Friday, February 28, 2025

The Peak of Dual Destiny

And now, the end of February is at hand, unlike last year; the end of the Pokémon Go season is at hand as well, so it means it's time for the end-of-season post like previous years as well (all see below). Still, things are still not quite the end for the season, also as always called a "peak" rather than an "end", but for certain reasons that will be explained shortly. In spite of that, things go on (moreover because they are also accordingly scheduled), so the season-ending post still makes sense to be written up today.

The reason is of course because this year's Global edition of Pokémon Go Tour is this weekend, and that automatically means the season is extended to cover the festivities and the season's end is offset just as the beginning was offset. What's not offset, though, is the "peak" of the season, and Pokémon Go Tour coincidentally (or not) serves as a good manifestation of that "peak" as it occurs at the tail end of the season. Therefore, at least for the instance of this season, the "peak" idea of its end is validated.

Going back to the season's moniker of "Dual Destiny", besides the dualities of black/white and truth/ideals presented by the overarching theme of the above event, the events in Pokémon Go and the Pokémon they featured also did seem to showcase other dualities. These were sometimes at odds and at other times complementary, though it seems that both are (were) necessary to exhibit Pokémon in all their variety - and rightfully, their destiny. Beyond the event, there was its own interpretation to behold.

Meanwhile, in other areas of Pokémon, destinies seemed to be more at hand rather than dualities, yet manifestations of the duality that is one side against another in battle are still apparent. It's a natural course of affairs for Pokémon, and things like the continuously sizzling TCGP and Unite (the latter may be a bit less so) show how destinies are put into play in two sides and then affected accordingly, particularly with the events for these two over the same time as the Pokémon Go season - fittingly.

So, to take everything into consideration, the "peak" of this Pokémon Go season corresponds with an ultimate "dual destiny", even if that has to offset the season by a bit and particularly after its start. But then, the case for Pokémon is always an intricate blending of two sides and two destinies (or even more), also as seen over the course of this season for other Pokémon aspects. The challenge always presents a might to be overcome, and that probably could take mastery in some (great) amounts.

Three years ago: The Peak of Heritage
Four years ago: The Peak of Celebrations
Six years ago: The Birthday of a Hero
Seven years ago: Cosplay Poses

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Pokémon Day 2025 - 29th Anniversary

As is always the case (for me personally), the end of February is always a time for certain anniversaries, and the most pertinently important one is for Pokémon itself - which is today. It's the celebration known as Pokémon Day, and this year marks the 29th anniversary, twenty-nine years after the first Pokémon games were released. Admittedly, though, the occasion of this year's anniversary - among some of the past few years - could be considered an "in between" anniversary for certain reasons, and that "in between" quality seems to serve as a good discussion point for this year's Pokémon Day.

The reason it's "in between" is because next year is a particularly round anniversary number; it would be the 30th anniversary, which in some circles, albeit uncommonly, may be regarded as the "pearl" anniversary. Because of this, the content for next year's anniversary is likely to be fuller and more fleshed out akin to the silver anniversary from some years ago (see below), while this year's can be considered to be a "filler", to borrow a term from the anime fandom, and to pass the time waiting for that anniversary.

Reports have also indicated that this year might be an "in-between" year regardless for some Pokémon affairs as well, though some might just be somewhat too early to tell, in particular the circumstances of their happening. One of them has even been brought up on this blog and is awaiting answers. I'm also "in between" some of them, as well as between a figurative "rock and a hard place", and perhaps so are many fans. To resolve all of that, something like Pokémon Presents is needed to pin things down. 

With that, an edition of Pokémon Presents is indeed scheduled for today, and it divulges things that are now not so "in between". As usual, it will take a separate post to discuss (and a bit of time to organize for that purpose), but I can give the highlights of the showcased facets. The most important have to be... a shade of "big" in the physical TCG, a "championship revival", and of course the big-time "legendary" reveal that everyone has waited for with bated breath - hopefully with at least some gulps of air. 

Even on an "in between" year like this one, it's always a great day for Pokémon, and especially today as the occasion of the franchise's anniversary. That - including what is (was) in Pokémon Presents today - may be all it takes to fill the gaps in each and every day, and all parts between them, for all the days of this "in between" year into the next year and even beyond. Between you and me, that should be a great thing.

Happy 29th anniversary.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Thirteenth Cosplay Anniversary - In and Out of Solitude

Well now, it's been thirteen years since I formally started cosplaying, and today would be its anniversary. My specialty and preference is of course Pokémon cosplay, which is why it's on this blog when it is on for conventions, festivals, and such. It is also an effort that allows me to meet many other people and the characters they bring out through their cosplay, yet in a way I'm also finding myself as being alone in the effort at times. It's this going in and out of a state of "solitude" that I thought I'd take up as this year's topic of discussion.

The "solitude", of course, is due to the fact that Pokémon cosplay in my area is scant, unless people bring in their own surprises like Pikachu the other day or Charizard in the past, or a team project gets initiated - furthermore with my blessing. Thus, it's always a journey to go out of that "solitude" when I partake in conventions and festivals locally. Certainly, if I was in the U.S., chances are I might not have to venture much to get out of that situation, since Pokémon cosplay is more plentiful there due to the "mainstream" status.

