Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Eight Years Holding Items

Also as usual is this final post of the year, which marks the completion of a full eight years of all kinds of posts related to Pokémon, on both happenings and experiences as I capture them. By my convention, I associate it with a game mechanic or concept, and I've chosen to employ the concept of "held items" for this year's discussion and interpretation of the way things have gone throughout this year for all things and happenings related to Pokémon, including what pertains to me and this blog personally. That concept could be considered to be as diverse as those things and happenings.

Many hold items for Pokémon restore aspects of themselves that have been compromised in battle. I say "restore" because something that ties into this is healing, and I've already discussed healing - twice over in past years; meanwhile, "restore" itself covers more than healing. Still, healing is quite related to hold items, which is the purpose of ones like Oran and Sitrus Berries toward HP. Recovery of other aspects then becomes the purpose of other items like the Leppa and Pecha Berries, as PP and the Poisoned condition respectively. As for how this ties into this year, I've partially restored myself in Pokémon Go PvP, and conventions and festivals continue to be an outlet for personal Pokémon expression, even if they may be slightly deemphasized. Of course, anything related to Pokémon will surely restore its fans, even if only minorly revealed as with the sole edition of Pokémon Presents earlier this year.

Other hold items, particularly those introduced in contemporary times, serve to enhance Pokémon. Particular examples of these are Mega Stones for allowing Pokémon to access specific Mega Evolution forms and Z-Crystals for enabling them to use Z-Moves; less drastic but still enhancing are items like the Incense family and type items like Charcoal and Never Melt Ice. A local journey - that is, in my local area - featuring the franchise's mascot is surely (and was affirmed to be as such) an enhancer of local affairs... and those who venture to take part from abroad as well. Though a variant rather than an enhancer of gameplay, the recent Trading Card Game Pocket still enhances the landscape nonetheless and provides another outlet for its experience.

Then there are just other hold items that have different effects, like the Red Card and Eject Button whose effects are evident in battle, and the species-specific "Type Plates" for Arceus and Drives for Genesect that change their appearances and to some extent their skill sets. The continuous addition of features (and Pokémon) to contemporary games along with the expected dynamics of the "vanguard" games - main series and physical TCG - are different strokes for different fans, and that would reflect the hold items that they would have or take.

It's plain to see that hold items for Pokémon take many different forms and have equally many different effects. Their development, from the second generation onwards, has taken its own twists and turns - and Pokémon developments this year also have had some of that, even personally. As such, the concept seems to align in this way at the very least, if nothing else does, besides Pokémon itself as the anchor.

With this blog, it may be considered that I'm presenting my own selection of hold items that I've used and what others have used. What those items may be, besides the ones I've construed out of the above, may be open to further interpretation, especially in more recent Pokémon contexts that I haven't gotten in touch with and will need to when the time is right.

Each Pokémon is different, and so are all kinds of hold items. Their experiences, like the ones in this year and in all years past, will vary accordingly.

Look real hard, and there may just be Pokémon items to be held in some way. Cheers! 🎒

Six years ago: Two Years of Evolution
Seven years ago: One Year Full of Pokémon

Monday, December 30, 2024

The Road Never Ends

The road now leads onward
And I know not where
I feel in my heart
That you will be there
Whenever a storm comes
Whatever our fears
The journey goes on
As your love ever nears
Here is my heart and I give it to you
Take me with you across this land
These are my dreams, so simple, so few
Dreams we hold in the palm of our hands
-- "Never-Ending Road (Amhrán Duit)", Loreena McKennitt

To close up the year as has been the norm since I've started this blog, I present a song that represents and relates to what I've blogged and experienced over the past year, and especially regarding different Pokémon things. Its artist is someone whom I've yet to bring up here until this point yet delivers songs with emotional power, and I've recognized the artist for almost as long as I've recognized Pokémon. With that, it's fitting that I eventually bring up a song by the artist, and this one is indeed highly appropriate for the current time.

Structurally, the song is made up of three verses adjoining the same chorus, of which the last of both becomes the ones I've quoted above. The artist I've mentioned is known for her characteristic vocals, and this song is a showcase of that, with only a subdued instrumental backing. What matters the most about this song, however, is the poignant feeling that the musical arrangement lends to the sung lyrics, which could be applied to different situations - including, of course, the occasion to close up this year of Pokémon blogging.

With that, given the happenings I brought up in my "thematic recap" post for this year, there is a sense that despite the things that did (or didn't) happen, there is a continuity to be had after them. That then paves the way for this song as something that supports any and all sentiments after those happenings. The song itself lends further support through its first and second verses - not quoted here - that even in situations of complexity and wintriness, the continuity remains for roads to be taken and whoever and whatever will be met.

Perhaps most poignant is the last line of the chorus as quoted above, which fans will recognize as the mission statement of Goh, the main supporting character during Ash's last regular appearance in the anime series. Even well after this fact, some fans - like me - will still feel for them while feeling for the new characters of the anime. So, as the song's chorus suggests, dreams and hearts are to given to the old and new, and they'll take fans on the journey wherever they may be in spirit, even if not necessarily in sight.

Now that the year is about to close, only remnant moments and feelings are left in the final moments, particularly for Pokémon happenings that have taken place. But in looking forward to the next year, which will come relatively soon, the road of Pokémon happenings appears to present itself, and it's one that fans can and will have to take. In that sense, the road never ends, just like the title of this post and the song, and something will be there to make sure something goes on - wonderfully as far as Pokémon is concerned.

One year ago: Tales Told, One by One
Two years ago: Someday, Soon...
Three years ago: ...Is There Still Time?
Four years ago: Return to Believe
Five years ago: (Extra-)Ordinary Days
Six years ago: One Day, in Life
Seven years ago: When I See You Again

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Cosplay: M-ZONE E-Sports Festival & Elpico X-Mas

Me: One more - or rather, two more - before the year ends.

Goh: Oh, two festivals? 

Ash: Yup, two.

Goh: They're not on the same day (today), are they? 

Ash: Luckily, no, not like what happened four years ago. 

Me: See below for that. Anyway, one happened yesterday, and the other happened today.

Ash: Oh, so we didn't talk about it yesterday because you wanted time for yourself. 

Pikachu: Pi pika? ["Is that right?"]

Me: Well, sure - it's the end of the year, and I've got some things that I want to say. Speaking of saying things, let's try to make this as brief but as descriptive as possible. It'll make things easier for us.

Goh: OK, I understand. So, let's deal with the one from yesterday first.

Ash: It was a game tournament with a character competition - at the creative center.

Goh: Oh, a lot like the one from two months ago. And the place is a neat choice too.

Ash: Right. Our friend sent me closer to the competition in the afternoon.

Me: It's not like we could deal with the game anyhow, unless it was the one for Pokémon. Anyway, the competition is supposed to have paid entry, but apparently they're lacking characters... so we got free entry through a friend.

Goh: Nice! You like freebies, don't you?

Me: I guess you can say that. So, then... how'd you do, Ash?

