the "in Jogjakarta" event. That actually happened last month when we talked about "temples", because that's the "city of temples".

Ash: Oh, so that's why we did that!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Got it!"]

Me: I thought about sending you, but then the big city announcement came up, so that killed any plans for going. I guess this "cannibalized demand" for that. 

Goh: It could happen to other people too.

Me: Of course. So anyway, it's been a wonderful journey where we've been able to go, and thanks for being a part of it.

Pikachu: Pi-ka! ["Awesome!"]

Goh: We have to thank you too for being with us. 

Ash: Goh is right! It's been really great.

Me: Wherever the Pokémon journey takes us next, that's where we want to be - and will try to be, when circumstances allow.

Two years ago: Teams in Café Remix