It is true that I'm technically and physically never "alone" when I go to conventions and festivals, as I share other interests outside of Pokémon with other people. Yet I'm also often left up to my own devices outside of these situations and seemingly in a difficult position to ask for assistance, sometimes let alone to receive it. While at least going to conventions, festivals, and such might alleviate that condition temporarily, the rest of the way will take my own effort, which is acceptable yet could use some help in some cases.

At least, the rise of people providing cosplay services, like prop makers and rentals (the latter of which might have a presence on aggregators like a specific one) also lets me - and others - know that I'm not necessarily ever alone. Yet given that my focus is on Pokémon cosplay, even sometimes these services aren't too helpful for that purpose... and I'm right back where I started. This too is thus a "struggle" against a solitude, and they all may need to be utilized in the best way for the purpose of my Pokémon cosplay and others for theirs.

"Solitude" is not necessarily a bad thing, even now after I've been active for 13 years in cosplay, but having people to share that with is always a neat thing, and especially so in my case with Pokémon cosplay. So, the journey continues in order to be able to seek people to enjoy both Pokémon and cosplay together, and to deal wisely with the times when there aren't people for that purpose. Whatever the case, having Pokémon around is always a prerogative - especially in my case - and cosplay and other people will still be needed for that.

Happy thirteenth cosplay anniversary to me.

Eight years ago: Fifth Cosplay Anniversary

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 2/25/2025

In true form as with most of the past few years (see below), I write up the rollup of events for Pokémon Go on this day, also for obvious reasons to come. With that, obviousness may be considered a running theme for this month's events, whether or not that may be evident in the events themselves and what they feature. The relative paucity of events for the month may also be something that factors into that, even if February itself is a short month as far as things are concerned. 

First up, after the break from a continued event in January, there was the Small Yet Strong event from February 5 to 8. As discernable, there were small and strong things, particularly with bonuses of double XP for captures and increased chance to find XXS and XXL Pokémon. The most notable small and strong thing was the debut of Shiny Nymble, which could be found in the wild along with other small (and possibly Shiny) natural wonders, including Burmy and Flabébé; 2 km Eggs also had a smattering of some other little ones. Other small and strong complements to the event were Research tasks (Field and a Timed set), a Collection Challenge, and showcases as usual. If it wasn't obvious before, this event made it clear that strong things can come in little packages like these Pokémon.

Some people may (try to) find love in this month, an obvious thing, and that's where the Beloved Buddies event came in. From February 11 to 15, cute and attractive Pokémon - including the debuting Dhelmise and returning Enamorus by raids - appeared in the wild and raids, with Diglett, Skrelp, and Dunsparce having exceptional Shiny chances. Meanwhile, Field Research had a task for Tandemaus, and Collection Challenges furnished Stardust and Great Balls. Along with the usual showcases, the double XP bonus for captures returned, while Lure Modules were extended and attracted different Pokémon, and more of them rewarded greater Stardust. The last day of this event also coincided with a Raid Day for Hoopa Unbound with all the usual free and paid perks, plus allowing anyone to change its form even without completing its associated Special Research. Some will notice the event isn't quite like the Valentine's Day events of past years, making it somewhat less obvious, but love was still obviously to be had one way or another.

After finding love, it may then be time to go out and about. For that, there was the Scattered to the Winds event from February 18 to 20, which featured the debut of Shiny Scatterbug through the usual method of pinning and saving Gift postcards. In addition to this Bug-type family, two other Bug-type families and three Flying-type families enlivened the wild, Field Research tasks, and a Collection Challenge. Bonuses too were "scattered": increased XP for spinning PokéStops, Gift opening, and Shiny chance for Pidgey, along with an optional paid Timed Research set, showcases (certainly), and increased "legacy Lucky" limits for traded Pokémon from 2019 and earlier. Some obvious efforts might have been necessitated for the particulars of this event, though the end results should obviously have not been "scattered" but "gathered" instead.

The last agenda of the month is the buildup to this year's edition of Pokémon Go Tour, with an event called Road to Unova, befitting the featured region. It started on February 24 and will go until March 1, the first day of the Global edition. The elements that will become key to this year's festivities are also introduced, though some of them are better saved for when the coverage of the big event is made. For now, Trainers can also purchase one or both of the paid supplemental Timed Research sets with bonuses for raiding or hatching (or both), and like the Wild Area buildup from last year, enjoy daily raids and Raid Hours for Legendary Pokémon from the region (some also in a Timed Research set) with new special backgrounds. The region's starters and their next stage evolutions also appear in the wild, with the former also in raids, while 2 km Eggs feature a mini assortment, most also in Field Research. To help things out, remote raid limits are raised and Egg hatch distance is halved. All these are supplemented with new avatar items, stickers, Pokédex appearance, and encounter points, making it obvious that the major event is major indeed.

Now that the events of the month have been detailed, it's obvious what the month provides and is geared to, for Trainers still dealing with things in the game. Also, it seems obvious (or not) that there might be more than a few things going on, unlike the general shape of the month itself. Whatever the case, the obvious thing is for Trainers to go or have gone through them, and to have gotten at least a little something out of them.

Six years ago: Meeting of the Minds

Monday, February 24, 2025

The Next (Next) Successor: Nintendo Switch 2

Way back in the first year of this blog, I mentioned how the Nintendo Switch became the "successor" console for Pokémon main series games of future generations, a future which is now past (or technically still the present) with the entry of the eighth and ninth generation games on the console. Recently, Nintendo has made the next move and introduced what could be termed as the next "successor" to the "successor"... or just a renewal of the "successor" status. Aptly, as stated in the title of this post, it's called the Nintendo Switch 2.