Ash: I did fine, but a lot of the other characters looked really good, so they got the win.

Goh: But there had to be a few prizes.

Ash: Seven, I think. But yeah...

Me: And you came back to me early to report - there was not much more you could do anyway.

Ash: Well, they had a dance group, so there was something else to enjoy at least. 

Goh: But not much more than that.

Ash: Not really. 

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["Not much."]

Goh: So, that leads us to today.

Ash: It's a Christmas party at the mall where the card game shop is!

Goh: A party... with games, toys, decorations, and all that?

Ash: Yeah - some Pokémon ones too. But it was like a cookie house there

Me: Of course. The theme is for a game I don't play.

Goh: Obviously there was a character competition.

Ash: There was, and this time it was free from the start.

Me: Which we like, obviously. 

Goh: But uh... I guess so did the other characters from yesterday.

Ash: Yeah, so nothing today either from seven prizes. Oh, and there was a performance competition too.

Goh: Didn't our friend wanted to get something done for that?

Me: I did say that, but I only heard about that one the day before... and then I got tied up in other things way before that, so even if I wanted to, I couldn't.

Goh: You might need to keep a watch for next time.

Me: Seriously. This is getting a bit frustrating.

Pikachu: Pi pika pika. ["It'll work out."]

Goh: Any good points? Other performances?

Ash: Two dance groups - and I met all of our friend's friends, hatched a few Elekid and Magby on the way, and played the cards with a friend.

Me: All side Pokémon agendas that are great to do.

Ash: Oh, but... the mall had a few power problems just like at the time of the card game shop opening. It even cut into one of the dance groups.

Goh: Hmm, they might have to fix that for next time.

Me: I do think you're right.

Goh: And... I think I see now why you also like freebies. You like Ash, but his outfit is somewhat simple compared to the other characters.

Ash: If you think about it, it does seem true.

Me: Right. That's not to say Ash can't win in the competitions - it has happened before - but even with what we can do, sometimes it's just not enough.

Goh: Unless Ash gets something really fancy.

Ash: But you do have... "that one".

Pikachu: Pi... pika. ["Yeah... that."]

Me: Very true, but I would have to fix that up, maybe over the course of the next year. Speaking of... I think it's time we wrap this up and get things going for that.

Ash: Sure! And this year was a good one, so thanks. 

Goh: Get things going indeed. We'll support you on that.

Ash: Definitely!

Me: Right back at ya. Well wishes for festivals, conventions, and the like in the coming year.

Three years ago: Plus One, and...
Four years ago: A(n Un)Clear Vision?
Seven years ago: In Lieu of a Book

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Getting Down on All Fours

There are only a few days left in the year, and I want to take one of those days - today - to deliver my views on Pokémon things, blogging things, and other relevant things throughout this year. Fittingly, earlier this year, I had outlined a specific "theme" (as I've done in past years) that might just be representative of how all of those things might proceed. Now that it's the end of the year, I thought I'd still "run with it" and see how it becomes applicable - and it is: this year, it seems that other Pokémon fans and I have had to "get down on all fours".

When someone does the action I've described, it's usually to get low to the ground to search for something. That might represent some fans' search for news about the new Legends game announced earlier this year, which could be said to be still minimal. Else, it might be the search for cards they don't have in the recently released (and expanded) TCG Pocket, something that has been realized since that time. The low search might just continue for now, along with searches that take place way above the ground.

Of course, when one gets too low, one could fall flat on one's face and be lying face down on the floor; though not exactly being on "all fours", it is only vaguely similar. The introduction of Gigantamax (and to a lesser extent, Dynamax) in Pokémon Go may have been a fall-flat experience for some and may continue to be that way until Trainers can find out ways to even out their calibers in this regard. Not to mention, Niantic itself has still managed to find ways of occasionally falling flat on their faces this year.

Personally, this year in my Pokémon blogging experience has been a bit of a "fall-flat" experience itself, especially on the latter end of it, for reasons that may or may not have something to do with the continued fallout of a certain circumstance I detailed also earlier this year. Its solution is not necessarily easy, and yet I think I have found a way. Regardless, it seems necessary to take it up so that my Pokémon affairs, including this blog, as well as other pertinent ones can proceed in a more reliable manner - and not "flat on the floor".

(Interestingly, I did take up the theme in a literal manner with my "four fours" series that remarkably was also designated from the fourth month of this year; whether that's by (my) prompt or by chance might be up to readers to determine.)

An interpretation of my "yearly themes" always seems to be in order, and this year's "four on the floor" theme is no different for a lot of things - which for this blog means Pokémon and things that touch on that. The interpretation of "getting down on all fours" is somewhat of a tangent, but it seems be quite useful as a perspective for the end of the year. After having four things on the floor - or wherever they might end up - moving on from there is not only necessary but also possibly pleasant for Pokémon and all.

Seven years ago: From Journal to Blog

Friday, December 27, 2024

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 12/27/2024

This season in Pokémon Go, called Dual Destiny, has actually been previewed prior to its start to be one of the busiest seasons ever, if not the busiest one yet. The first month of the season, December, looks to start that off with its events, which actually has an underlying weekly structure consisting of a weekday event followed by one or two weekend events that may be in concurrence. That sounds like it can get complex, and it is in some ways - and before the year ends, they've got to be rolled up as usual.

Just as the season started, there was the "Just My Cup of Tea" event from December 3 to 7, with the debut of the tea-loving Sinistea family. An assortment of sprightly Pokémon species graced Incense, wild, and raid encounters, all complemented with thematic Field Research, Timed Research, Collection Challenges, and showcases, plus bonus damage and Stardust in raids, shaping this event up to be a "tea party" of a somewhat different sort with the ghostly new Pokémon's appearance.

Then, the weekend featured a Research Day dubbed "Aspiring Dragons" on December 7 featuring Pokémon that later on can evolve into those of Dragon types, along with complementary Pokémon and an extra paid Timed Research set, while Gigantamax Lapras  debuted in a Battle Day on December 8 with Max Particle bonuses and an event ticket containing increased bonuses for taking on the Pokémon at all Power Spots - not an easy matter, and certainly a large one yet.

From December 10 to 14, there was the "Young and Wise" event as the weekday event, featuring baby and knowledgeable Pokémon (among others) in 2 km Eggs and raids (mostly) respectively. Double XP was gained from hatching and battling in them, and thematic Field Research, Collection Challenges to complete, and showcases provided other challenges and the means to complete them - with a little wisdom and some youthful spirit as per the overall theme of the event.

As for the weekend, that was filled with a Raid Day on December 14 for Necrozma - that is, in its Dawn Wings and Dusk Mane forms. As usual, there were more free passes and an event ticket with even more free passes and bonuses of Rare Candy XL, XP, and Stardust. This provided a chance for Trainers to earn Fusion Energy for both forms for possible Fusions should they have the respective Pokémon ready... or just to be able to gain the Shiny form and the resources to be spent on the Pokémon.