As demonstrated by its "teaser trailer", the entry model of the console will be slightly larger, feature a revised controller design that snaps rather than slides into place, and have other design improvements. What is most important, however, is that the console will play games for the original Nintendo Switch, with a few exceptions - most likely due to the new controller design affecting the gameplay of the unplayable ones. This key part also has a few implications for its "successor" status, not to mention upcoming Pokémon games.

So, to some extent, the Nintendo Switch 2 is not quite a "successor", more like an advanced version of it vis-a-vis the Nintendo 3DS toward the DSi (itself also not quite a "successor") and the original DS. Still, it will have its exclusive games that can only be played on the new console, again much like these prior consoles, and the status stands. The main series Pokémon games likewise had games on the prior consoles and will surely have new games on the new console while old games can still be played on it.

The question then becomes how (and when) new main series Pokémon games on the new console would leverage the exclusive capabilities and features of that console for its further entries - as in the tenth generation and possibly eleventh if it makes it that far, just like for earlier consoles. Those capabilities and features are what the games have always depended on and admittedly done well even in the present, so it remains to be seen how that would proceed and thus be realized in the games to come.

Understandably, any new console is always a big undertaking for the parties involved, be it the console maker (in this case Nintendo) and game maker (in this case Game Freak for the Pokémon main series games). The upcoming Nintendo Switch 2 is a big thing in its own regard, and while its "successor" status may or may not be quite affirmed at this point, at least upgrading the status of itself as a "successor" is still something viable, particularly for the future of Pokémon and other popular game series in this area.

Two years ago: The Hoenn Cup of GBL
Three years ago: The Johto Cup of GBL
Six years ago: Don't Forget Our Roots
Eight years ago: Memories of Johto

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Cosplay: Utsuru 9.5

Me: Like I said, an annual thing it is.

Ash: Great!

Goh: Like you said, huh.

Me: And for as long as it's convenient, I'll try to put in something for the convention.

Goh: I'm curious how they'll try to make this one different.

Me: Well, for starters, they've got a wacky theme this year: "animal house"... but not that kind.

Ash: But Pokémon are "animals", so we'd fit right in!

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["Hey yeah!"]

Me: Why not? They did say they want to make this edition one big "animal party" - and they want "animals", they got it, our style.

Goh: Pokémon works out, doesn't it? OK, so this must have been in the same place and with many of the same communities.

Me: Sure! But I think there are a few twists this time around, also for the "animal house" theme.

Ash: They had a second stage for the communities! 

Goh: With the way it goes every year (and a half), I wouldn't be surprised if they had to separate them from the performers, which... looking at the schedule, is all day.

Ash: I think you're right. I'd want to perform on a different stage myself.

Goh: Meanwhile, the performers... they were mostly groups and bands today, weren't they? 

Ash: Yeah - dance and performance, plus a DJ, radio show, and karaoke.

Me: OK, the usual stuff. And usually there would be competitions too - one of which is the character parade, which I've prepped you for with your Journeys outfit.

Ash: Yeah, that... Lots of characters and not many prizes - didn't work out.

Pikachu: Pika. ["Sadly."]

Me: I should've known.

Goh: Weren't there community competitions like last year's editions, even the main one

Ash: Oh yeah! People voted, and the community voted. One community had friends of our friend.

Me: That's nice to hear. Oh, and I think there's one final competitive twist... in the form of a card you might have gotten when you got in. 

Ash: It was a card to get community stamps! But I had to get at least 10 for a prize, and even if I did, they still would have drawn it.

Goh: So no guarantee even with the effort. What would you win if you got all the stamps?

Me: I heard it would be... a Gogoat!

Goh: A real one, live in the flesh??

Ash: But when I saw the drawing, the winner just got a paper one. There was one for a Torchic too. 

Goh: Hmm, seems questionable.

Me: I'm still questioning it even right now. What about other twists, ones that even I couldn't predict?

Ash: I met a big Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika pika pika! ["Two of us!"]

Goh: Oh my!

Ash: We were in the parade together - and next to each other! But of course neither of us won.

Me: That is a huge twist. It reminds me of #006 from way back when.

Ash: Oh, and your card game friends opened up a booth just like last time.

Me: Well, that's a minor twist and a slightly predictable one at that, but I couldn't tell if they were going to or not. Evidently they did.

Ash: I didn't play, but it seems they're doing great.

Me: Don't worry about that. I'll take care of it myself when I have the chance.

Goh: Anything else? What's in that white bag?

Ash: It's a trophy and a certificate. 

Goh: Wait, I thought you didn't win anything.

Ash: It's not from here - it's...

Me: OK, so this is a bit of an unrelated twist. The local photographer community decided to hold their own version of the WCA, possibly knowing what happened last time, and we got in - and properly win as a character this time. Thanks for picking up the award during the convention - and hey, it's a proper award too, not like the "pillow trophy" from the year before.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["Nice job."]

Goh: Wow!

Me: Well, after all that, I think we can say that today was an "animal house" in more ways than one.

Ash: And it was really different too! The parts that aren't the same old, same old anyway.

Goh: Hey, you know, just like our friend said last year.

Me: Yes! So at least we can say that my claim is very true, and this convention remains very special.

Ash: And everything is (and was) always a real party!

Me: That's a thought. Today it may involve - for us and others - togas of a different kind, but there's a bit of that spirit there, not to mention this year's wacky theme.

Goh: Maybe it'll be there differently when Utsuru 10 comes around.

Me: (I heard about that.) But we'll make sure our Pokémon core is the same.

One year ago: AFA ID Returns
Three years ago: Good Builds for Unite?
Six years ago: Let's Go Take Pictures
Seven years ago: Community Days!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Real Words on Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

This may be a topic that I should have picked up for discussion a somewhat longish time ago, but like many things, I suppose it's better late than never. Many people are surely familiar with the rise of artificial intelligence (A.I.) in the past few years through bots, assistants, generators, and the like, some of which can now also understand, recognize, and deal with matters related to Pokémon. Beyond all the assistive capacity that they possess, in some ways they also conflict with the same capacity for people (humans). As such, I feel the need to make a statement on the issue and to augment that with experience related to the issue. 

Some days ago, in a certain space on the Internet, someone posted a poem that others suspected to be generated by an A.I. bot due to some telltale signs. The confirmation came after "denial by silence", but by then damage had been done, as the critics themselves were silenced. An apology was made, yet it too was somewhat late and put the original poster in imperfect standing. Even with the signs, some people could have conceivably taken the poem as is and they'd never know that a human wasn't involved in the actual composition of the poem, aside from getting the A.I. to do it by way of a "prompt". And that becomes a concern.

While the generated content by A.I. is interesting and possibly helpful for certain efforts, a lot of the content is also riddled with mistakes and errors in whatever form it may take. That state of affairs justifies the warning that generators now carry, in that they can possibly make mistakes. With that in mind, the best way to treat the content seems to be to treat them as raw materials for use in creative work, or information that needs to be fact-checked with someone or something else, and never at face value. This would be incidentally true for anything made by people in general, but it seems even more true for the "machined" things.

Because of the above, I now feel that I also need to make a statement. All written content on this blog - that is, aside from images and other rich media - are solely made by me and without the assistance of any A.I. in any form. This also means I (have to) own up for any mistakes they might contain and will correct them as necessary. Furthermore, any written content that I create, write, and publish, for Pokémon or otherwise, will never make use of A.I. content - unless it is for discussion about them, as this post serves to do in a way.

I also need to say that if any written things appear on the Internet and they look suspiciously like they were written by me, then it could be the work of an A.I. scraping up the words in the posts of this blog and spitting out something that resembles that. It's what A.I. things do in order for them to do what they do, and it may or may not necessarily be something that I can prevent. At the least, the assurance of this blog having written content that came purely from my mind, heart, and soul along with interactions to Pokémon remains something definite.

Pokémon is surely at present also affected by (the content generated by) A.I. things, and admittedly a few of my other dealings are affected in much of the same ways. With that experience and situation, this post becomes quite necessary to be written up in order to show that my assistive capacity for Pokémon matters, in writing at the very least, is not dependent on A.I. things and/or content and can stand up to them if at all deemed necessary, like now.

Seven years ago: Trainer Caps, and a Teaser
Eight years ago: Back in the Park

Friday, February 21, 2025

How to Say "Farewell"

For some people, they might not know how (or at least have difficulty) to express certain things in certain situations. A recent one that has come up for me is the expression of "farewell" in some situations, certainly with them having some sort of relation to Pokémon matters. The instances of "farewell" in the situations are a bit "abstract" and in a couple of cases might seem a little "premature", but the essence of the parting in the situations is there - and so is the difficulty of expressing things.

The report of Niantic potentially selling its games unit (including of course Pokémon Go) is one of the situations. Though it hasn't happened yet - making this one of the "premature" situations - the potential to say "farewell" to the way that things have always been may be at hand, if not having already happened owing to the way that Niantic has handled said game up to today. Being up in the air, it's definitely difficult to say something about them as of yet.

Meanwhile, just today and in the same realm as above, I've been able to achieve an important milestone that is effectively a parting or "farewell" with an earlier focus. However, this too is a "premature" situation, as there have been reports that the earlier focus may just return if the circumstances are right. Still, it may just depend on the execution of the above situation, and if so, the "farewell" might be as temporary as it was the last time; at the least, it can be there until the "farewell" says its "farewell" - something also hard to say.

Recently, I've also had to part with a friend from my earlier Pokémon cosplay days, and this "farewell" is permanent... as that friend has passed on due to health problems. While we never collaborated on any Pokémon projects together, some of the times we shared have shaped my Pokémon cosplay even today. Thus, the "farewell" is a little hard to take and obviously also hard (for me) to say anything about, as I've discovered while attempting to do so on the relevant social media channel. 

Perhaps the best way of saying things is through music, even if the music doesn't say anything at all - like another piece from Yanni, appropriately entitled... "Farewell". It has evidently become the way for me not only consoling but also expressing with these situations, and the subdued nature of the piece - one from the very early solo days of the composer - is appropriate in that regard. 

Having this Pokémon blog means being able to say a lot of different things about Pokémon matters, even if some are only tangentially related (moreover abstractly to the "farewell" concept) as in the above. Admittedly, though, it can be pretty difficult to say things about things from time to time, also regarding the above, and the "how to say things" part of the Pokémon matters is a sticking point as are the matters themselves.

Five years ago: Hobby as a Partner
Seven years ago: Quirky Raids
Eight years ago: Secret Garden

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Pokémon Go (et al.) to Be Sold??