Jauntily entering as usual for December is the Holiday event, with Part 1 from December 17 to 22. This one featured a theme of "fire and ice" as seen in the Pokémon in the wild, raids, and 7 km Eggs, further tied into Collection Challenges and the debuts of a costumed Dedenne and Shiny Sandygast. Double XP and halved hatch distance was the deal, as was thematic Field Research, a paid Timed Research set, and showcases, plus Web Store deals that continued into Part 2. Sparks flew for fire, while sand and ice kept things cold.

(Of course, the weekend event between the parts of the Holiday event was Community Day, which is separately discussed, but I have to include this for posterity.)

Festivities continued in Part 2, from December 23 to 27. This time, the theme was "black and white" with the debuts of a costumed Wooloo and Shiny Cetoddle (gray instead of white). Likewise, Pokémon in the wild and raids were tied to the theme and Collection Challenges, while Incense featured different Pokémon on different days and the Daily Adventure one is extended from December 25 all the way to January 5. Thematic Field Research, another paid Timed Research, new fashion items, and showcases remained as the complements.

At the tail end of the month, there is the Charged Embers Hatch Day on December 29... which actually hasn't happened yet, but the weekend "Extended Bonus" for it has started today with halved hatch distance and thematic Field Research. When it does happen, there will be 2 km Eggs with Elekid and Magby and double Candy from them, increased Shiny chance, and one free and one paid Timed Research sets featuring helpful items and bonuses - all the usual expectations for a Hatch Day that will be quite fired up and charged up.

Out of all the months to be busy this season, December is a rightful one as such, as far as many event-filled months in Pokémon Go and in comparison to the other things that go on in it. It seems that the structure of the events this month - weekdays and then weekends - helped somewhat not only in organization of the burden but also going through that burden, which could be considered a welcomed aspect. Regardless, the start of this season has been welcomed and so are its initial festivities that will pave the rest of the path.

Seven years ago: I Can Hear Your Voice

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Pokémon Through the Ages: The Radical Era and The Future

Finally, there's the last Pokémon "era" I wish to discuss to close things up and before the month itself closes. It's fittingly a bit of a closure itself, yet there's also a bit of an open quality to it. Its title, the "Radical Era", is also indicative of the happenings of this time, being extreme in certain ways. As well, I'd like to discuss and indicate what the future might bring in regard to the continuation of these "eras" and Pokémon in general, which is the open part of the discussion.

Regarding the "era", the relevant generations are the eighth and ninth, incidentally also the first ones on the modern Nintendo Switch console. In that sense it's already radical, but then what the games did - limit the games to a subset of all existing Pokémon while expanding their contents, including species and areas - is also radical and a bit of a necessitated continuation. That still didn't stop many fans from playing and enjoying the games as they are, keeping the games (main series as well as spinoffs) somewhat strong and somewhat entrenched.

Speaking of spinoffs, it was also during this era - or is, as it technically continues up to the present day (as I'm writing this) - that some of those became important. They include Pokémon Go, for which its competitive aspect becomes recognized, and Pokémon Unite, which made a competitive breakthrough in and of itself. This too may be considered to contribute to the radical aspect of the "era", as very different ways of playing yet being no less competitive. And then there are recent novelties like the TCG Pocket game that has some radicalness.

Then, there's the aspect of "the future". This one is admittedly a bit vague at present, yet also could be determined. That relies on when a postulated tenth generation of Pokémon species will come, as well as how Nintendo would support it - as in and most likely through the development of a so-called "Switch 2" or some other successor console. It also may or may not continue this "era". The possibilities are presently up in the air, and they may or may not become clear soon.

If there is something that all of the Pokémon "eras" I've discussed shed light on, it is that a lot of progress have been made in different directions for Pokémon, but all of them are roughly aligned in the same forward direction... which is still a rough alignment itself. That may not straighten with further progress, but that makes things unique, just as the entirety of Pokémon itself is unique.

Two years ago: Cosplay: Trans Mini Fest
Five years ago: More on Sunner and Me

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

A Natural (Pokémon) Christmas

Of course, the special day of Christmas itself isn't too much of a wild and radical thing - more like a mild and common one given its history, which is out of scope for this Pokémon blog. As usual, I'd like to tie the writeup for this day not only to Pokémon but also to a particular concept, with this year's chosen one being "nature". It might be a fascinating one considering the roots of the special day, and it's also partially based on my experiences.

Where I am right now, it is said that it is always rainy around Christmas time. This is in contrast to snow as is typically expected, making for a "white Christmas"; instead, it makes for an (ahem) "transparent Christmas". In Pokémon terms, it seems that some Pokémon somewhere are always putting on a Rain Dance during the occasion and bringing the rain, perhaps in a bit of celebration of their own. Still, it may just be a whim of the weather itself, and the Pokémon contributions in this case are incidental for the occasion.

Even so, there are still both Pidgey and Yanma flying about, the occasional Politoed (or other members of its family) wandering, and Joltik coming out to feed. In the same vein, all kinds of Grass-type Pokémon are still present and reaping the bounties of nature while at the same time giving back to it in some way or another. Considering my local area, Ice-type Pokémon might be only rarely found, but they can still characteristically appear, as with Delibird as the "Santa Bird" that it very much is - although by this time this last one might have gone off elsewhere to deliver its Presents.

It seems that even Pokémon can realize that the day is indeed of a special occasion, even though it's more like "business as usual" for many of them - even for the people they are closely linked to. The people can similarly realize the presence of the special occasion and bring in elements of nature and/or Pokémon for the occasion, the former of which they always do (or have done) and the latter being something more contemporary. In this way, all things are celebrated, perhaps including its roots as well. 

There might always be something to discuss for Christmas with involvement of Pokémon, even if it seems that it's sometimes hard to put both of these in perspective - or rather, to align them on the same perspective level. But given the elements that I've discussed in previous years (see below) and even this year, having the celebration with them and Pokémon may just be a way to make that celebration seem all the more uncommon or special.

Merry Christmas, and may there always be something of Pokémon and nature in it. 🎄

Two years ago: Much Ado About Christmas
Seven years ago: Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Giving Pokémon Gifts... with Santa Included

Prof. Oak: I'm giving Santa a Pikachu this Christmas
Ash: Wow! Just like the one you gave to me?
Prof. Oak: That's right-
I'll hide it in my stocking
And he'll find it rather shocking
Ash: Ha ha ha!
Prof. Oak: 'Cause giving gifts to Santa's quite a novelty...
-- "I'm Giving Santa a Pikachu This Christmas", from Pokémon Christmas Bash

As I brought up last year (see below), the giving of gifts on Christmas is rooted in part thanks to a certain poem and otherwise by tradition. Considering what is involved, there is also the party of a certain "big red guy" (also see below, two years ago) in play as the giver. But what if the tables were turned, and the giver also becomes the given? This song from the Pokémon Christmas Bash album attempts to shed light on that matter, certainly with a Pokémon perspective.