Players (Trainers) of Pokémon Go will know that Niantic has been both a blessing and curse to the game's history - the former since the company created it and the latter since there have been many mess-ups along the way, perhaps more compared to other (externally developed) Pokémon games. For these reasons, it seems that Niantic is prepared to take the ultimate step to keep the game being developed... but not by the company.

According to a news report, Niantic is planning to sell its games unit - which means not only Pokémon Go but also the other games in the unit, hence the "et al." in this post's title - to another company for a sum that will turn heads, in billions of dollars. Nothing is final as of yet, and the deal may or may not happen with that particular company; regardless, this matter becomes something to watch in order to see what comes out of it.

In any case, this makes it somewhat clear that Niantic is seemingly disinterested to continue developing Pokémon Go, as I had suggested nearly two years ago. I had posed possible solutions to this quandary then as well, though I hadn't considered the possibility of Niantic themselves offering the game - not to mention the division that handles its development and other games as well - for sale to potential suitors with greater interest.

Now, since the sale of the games unit means selling all games, including the ones that aren't Pokémon Go, there is admittedly a lot of stake in this - particularly for the games that don't involve entities related to Pokémon itself. If the present deal falls through, it may be that all relevant parties - including the most relevant one connected to Pokémon, being Nintendo - have to consider the offerings and how to take them off of Niantic's hands.

Seeing this situation unfold is both a little disconcerting and not so surprising, given how Pokémon Go has fared all these years with spectacular successes and abysmal failures. Yet it seems that after all that, it may be time for something different for Pokémon Go under another set of wings that doesn't bear the Niantic name, yet preserving and certainly developing the things that made the game successful and lasting even today.

Four years ago: Pokémon Go Tour: Kanto
Five years ago: Living with My Buddy
Six years ago: Poké-Tourism
Seven years ago: Pokémon "Cover Songs"
Eight years ago: Venice and Alto Mare

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Pokémon Mornings and Evenings

Being a Pokémon fan, it means that I deal with Pokémon day in and day out. However, it seems that more recently, mornings and evenings have become relevant and crucial times for me to deal with Pokémon, particularly for one specific agenda that some people might be able to tell just by reading this blog. Still, it's those same times of day that also become evocative of Pokémon itself, and given this situation, it seems apt for me to address those times of day in a post and illustrate how that is just so.

For that purpose, I actually want to start with the latter time of day, as evenings. The sentiments of a darker time of day that I illustrated in a post nearly a year ago also apply to some extent in this earlier time, and often, they affect my ruminations for that aforementioned agenda. Some Meowth of the Alolan form may also roam at this time of day, perhaps primarily concerned with searching for sustenance while I also do the same as I work that process along with the ruminations for that agenda. It seems often the case that I have to move myself and my Pokémon dealings in contrast to the movements of other people (and Pokémon).

As for the former time of day, as mornings, I'm certainly dictated to move as with how other people (and Pokémon) move, but there are also times when I need to make my own initiatives for movement. In fact, it seems that some of the Pokémon - as Meowth of the original Kanto form, and even ones like Taillow and the newly recognized Wattrel - also move to encounter me and other people and Pokémon in their own ways for their own initiatives. Then, there is that agenda, which might have had spillover effects from the previous evening. It's not necessarily an easy thing to deal with, especially when pressed for time.

It seems that beyond their movements and directed initiatives, mornings and evenings have a way of tying into Pokémon in different and evocative ways. Further, those ways might just affect how I deal with it, specifically for that one specific agenda that I bring up as above. The relevance and crucial nature of Pokémon still manifests itself in certain ways, and that becomes the matter to be captured in the agenda as well as my general Pokémon dealings, and as the two times transit, so does my Pokémon life continue.

Eight years ago: Let's Get Ready to Rumble

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Unique Pokémon Unite Tournaments

Pokémon Unite is rightfully a MOBA game, and tournaments in similar fashion as other MOBA games can be (and have been) created for it. However, it too differs from most MOBA games in different ways, something that players, both active and inactive, have made observations of. In this way, the game might open itself up to some unique or even unusual tournaments - which has in fact happened - and that becomes something interesting to explore.

Recently, a tournament was held for solo and team players alike with a special restriction: knocking out other team players was discouraged, and if that occurred, it counted as a -20 point penalty at the end, while 10 KOs meant an automatic loss. As such, it was dubbed as a "scoring-focused" tournament, and it itself was initiated by the observation that matches in the game seem to be about scoring more than anything else, which in some ways might be true given the overall objectives and mechanisms of the game.

Then, a long time ago, there was a one-on-one custom tournament that was initiated as a way to use the Custom Battle feature in a slightly unusual manner, not to mention for the participants of the tournament. The usual methods to determine a winner still applied, so some players had to get crafty with their approaches to win against the other player. In any case, the tournament could be construed to be a way of getting players used to the ways of Pokémon Unite, even though those ways are much like other MOBA games.

A possibly unusual restriction for tournaments is to have teams composed of Pokémon of a single role, which sometimes occur in regular play (including Ranked) but not very often - though some have documented their experience with these kinds of teams. With the inclusion of more and more Pokémon in the game, these kinds of teams can stand to occur more often and in unusual ways, so having a tournament dedicated to having teams that are all like this would not only be creative but also force players to really strategize.

Even with the state of the game as it is now, which some players may or may not be aware of, Pokémon Unite can stand to be played with out-of-the-ordinary restrictions (even as a MOBA game), and that could make for unique tournaments as detailed above. At this point, that may be just what is needed to reinvigorate or at the least maintain interest in it, and to continue to affirm its place as both a MOBA game and a Pokémon game.