The song is mostly a duet of Ash and Professor Oak, voiced by the then-current talents of Veronica Taylor and Stan Hart, with some background vocals thrown in. Its verses all begin with the phrase that makes up the title of this song, leading both characters to discuss what makes Pikachu such a wonder and how that wonder might just assist the "big red guy". And as noted way back near the beginning of this blog, it has a karaoke version, one of the only two tracks on the album with this property.

Now, for that perspective, the statement of Professor Oak as above captures what might be the sentiments of most people, that it is a "novelty" or unusual thing to give a gift to the "big red guy". But in the vein of Pokémon, it may be not all that strange if Pokémon and all people related to it (including fans) want to "give back" somehow to the figure, and that leads to the conception of the song. After all, Pokémon gifts are still somehow involved on the occasion of the holiday.

Of course, as further noted in the preceding post, certain people consider the song as being "kooky" or even "cheesy", an oddity among today's Christmas songs and classics. Still, I'm inclined to think that those who have such considerations haven't embraced the perspective presented by the song or Pokémon elements, or maybe even both. Beyond this apparent consideration, the song may just make both Pokémon fans and people celebrating this occasion think about what it all means.

Regardless of certain perspectives, gifts will always be given somehow on this particular occasion, whether from a certain "big red guy" or from one another. As noted, some of those gifts might just pertain to Pokémon, particularly among those in the know. And to get more people in the know, it might just be necessary to do something as wild and radical as suggested by Ash and Professor Oak in this song to make the (Pokémon) world more cheery and bright, for both a "big red guy" and everyone.

I'm coming down to the wire of songs that I can pull from this album for discussion - and in fact, there are two left, which should fill the voids in the next two years, assuming that I can still keep up discussions for that long. To close the current discussion, however, it's fitting to quote the final set of lyrics from this song to make things come together for this particular occasion. With that, gift giving for everyone on the occasion may just become something that is inherently pertinent. So...

Prof. Oak: I'm giving Santa a Pikachu this Christmas
It's just the perfect thing to do
Ash: And as his sleigh pulls out of sight
We'll hear him calling through the night
All: With a ho-ho-ho
And a "Merry Christmas!"

Four years ago: Christmas Song, Really
Six years ago: Keeping Homes in Hearts
Seven years ago: Cool Wintry Song

Monday, December 23, 2024

Quickies: Delivering Punches and Kicks

Within a short time, I'm going to have to be delivering my best at something important - not related to Pokémon, but it might very well open the doors for other Pokémon ventures. That said, the process of delivery might involve throwing some kicks and punches just like some martial arts athletes... or the Pokémon that resemble them in their forms and capacity. With that, I thought about discussing about these punches and kicks, their delivery or throw, and how they all pertain to the current situation that I briefly mentioned above.

Many moves that Pokémon can use do indicate that they're punching and kicking moves by virtue of them having the word in their moves, and they're delivered as such, with modification by other words that the moves might have (as with Mega Punch, Blaze Kick, and so on). Yet even in and with that sense, they are literal punches and kicks, and they're the moves that strike as they need to strike. The Pokémon that use them may also be of the literal (humanoid) sort, though their appearances have no bearing on their capacity for these moves.

Other moves, meanwhile, are less literally indicative of kicking or punching, but they could still be delivered in much the same manner. In this category, Aura Sphere (as a "punch") comes to mind as delivered by arguably its most famous user Lucario, though as delivered by Togekiss, it might still be indicative of that, even if just a little. Then there's the recent Triple Axel move, a "kick" delivered by a figure skating technique regardless of whoever executes the move. It may not take too much perceptive interpretation to consider these "punches" and "kicks".

It won't be long now before I'm going to start to make that delivery that's likely going to involve a bit of punching and kicking - albeit in less literal forms - but just thinking about punching and kicking as it applies to Pokémon species and the related moves that they use seems to give me a general idea of what to do with that delivery of mine. That said, it seems that other Pokémon species will continue to be delivering punches and kicks in our own, individual styles in whatever situations or battles we might be involved in.

Two years ago: Café Remix: Pay to Win?
Five years ago: December for Love
Seven years ago: Perspective

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Pokémon Go Community Day Weekend, 12/21/2024 and 12/22/2024

Me: So, catching Pokémon and meeting people obviously means Community Day.

Goh: Right, it's the recap edition, like the one we talked about two years ago.

Me: Indeed it is. It could be a festive celebration for some, or it could be a "last chance" thing for others.

Ash: All the Pokémon from this year were interesting!

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["True that!"]

Me: So they were - we had Rowlet, Chansey, Litten, Bellsprout, Bounsweet, and Goomy from January to June, and Tynamo, Popplio, Ponyta (Kanto and Galarian), Sewaddle, and Mankey from July to November. They started appearing in the wild from 9 AM yesterday to 9 PM today, and during the usual main hours (2 AM to 5 PM), both sets appeared more often. New this year, there were two Collection Challenges, one for each set, for everyone to catch and complete.

Ash: I got them both!

Me: I know you did. Great work. Oh, and just like last year, during the last 10 minutes of each hour during main hours, the ones from Community Day Classic this year (Porygon, Bagon, Cyndaquil, and Beldum) also appeared more often. 

Ash: I got them too - just what you and I needed.

Goh: Nice. That is an improvement from back then.

Ash: I sometimes found the ones from last year too.

Me: Sure. You must have found them - Chespin, Noibat, Slowpoke and Galarian Slowpoke, Togetic, Fennekin, Axew, Poliwag, Froakie, Grubbin, Timburr, and Wooper (Johto and Paldean) - mostly by hatching 2 km Eggs.

Ash: And they all had their special moves if I evolved them.

Goh: Which you did, hopefully.

Ash: Yeah, for a few that our friend and I got outside Community Day. But it was mostly complete other than that.

Goh: You two did good work. 

Me: Well, we try our best. And, let's see... oh yes, there were all the usual bonuses (double XP, Stardust, Candy, and Candy XL chance, plus halved hatching distance, and extended Lure Modules and Incense) during the main hours, which you should have taken advantage of. There had to be discounted trades and extra Special Trades across the entire weekend too.

Ash: Not all, but as many as I could.

Me: That's fine. Then, for Research, you might have grabbed Unova Stones and a Rainy Lure Module for evolution to Eelektross and Goodra from timed tasks, and you found more Pokémon from this year from field tasks.

Ash: But there were other tasks too! 

Goh: What's the intel on this?

Me: Oh, yes! There were other timed tasks and some rare field tasks for Pokémon of this year's editions with special card images, something else new this year... but the timed tasks are completed each day, so I'll have to take care the rest of this myself. At least you might have found a few of the rare field tasks.

Ash: I did. You might need to work on them for me. 

Me: Sure enough. And the usual Special Research ("December Community Day 2024") has more Pokémon of this year's editions with special card images and other items... but I wound up not getting it because I'm a little pushed.

Goh: Aww.

Ash: That's fine! I don't think we need many more than we need.