Five years ago: To Lure or to Walk?
Six years ago: Romancing the Ball

Monday, February 17, 2025

Economy of Expression

For those who have been keeping up with this Pokémon blog since the beginning, or at the very least have read posts from that time, they'll have noticed that the posts have grown in length. This exact topic I also brought up as early as the end of the second year of my posting, and this time, I want to bring it back with a twist. The situation - perhaps then and now - is something that is somewhat in contrast with what happens when I talk with other people, which is that I prefer to speak as little as possible, even now when it seems that my views are seemingly not quite appreciated. The situation invokes the phrase of "economy of expression", and I'm prompted to discuss it with my blogging efforts.

Back then, I also referred to how I'd found my "voice" to discuss certain Pokémon (and related) matters, and that remains true even now and useful for some topics that would then be able to be discussed on this blog, like some in-depth observations of particular in-game elements. However, it seems important to keep in mind that for some things, it may be best to say less about them, which is where "economy of expression" becomes relevant. This is especially true for things that are controversial in nature, which may only need to be skimmed on the surface rather than to be explored in depth.

Given the daily frequency of the posts on this blog, "economy of expression" is also a practical principle to keep in mind because it simply means a lot less things to contend with for this blog, Pokémon, or otherwise. There are still other places and topics that might need to have some in-depth discussion, but the principle may also indicate that may not be as necessary as it seems to be on initial consideration. Regardless, it has to be weighed as I evaluate each discussion topic for the posts I'm about to create.

To say less things might be a bit of a counterpoint of a blog like this one and especially of Pokémon (where so much is still going on), but it seems that just like regular conversations with people, I need to weigh where I need to say a lot and where I only need to say a little. With that, there may be a certain insight with the principle of "economy of expression", for which I could say more even with less words.

Four years ago: Gym Takedown Habits
Five years ago: Delayed Costumes
Eight years ago: The Park Is Open

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Cosplay: Halloweeaboo Part V - Yorokobimasu

Goh: OK, so festival Sunday. Um... Wait, this is the fifth?

Me: Uh-huh. Technically, the festival called "Unity" was the second, and... Ash missed the third because I sent him somewhere else and the fourth because it happened during last year's Go Fest.

Ash: Oh, that's what happened!

Pikachu: Pika... ["I see..."]

Me: But now the fifth is the charm... maybe? Anyway, this time should be quite different. 

Goh: But it's still with the same people, right?

Me: Sure. The location, though, is somewhere totally new even for me.

Ash: It looks like... an office complex!

Goh: Like a public office?

Ash: Yeah! They had the festival in the hall and just outside it.

Me: Yup, that's different, all right. 

Goh: My guess is that the competitions are still the same.

Me: They have the character parade and singing ones... and now they have a character performance one.

Goh: Looks neat! But I have a feeling you're only going to put Ash in one of these.

Me: Mm-hmm. And he's going to do what he did a few weeks ago

Ash: Same competition and same song! Oh, and same outfit too.

Me: Yup. I did want to try for the character performance, but I'm short on preparations for that, again. Also, maybe it helps to conjure ideas first from this one.

Goh: Well, I understand. So, how were things? 

Ash: The festival was great! It was small and a little like the ones in the mall, but I got to spend the day with our friend's friends - character and others.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["A nice time."]

Goh: Hey, I guess it did work out. But then... the competition.

Ash: I thought I sang great. And I even sat and walked around while I sang!

Goh: Looks like the focus from your friend helped... maybe for the results too?

Ash: Didn't work out. I think they had a few sound issues - the same as with one of our friend's friends in it?

Me: I'm sorry about that. That's one of the things beyond our control.

Ash: Also, I was one of 20 and the others were all great too - and there were only three winners.

Goh: Shoot. But I guess that always happens with many people entering and few prizes.

Me: Absolutely. I always wish they gave out more prizes like they do for the characters.

Goh: Speaking of, how were they?

Ash: I didn't see the parade myself, but our friend's friends had the report. It was the usual. But I did see the performances, and I think I have a few ideas for our friend.

Me: Great! I'll see what I can do with them soon.

Goh: I'll be interested. Oh, yes - what about entertainment?

Ash: Just dance groups all day and the usual karaoke group at the end.

Goh: OK, standard. So, as our friend said, this was a change of pace... in a way.

Ash: But a lot was the same. I think they can have it again at the same place just to make it different.

Pikachu: Pika chu? ["Why not?"]

Me: I think so too. They can make it even better - and so can we with us and competitions.

Goh: That should be lively.

Me: As lively as the changing colors of the day, which I'm told was the spirit behind this one.

Ash: Neat! 

Me: You know what they say - a change is as good as a rest. Expect more rests and changes on the way, for this and others too.

Six years ago: Romancing the Ball

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Current Pokémon Singing Prospects

It's been several years since I started delving into singing competitions, and much of it has been a wonderful ride, allowing for Pokémon opportunities (in particular) that I once thought were out of reach to happen. With regard to "reach", now I want to consider different things for this purpose, specifically the Pokémon songs I can and want to sing in the future as well as have sung in the past. These become my prospects for these competitions, with my goal being to involve Pokémon as much as possible and possibly get some appreciation for that. 