Me: Finally, all the stickers from this year came back, there might have been a few showcases, and there were shop bundles.

Pikachu: Pi pika... ["That's a lot..."]

Goh: Doesn't it seem like this is all a lot to take in?

Me: It does, doesn't it. But then Community Day is now a lot of things itself.

Ash: Like the meetups you sent me to. 

Me: Sure, the one that was far away - the side agenda from ChibiCon yesterday - and the nearer one today in lieu of said convention.

Ash: I really liked the faraway one! The people were so friendly and nice. 

Goh: You might just meet them more often.

Me: Given they're far away, actually not very often, but if push comes to shove, I think we may need to make it happen.

Ash: The near one was OK, but good to meet our friend's old friends.

Goh: But of course.

Me: I think this one will happen one way or another, even if things happen. 

Goh: They might happen more often than you think?

Me: Outside of Community Day once a month (two if there's also a Classic edition), Pokémon (Go) things will happen, but at least there's a guarantee of regularity for Community Day.

Ash: I hope we can always have fun with it! 

Goh: A celebration - without it being too much of a "last chance", like you said.

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["Of course."]

Me: All things considered, many things are many - especially for Community Day - but at least a few can still be gotten.

Two years ago: Mixing In and Out of GBL
Six years ago: A Pikachu Hand Puppet
Seven years ago: I Claimed My Team

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Cosplay: ChibiCon 5 x ICGP Regionals 2024-2025

Me: OK, this is going to be one strange weekend, and it starts with this convention.

Goh: You're telling us! Another second one in a year. 

Ash: And didn't they already do ICGP?

Me: They did, but that was for this year's competition - qualifications and all. This one is for next year's, and since they're planning on doing it early, it bleeds into this year.

Ash: OK, that makes sense.

Goh: And that's why we have it again.

Me: Indeed. So, most of this is going to be the same as last time this year. And we're not going to focus on that too much.

Ash: Er... Yeah. The booths and stage were like last time! And in the same place too.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu pi. ["Exactly like that."]

Goh: Well, there you go.

Me: Instead, going back to the strange things, I need you to go off to a mall farther away to meet a few people and catch a lot of Pokémon... and get other things.

Ash: Sure. I know what you want me to do.

Me: But... we'll save all those details for tomorrow, along with things outside the convention. After that, you are of course coming back there.

Goh: Well, I guess Ash will miss a few things by doing so. 

Ash: Yeah - one of them is the character parade, our friend told me. 

Goh: Oh, I'm sorry.

Me: Yeah, I regret that too. But for simplicity's sake, it had to be done.

Goh: I'm looking at the schedule, though, and I don't think Ash will miss much of the entertainment if he's already seen them some place else.

Ash: I have, so I guess you're right. 

Pikachu: Pika. ["Sure."]

Me: Absolutely, so that's a thing. Now, the next strange things are... you getting in for free and me needing you to supply your formal outfit instead of a Trainer outfit.

Goh: Free entry? Formal outfit?? Of course - "Weeb's Choice Awards"!

Ash: Yeah, just like last year.

Me: Same nomination, same category, the whole nine yards.

Goh: So, this convention is substituting for the other one.

Me: Looks like it. And it looks like we're going to have either one at this time of year if this is going to be an annual thing. 

Goh: So, how'd things go?

Ash: Um... not so hot. I didn't win it this time. 

Goh: Aww. Sorry about that.

Pikachu: Pi... ["Aww..."]

Me: Actually, I should have suspected this. Some of my friends told me that the local community of characters would be in full force for this edition of the awards since they took it lightly last time.

Ash: You know, I think so! I saw the winner celebrating with them. 

Goh: I think we can believe they're one and the same.

Me: I do believe that could be, in fact, the case. 

Goh: There must have been a bright spot, though.

Ash: I got to sing "Mezase Pokémon Master" with the band who played during the awards!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yeah!"]

Goh: Oh? And would this be a band we know? 

Ash: It's the "new" Otaku Band! 

Me: Awesome! That's a pretty good "consolation" prize, I'd say.

Ash: That's not all - I got "honorable mention" for being second place in the voting. It was how the one who won, well... won.

Goh: Wait, was this the case last year too?

Me: I can confirm it was. So you know that's the "fun" aspect.

Goh: And I guess that was all for the convention.

Me: Not quite. As you know, this is a two-day convention, and this is the first day; more of the same happens tomorrow on the second day - including the ICGP part. But Ash can't partake in any of that. 

Goh: Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that.

Ash: I guess that's not so strange. But I also met one of your Pokémon friends and caught Pokémon and battled cards together.

Me: Hey, that's strange, but in a good way. So altogether, this day alone was filled with strangeness.

Goh: I see what you mean.

Ash: And the catching Pokémon part too? 

Pikachu: Chu? ["Hmm?"]

Me: For that, if you're uninitiated, then it would be strange, but if not, then it would be familiar. Regardless, all of that is for tomorrow - hopefully it won't be so strange.

Seven years ago: Friend Faves

Friday, December 20, 2024

Pokémon Through the Ages: The Expansive Era

Two "eras" down, two more to go for this month's "four fours" on the topic. As I've hinted, the previous era paved a path for Pokémon games to become greater in number and variety, which would be the key happening of this "era". Fittingly, I've dubbed it as the "Expansive Era" for that key happening, something that is simultaneously like and unlike that of previous "eras" - although the one that comes after this one (to be detailed last) might have another answer to this and previous ones. Anyway, the plot thickens.

Representative of this "era" are the fifth, sixth, and seventh generations and their respective main series games. The first of these is known for resembling an "attempted reboot" of sorts, and the latter two are known to be relatively fractional in the number of new species compared to previous ones, and for that reason I take them together in their "expansive" role in this "era". Though restrained in the latter two, the attempt to expand the world of Pokémon with these games is still something remarkable.

As for expansions in other ways, the most significant one from this "era" is Pokémon Go, as a venture of the franchise beyond its traditional console game foray. It's still successful even today, even with all its ups and downs. Other efforts to expand in this manner were also up and down and not necessarily successful, but they still helped to make this "era" what it is. This also goes for the games beyond the main series on consoles at that time, which all constitute the wonder that is its expansive power.

Nonetheless, the "expansive" quality of this era is also represented by its timespan, given the generations above, but that quality also goes for all the games that Pokémon conceived during the time, including with respect to platform and by extension fan base. It was a natural thing to expand, like in previous "eras", but the process was quite unlike what transpired before. The expanded state of Pokémon today has a lot to thank from the contributions of this "era" in addition to all the other ones I've discussed.

Three years ago: Merchandise over Games?
Five years ago: Sitting Pikachu Keychain
Seven years ago: Movie Manga!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

TCGP: Expanding into the Mythical Island

Fans of the Pokémon TCG who play on the Pocket platform now have something new to handle with their pack-opening hands. Until recently, players were only able to deal with one expansion (albeit divided into three sub-expansions) in the game and all the cards obtained from that. Now, the game has a second expansion - a little one, but it's an expansion nonetheless - and it's called Mythical Island, a title that suggests quite a few of its properties.

This "mini" expansion is only about one-third in size compared to the only other present expansion, Genetic Apex, but its cards are no less enthralling than that first expansion. Still, the game dubs it as a "Themed Booster Pack" while fitting it with similar missions for card collection, deck creation, and theme compilation. The card wrapper has a shade of turquoise, indicating the expansion's verdant nature, and it also features the Mythical Pokémon of Mew, exactly indicating its highlight aspect.

Yet, the Mythical Pokémon that may just "steal the stage" for this expansion is Celebi, as it has an immersive card and an apparently vicious combo with another Pokémon in the expansion. Also "stealing the stage" for this expansion are a few familiar Trainer faces that are found as Supporter cards, one of which has a themed deck mission and list of his own with Pidgeot (that's a very big clue). Overall, while the new cards are fewer in number, their surprises are something to watch out for in battle.

Many players are already eager to obtain cards for this new expansion, especially for the two Mythical Pokémon already mentioned and the high-rarity cards, including the immersive card as above. Battle gameplay is also changing due to this effort, although it seems that players will face similar challenges as before with the Genetic Apex expansion - something that some are becoming fond of and others are becoming less so about. The expansion's true nature might just already be known at this point.

Like the physical paper version of the TCG, there's always a bit of excitement when a new expansion of some kind drops, and for TCGP, that first moment after its initial launch is here with the Mythical Island expansion. With it, TCGP is now really starting to give players, both prospective and entrenched, a lot of things to work on, which will remain true with further expansions, starting with this first addition and stop of an island with Mythical wonder.

Seven years ago: Nostalgic Returns

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Make Like Pokémon Leaves and...

Some Pokémon moves of the Grass type are known to feature leaves, a commonly recognized botanical element that is also its own type designator in the TCG realm. Besides the Pokémon delivering the attacks using these moves, it may be recognized that these Pokémon leaves have a "force" of their own that is just as intense and wild as the Pokémon. I thought of gathering up a few of these moves and attacks and identify their "forces" that make them so, while taking inspiration from them for other life purposes.

Many will surely recognize Razor Leaf as one of these attacks or moves, and by its name, it certainly has a cutting "force" that slices into other Pokémon. Meanwhile, there is the attack or move of Leaf Storm, which implies a "force" of drowning other Pokémon, just like falling water from an intense real storm. These attacks or moves can be considered to have the aspect of strength about them, showing off an inherent power that is only matched by the realistic things they allude to and resemble.

Then there are the attacks or moves of Magical Leaf and Leafage, the latter of these being more recently recognized. Their "forces", respectively, are the colors and styles with which the leaves might strike an opposing Pokémon; as such, they might be taken to represent an aspect of "wonderment" or beauty about them. The aspect, as presented by the attacks and moves as they are executed, bring out a sense of fanciness and playfulness, in addition to them dealing damage as is expected of any attack or move.

Pokémon have many fascinating moves, and the ones with "Leaf" in them are of no exception. They're of diverse names (aside from the "Leaf" part), and while they play off and use the same botanical element, they also play off of other aspects and show off unique "forces" in their execution. It could then be said that if one wanted to make themselves like these Pokémon leaves, that would be a prompt for them to demonstrate something that's innately and uniquely themselves as these "leaves" are wont to do.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

On Free and Paid Mission Tracks in Pokémon Unite

A current trend in many mobile (or mobile-adapted) games that have certain missions to be completed is the inclusion of two "tracks" that keep progress of completed ones: one free that anyone can complete, and one paid or "premium" that requires payment by purchasing something with real money. In Café Remix, the Monthly Goals is actually an example of this, keeping track of how many Stars are earned during that time. Now, however, I'd like to discuss another Pokémon game for which this pertains, as Pokémon Unite.

Some events in the game have begun to include this two-track framework. for which progress is made and kept track by points gained from completing certain event missions, of both daily and overall kinds. The free track is openly accessible as expected, while the paid track is only accessible if a player exchanges Aeos Gems for it, which of course means having purchased these in the first place. This is in addition to and separate from any expenses made for the Battle Pass, which incidentally has a relation to be explained shortly.

The rewards in the tracks are of the usual sort, but the paid track is likely to contain more Aeos Coins, and it also has the special reward, being a Trainer fashion set (of which the free track has only a rental). One can also exchange Aeos Gems instead of completing missions for points ... but this should be a last-resort action - and one done close to the end of the event - as it is much preferable, a little easier, and more affordable to collect points by playing regularly. Yet it's still there as an option regardless for those who don't.

Perhaps in light of this, the Battle Pass itself has been slightly reworked. Free and paid rewards are no longer indicated on separate levels, and they are now indicated in the two-track manner at the same level - the paid track rewards obviously requiring its purchase. The maximum level is also now 150, and no points are earned after this. Apart from that, the Battle Pass remains similar to previous iterations - involving the completion of certain tasks over time periods and earning of points for them - with similar rewards.

It's a matter of fact that as things develop, they also begin to standardize, and the current trend of free and paid mission tracks in (mobile) games is an example of that. The example applies very much and very well to Pokémon Unite, which have some mission elements that are standardizing around this development. What is also standard and very much needed is the efforts that players will have to put in for them, although the paid elements do provide very nice incentives indeed - and visible ones in this case.

Three years ago: Pokémon Lectures?
Four years ago: Quibbles with Candy XL
Six years ago: Raid Dramas
Seven years ago: Hoenn Pokémon Are Go!

Monday, December 16, 2024

My Most Frequent Flops in Café Remix

I've had a good deal of success in Pokémon Café Remix up to this point, but that didn't come easily. More to the point, I've found myself making a few errors or "flops" from time to time that affect my gameplay in certain ways. I've identified three of the most frequent ones I made, and I thought I'd make a discussion about them in order to provide a bit of perspective on them, for me and other people who play the game.

One of my most frequent "flops" is having a chain of Pokémon icons stuck in a certain place, whether behind a wall or along certain gimmicks. If that happens, there is a chance that I cannot continue the chain, as the Pokémon icon leading the chain actually has a limited reach in this case and it may not be enough to hook another icon. It's a little frustrating when that happens, and the only hope is that it doesn't happen even more frequently.

Next, sometimes my finger slides off or otherwise inadvertently loses contact with the screen, thus ending whatever chain I might have already started. Since I play on my Nintendo Switch Lite, this might be attributable to the small size of its screen and/or the fact that it has no bezel to keep my finger on it. If I played the smart device version, things could be a different story... or it might be all the same, depending on the circumstances.

Besides the "flop" of unintended grabs that I had earlier described in a "woes" post, which is still applicable even now, there is also the slightly related "flop" of not being able to aim some of the icons correctly, like Pokémon icons through a gap or skill or megaphone icons at certain gimmicks. Sometimes it seems a certain precision is needed to avoid this "flop", which I might or might not have depending on the times or moods of the day when I play.