First up is the past. Obviously, some songs have resulted in wins (Best Wishes, XY&Z) while others have only resulted in laudable performances outside of competitions (Mezase Pokémon Master, Pokémon Theme). Yet others still have not resulted in anything, and those are the prime candidates to be taken up again in future competitions. As a fallback, Mezase Pokémon Master is the only one I would repeat if only to try to get just one win out of it. By and large, it's the "unproductive" ones that I'm trying to make "productive" for this purpose.

Meanwhile, I'm also considering the performance of gentler songs or at the least ones whose lyrics I can keep up with. This is partially considering the suggestion that a friend had made a very long time ago to not try to take up songs in the rock genre, but also because to a certain extent, my memory isn't what it used to be as a consequence of age. Evidently, this was true for the time I tried to perform "Acacia", which is likely not to become competition fodder anytime soon; other Pokémon songs will have to be prioritized ahead of this example.

Then, there are just other things to consider. One of those is making dramatic performances with songs that I already know by heart, which might just mean repeating a song between performances in part as "practice" for that objective. Also, consideration of songs by both male and female singers is at hand, even though many of my performances have been those of the latter, to keep affirming myself as a "versatile singer" who can sing just about anything... although if the above is of any indication, some things will have to be focused on.

As an adjunct to cosplay competitions in festivals, competitions, and such, the singing competitions have become useful outlets for me to show off my Pokémon interests, but that doesn't mean they can't be improved. The above considerations become the ways for possible improvements, to reach for things that couldn't be obtained previously and things to be able to be obtained in the future. The past, present, and future for me is still Pokémon, and that has to be realized in as many ways as possible, even through continued prospects in singing.

Four years ago: GBL Progression, Revisited
Five years ago: Words of the Heart
Seven years ago: A Break in the Action

Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentine's Day 2025: All Your Love, Awesome

This day, February 14, needs no introduction, as many people will recognize it as Valentine's Day. It's a day of certain feelings or sentiments, the most notable one being love. A certain song says that the sentiment is all that one needs, and this is true to some extent; yet what might also be true is that if the entirety of that love is given, then that might just be the greatest thing - hence the phrase in the title of this post. That's the theme I've decided to run with for this year's discussion, certainly with Pokémon in tow for that purpose.

For example, it is true that Trainers should develop the best Pokémon they have (that is, give all their love to them), but there is also truth in putting love to the selection process for that purpose. The most important thing is that the love is there - being without a point otherwise. Of course, it's also wise to have that love distributed, for if not, one ends up in a "Pikachu and Riolu" situation, for those who know what I'm referencing. So, there is a sense of "all in" for "all" that is or who are concerned with love.

It might seem that in the current state of the world, what might be lacking is a sense of "love" as well as the "all in" quality, for Pokémon or other matters. This has been my own first-hand experience in recent times particularly, and it's certainly not quite an awesome experience. Resolving this situation presents its own challenges, but looking into Pokémon, focusing into its positives may be a key aspect of the resolution, and it's something I'd happily take up, hopefully knowing others can do just the same.

As for relating the phrase further into Pokémon and the matters of today, a certain group that also delves into certain Pokémon affairs also has things going on with the "all in" and "awesome" aspects, and furthermore, it's related to the games - this being their "middle name". In fact, I have mentioned the group somewhere else on this blog, though by the token of the recent events, I'm not quite privileged to mention it. If things do improve, I might just happily make a separate discussion on them - all in good arrangements.

While "love", "hearts", and "attractions" - all things I've mentioned or discussed in previous years (see below) - are seemingly missing even on this particular day and in this particular time, there's no reason that it can't be restored somehow either. Pokémon (games) might just provide the basis for this restoration, even with all of its abstractions that may or may not suggest love. Still, all of it to its major fans is awesome, and with that, there might just be reasons to keep its things going... and perhaps find love in there.

Happy Valentine's Day, and your love is awesome - all of it.

Eight years ago: It's Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Wallpaper: The Right of All Nations

It seems that it will always take time for me to conceive new Pokémon wallpaper images for my PC and phone, but at least that affords some time for me to enjoy them within that time, not to mention to conceive new ideas for the next ones. And the idea for this one came at some point within that time and was developed over time, with the final results as shown below. That also becomes a way of making certain affirmations about what I like to involve in my wallpaper designs as well as what I like in general.

With that, the wallpaper is called "The Right of All Nations" because... well, it says so on the wallpaper. But that's not the only reason, for the title is a translation of the lower phrase - "Hak Segala Bangsa" - next to the stylized hash, which would make it a "hashtag" along with Pokémon itself (an actual hashtag would just have it as a regular letter E, but I chose to accent the E regardless). The focal point, meanwhile, is the image on the right, the poster for the "finale arc" for the anime while Ash was still in it - itself being a take on the first poster of the anime - which I've made into a "pseudo-TCG" style given the popularity of the recent TCGP game. Aside from that, there's the usual Pokémon logo, disclaimers, and some blank space for icons or whatever one likes to put there.

As for the affirmations, one of them is that I like parodies, for this is in part a parody of an ad campaign for a local department store that proclaims that any substance above the phrase is as the phrase suggests: everyone's right or entitlement. It has been applied to qualities (one of them being "cool") and other media, and I chose to apply it to Pokémon. In fact, the anime poster was also part of the inspiration, as I moved to interpret that anything on it could be entitled for anyone, including the people already in the poster. So, the two inspirations come together in this wallpaper, with a little help from current trends in Pokémon affairs to make things come out as I would believe.