A lot of things in Café Remix depend on successful chaining and/or aiming of different icons, and those many things are also affected by errors or "flops" that players make. Certainly, by the above, I'm not an exception to the phenomenon, and it's all I can do to avoid any or all of these "flops" while I play. That may not always happen, but what can always happen is a measure of success from what happens in the puzzles.

Three years ago: Salim Group and Pokémon
Five years ago: PvP: After One Year

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Cosplay: Bocchi Noizu 2nd Anniversary

Me: Speaking of making things work.

Ash: The weekend's not over!

Me: No, it isn't. And it makes a busy weekend even busier too - but of course, more on that later.

Goh: Bocchi Noizu, huh. And it's the anniversary, so it follows on the one from last year.

Me: Sure - and that goes for why Ash is here... although it's just for singing this time. 

Ash: Yup. And today I'm singing...

Me: I'm in a true Pokémon mood, so I want you to sing all Pokémon songs today. One of them is a bit of a special one, especially for us and a lot of things about Pokémon.

Ash: Ahh... I think I "gotcha"!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yup!"]

Me: Yup, also known as "Acacia". But, um... we need a bit of help for this one and I still quite haven't gotten the hang of it. So here's a "cue card" to help us both.

Ash: That's OK. The other day I saw a singer using a "cue card" too, so we can use it for now.

Goh: I guess as long as it isn't a competition, it's fine.

Me: Eventually, I do want us to be able to sing this completely independently - as Goh said, for a possible competition - and hopefully that can be sooner instead of later.

Goh: And the other, for Ash? 

Ash: Well, I think this time can use something hopeful, looking at the sky... you get what I mean.

Me: OK, "Soko ni Sora ga Aru Kara" it is. Good choice - and one that we've already gotten the hang of.

Goh: How'd those performances go?

Ash: They were fine. I think we can do more with "Acacia" to make it "gotcha", but the sky song is definitely ready for a competition again.

Me: Something to think about.

Ash: Also, the people watching were distracted a bit - maybe because someone fainted earlier - and the sound was a bit low.

Goh: Oh no! Both are real problems, but the person is the biggest one. 

Ash: We dealt with them. 

Pikachu: Chuu... [sighing]

Me: Hopefully next time these problems won't happen.

Goh: And, well... since Ash performed, I guess he wasn't in the character parade, if there was one.

Ash: There was. But yeah, the singing is good enough - for a little extra for us.

Me: Nice. I can always use it.

Goh: I'm sure you can. 

Me: OK, besides Ash being a part of the entertainment for this one, there had to be the usual "other" entertainment - were there?

Ash: Yup, there was - singing (besides me) and dancing, plus a pair of local idols, karaoke, community games, and a giveaway.

Goh: Oh, neat!

Ash: And there was a soccer game watch party, but I didn't look at it too much.

Pikachu: Chu pika chu. ["Just a bit."]

Goh: Interesting. Oh, wait. Was this also held at that certain mall? 

Ash: You bet! 

Goh: Well, everything makes sense now.

Me: They should.

Goh: So, how else was this a busy weekend? Besides what happened yesterday.

Me: Well, did you make that stop at the card game shop like I told you to?

Ash: I did! Good thing it wasn't too far away. I met your raid friends, and they were holding a PvP tournament.

Goh: Like earlier this year.

Ash: Yup.

Me: And I wish I could join in with your help, but I was afraid it would cut into our preparations and/or your performance, so I decided against it - putting Eggs in one basket and watching it.

Ash: I get what you mean, even if the performance got delayed - which it was.

Me: I still wouldn't have risked it.

Goh: Is that it? Or was there... another thing going on?

Me: There was another festival across town that almost stole visitors since it looked bigger.

Goh: Oh my. Really busy weekend it is.

Pikachu: Pika, pi pi pika. ["It was, wasn't it."]

Ash: Hey, at least we got a few things off of it!

Me: And they're the ones that matter most, especially with Pokémon.

Goh: Why not. It's all you.

Me: And us, and all things from this great world. OK, weekend's over - now we can wind up for other things.

Five years ago: Cosplay: Panniversary 3

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Cosplay: Sayonara Kotoshi - Atarashii Kaze ni Narou

Me: Well, there hasn't been a festival and such this month, so let's put one in with this one.

Goh: Something new for Ash?

Me: I think so. I can't find anything in my records for this one.

Ash: I still want to be there.

Me: And I agree, but there are also other matters of importance today. But for starters...

Ash: Hey, the place is your school!

Goh: Hmm? Didn't you say the people there didn't want to have festivals and such going on?

Me: That's true, but I think they might be open to new ideas as well. More on this later.

Ash: OK, so it was a festival in a court right next to the entrance. 

Goh: That's convenient. 

Ash: But then the rain came - and really hard. 

Pikachu: Pi pika pika pika. ["Perfect timing."]

Goh: That must have been rough.

Ash: I think? I didn't go inside the court. 

Goh: What did you do, then? 

Ash: I waited for the rain to let up a bit... and then I went to join our friend's other friends to raid for Necrozma!

Goh: Oh, just like earlier this year.

Ash: Yup, like when they had bits of Solgaleo and Lunala.

Goh: But there was no special event, was there? 

Ash: No, just the raids like before.

Me: Since there's no special event, there's no special card image for it either.

Ash: Oh yeah! I didn't see that.

Goh: So, did you go back to the festival after the raids? 

Ash: I did. But I think I missed the character parade...?

Pikachu: Pika... ["Hmm..."]

Me: That's the point. It just wasn't going to happen for us with the raids.

Goh: Well, of course. But at least you could enjoy the rest of it. 

Ash: Which wasn't much, even with the entry fee.

Goh: Really? 

Ash: There were only one community booth, a couple of booths for goodies, and a few for food.

Me: OK, so they might be trying to start small anyway.

Goh: There had to be entertainment you got to see. 

Ash: Sure, all the usual stuff. Bands, dance groups, and even a DJ at the end. 

Goh: And... even if you weren't in the character parade, you must have caught the awarding. 

Ash: Yeah! There were three winners: best dressed, best outfit, and best performance.

Me: There must have been many characters in the parade. 

Ash: One of our friends was #20, so...

Me: Maybe close to that or more. OK, so I guess we dodged a bullet this time.

Goh: After all that, you still must have done the usual.

Ash: Sure. I got to meet our friend's friends, had some pictures taken, walked around...

Pikachu: Chu, pika... ["Yeah, that..."]

Goh: Of course.

Me: Maybe it's time we discuss the background of this. I heard that this festival is a creation of the Japanese language education students of my faculty and my school... which would make this a "spiritual sequel" of a festival that hasn't been seen since a long time ago, since the same group created it.

Ash: Wow, that takes me back! A lot of things have changed since then - even the way we look.

Goh: I can see that. You two look more suited for each other now.

Me: Thanks. At least that paid off. Also, there's a playful aspect of why it's appropriate to send Ash today.

Ash: Was that because... I saw my name all over the place?

Me: Your name in Japan, that is. People around here have a knack of shortening things to make them sound good... and the name of this festival happened to be that way (which, by the way, means "goodbye, this year").

Goh: Oh! I see it: Satoshi - "Sayonara Kotoshi".

Me: Indeed. There we go.

Ash: If it works, it works.

Pikachu: Pi pika pika! ["Yeah, that..."]

Me: All that's left is to see how the students will run with this one and make this work as a larger festival (if they can) - but as you say, things might just work out somehow, even on this divided day.

Ash, Goh: Yeah!

Five years ago: Putting Things on Hold

Friday, December 13, 2024

Favorite Items from Delibird's Presents

In Pokémon Unite, when Delibird appears on a map, as in the Panic Parade and Snowball Battle maps, if defeated, it drops a Present containing an item, which can then be grabbed by a Pokémon and then used to incur a variety of effects. Some of these effects are favorable - as long as one is on the giving end of them - while others are less favorable in any case due to their quirks in execution. For this post, I'd like to detail a few of my favorite items from this selection and why that's the case, plus a few "best practices" for them.

One of my favorites is the Snowball item, which literally turns a Pokémon into a big clump of snow and allows it to roll over other Pokémon. By my description, it sounds a lot like the Rollout attack of Wigglytuff, and it works out that way; therefore, one has to consider being adept at this attack for its usage. I myself sometimes find it difficult to control - even with it being a favorite item - but it does have its moments of utility, so I still favor having this item rather than having nothing at the very least.

Then there's the thematically related Freeze Ball item, which does something a little different. When used, it can be aimed at an opposing Pokémon in order to inflict a "frozen" status on them (cannot move and cannot attack). It is very useful when I'm not using Mamoswine - still my favorite Defender - and want to put a hold on my opponents in the same way I do so when I use Mamoswine. In any case, the stopping power is very nice indeed and can stand to be applied in different ways.

An item that is exclusive to the Snowball Battle map is the Returning Smoke item, which sends back Pokémon of the opposing team to the starting zone. As expected, it can be used when they're threatening other Pokémon or the goal zone (as in, about to score massively). It can be a little jarring when used - which other players have done, with me on the receiving end - but it's a useful "last resort" of sorts, so when I get it, I have to manage to use it and hopefully lead to good results when that happens.

Lastly, I have another "bomb" type favorite item, the aptly named Recovery Bomb. When activated, this heals not only the player's Pokémon but also those of one's team, which of course enables them to get more attacks in. It seems to be an underutilized item, apparent by not many players appearing to use it, but given some circumstances (such as a major attack during Panic Parade), the item's utility can't be overlooked. Thus, if I have it in those circumstances, then it does beg to be used somehow.

Many items can be given out by Delibird in Presents when defeated, but these are just a few of them, and they represent the ones I like to use along with the ways I use them. The uses can be somewhat strategic, but then again, that's one of the keys of success for playing a MOBA - even if Pokémon Unite is of a much different sort compared to others in the same vein. Still, it's a difference I very much favor, and evidently it keeps a lot of things going in the game, including me.

Three years ago: The Bugs of Unite
Seven years ago: Will You Be There?

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Pokémon Through the Ages: The Formative Era

Moving on, there's the next "era" I want to discuss as part of this month's "four fours". It's one that I call the "Formative Era" because it was when many other elements of modern Pokémon - aside from the ones introduced in the previous "Classical Era" - were shaped or "formed", and they remain in mostly the same ways today. The seeds of competitive play were also being sown in this era, and that would grow into the World Championships, which is indeed another way that it is "formative".

This "era" would obviously include the games of the third generation as the next one in line, as well as the fourth generation. It so happens that these games are presently the earliest games for which Pokémon could still be brought to modern systems with the right tools, although that may change soon. As well, a lot of the fans people know, including I myself personally, found their interest in Pokémon during or with these generations; this becomes a different yet similarly related "formative" aspect. 

Games other than those of the main series also started to become a little more numerous and differentiated, as if they're setting themselves up for the happenings of the next "era"... but I'm getting ahead of myself. Compared to the "exposure" of the previous "era", it seems that this one shaped ("formed") Pokémon itself as becoming more of a niche area of gaming, yet still somewhat very popular for those who know. It was a bit of a counter to the general "formative" aspect but didn't detract from it.

For this "era", the process of shaping or "forming" could be described as being not only outwards but also inwards, with the introduced elements as well as general perceptions. Such a process, though, is essential for anyone or anything, and for Pokémon, even that definitely needed to happen. The shape of Pokémon today is somewhat different than when it was shaped in this "era", and yet many of the contributions from this time are still there, so there is a "form" that isn't lost.

Three years ago: Using the Master Ball
Five years ago: Sword and Shield Uptake
Six years ago: Much Ado About Figures

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The Importance of Mew in Café Remix

By now, many Pokémon that become staff members in Café Remix are important with their skills or significance in one way or another. Yet it seems that of them, Mew has a particular or specific importance, especially with the features associated with the Pokémon in this game. As such, I've opted to make a bit of discussion regarding this observation by highlighting those features or aspects that make it as such. 

Perhaps the most important feature or aspect is its puzzle skill. For its regular outfit variant at the least, by obtaining one skill icon and using it, it becomes a useful minor area hit; however, by obtaining two skill icons and combining them, all icons in the puzzle area are hit, clearing them if applicable. This has many implications, one of them being a large puzzle score. As well, with the way Slow Cooking is today, if done there, it instantly fills up the Fever bar and leads to another Fever time that is likely to be in the next stage, provided that doing so clears all icons. Because regular outfit Mew is also of all types, this could conceivably be applied to many puzzles. The Pokémon skill alone makes for a rather apparent importance.

Meanwhile, another outfit (the Fresh outfit) is offered for Mew through an event pass called the Café Opening Pass, and it is similar to the Camping outfit in that it has a five-star skill, albeit with the effects being different from the regular outfit as expected. Even so, the event pass, as expected by mobile game standards, requires payment and therefore the outfit is a paid or even "premium" aspect or feature. Regardless, it seems the aspect or feature is to be available indefinitely and has been as such since it was first offered with the event pass revamp, and that seems to establish its importance aside from the regular outfit as above.

Recently, the game also updated with a new Mew Challenge, displacing the previous implementation, as the way to eventually hire Mew as a staff member by developing its associated menu item. The new challenge involves completing orders and other tasks, appropriately to #151 (as its National Dex number). Old players simply get the rewards and clear the challenge, while new players will need to go through it. In any case, the new challenge and rewards are also further affirmation of the importance of the Pokémon.

Though all Pokémon in Café Remix will likely show how they can become important through certain play aspects, Mew is evidently important in many different ones as above and will likely remain so with them. That continued importance will likely serve players well in addition to any Pokémon that become café customers and eventually staff members.

Five years ago: Rethinking Game Linkages
Seven years ago: Pikachu Head Collectibles