The next affirmation is that I like to create simplistic designs and to involve text (typography) in my wallpaper creations. From the previous wallpaper creations to this one, there has always been some textual element and a simplistic arrangement of the elements that are involved in the wallpaper. And it's no accident, really; I think typography is just as important as any artistic image, and the latter is complemented by the former. Evidently, I have some attraction to the international Pokémon logo for the same reasons, not to mention attributive ones, and include a variant of them in all my creations.

Now, I mentioned "phone" earlier, and that's because I wanted to adapt the same wallpaper to use on my phone, and that's what I did. I just rearranged the same elements vertically to fill the space for a phone-sized wallpaper, and the result is the image below. I do have to say that the image below is a bit tall, which also implies that my phone is as such. Still, it shouldn't be all that difficult to adapt things if I need to.

Even Pokémon fans are entitled to simple yet creative and usable wallpaper images, and this latest creation of mine is as such, at least in my view. It's thought-provoking yet whimsical, and it has the elements of Pokémon that many fans without a doubt recognize and enjoy - surely as in my case, for some time ahead until the next wallpaper idea comes.

Four years ago: The Love Cup of GBL
Five years ago: What to Nominate
Six years ago: Cryptic Pokémon
Seven years ago: Two Games at Once?

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Different Regions, Different Strokes

Pokémon by now is a universal franchise and fandom across regions of the world. However, what might not be so universal is the way that different regions of the world are managed, dealt with, or treated with respect to Pokémon affairs, specifically for the purposes of being able to compete with those from other regions and implying the tournaments that lead up to the annual World Championships. It's a matter that makes for a good bit of discussion.

It helps to see how this is so with a few pertinent examples. In the past, I had mentioned one example for Pokémon Go and the Asia Pacific region, and this also ties into several related tournaments in the countries associated with the championships, whose winners are representative. A similar situation occurs for Pokémon Unite, which has its own regional championships for select teams in the region.

Then, locally there is a championship series for the TCG in the form of "League" tournaments named after specific types of capture balls, where players collect points to move into higher stages progressively, with the peak being to select representative champions. Elsewhere, players will recognize "regional" or "challenge" tournaments with similar purposes, though with a multinational scope, even with VGC involved.

With some of these differences, it's hard not to consider that there would be a root cause for them. The licensing, distribution, and all related matters handled by different parts of the corporate entities involved in Pokémon would certainly indicate that things may have to be performed in different ways for different parts of the world, and that has been proven as such with the different kinds of tournaments above.

So, as universal and deep-to-the-core (for many of its fans) as Pokémon is, it seems that even some things have to be performed in ways that don't appear to be universal, as with the tournaments above, due to certain legalities that may be involved in them. What does remain universal, though, is the ways that fans play the games and do so against others in the world, and the most important thing is to keep reconciling that across any sort of differences.

Five years ago: Pokémon as a Study Aid
Seven years ago: Anywhere Is

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Pokémon Crossroads

I really wanted to write up on a philosophical aspect of Pokémon today and not something from its media manifestations (games and the like), and I finally settled on the topic I'm about to discuss, which seemingly hasn't been discussed before and is appropriate as such. So, the topic concerns "crossroads" in Pokémon instances - or even more specifically, journeys - which can be realized in different ways depending on the circumstances. As such, there's a certain philosophical understanding imbued in the realizations.

The "fork in the road" is one of those realizations, and it's sometimes depicted in the anime, particularly back when Ash and co. was still in it. The literal sense of "crossroads", being two roads that meet each other in a junction, is obviously present here. Yet, it's also representative of the starts and ends of certain initiatives, often appearing in scenes where such initiatives are at hand. Whether they begin or end things, though, at least some places will then tie into those initiatives and everything goes back to the "crossroads" as places that lead in and out.

Another sense of "crossroads" is two roads that pass over ("cross") each other, which could be understood as making an intersection composed of four ways or more. This would then be illustrated (and realized) well through places like Saffron City, Mauville City, and Lumiose City, which sit smack-dab in the midst of two or more paths. Philosophically, any of these directions could be taken, which means many directions that one can potentially take, even if they all may not be available from the get-go and only later on as possibilities.

More abstractly, places and spaces that involve aerial departures and arrivals - including but not limited to airports - could be thought of as "crossroads" in the sense that some people go to the air from the ground and vice versa, or they might only "touch base" with the others and still stay where they are. Instances of these are varied in the media manifestations, including the people and the vessels that transport them, but the essence is still that they are the meeting points for different "roads", ones that go to or just lead from the sky.

Conceptually, "crossroads" represent points of convergence, and all of the realized Pokémon instances  above have some sense of convergence, even if they may or may not involve actual or literal "roads" that are so aptly part of the term. If the philosophical understanding has any bearing on the Pokémon instances, it would be that it is a common matter to have roads, paths, and ways go in different ways and inevitably meet at certain points, allowing people and Pokémon species alike to traverse them to wherever it is they want or need to go.

Five years ago: To Eat and to Lure
Six years ago: A Pidove Keychain
Seven years ago: Memories of Hoenn
Eight years ago: LINE Pokémon Stickers

Monday, February 10, 2025

Catching the "Fancy" of Life-Size Plush Dolls

As I had discussed nearly a year ago, Pokémon plush dolls come in all kinds of sizes, and one of them is the life size. Many Pokémon are undoubtedly suited to having plush dolls of this size, certainly as long as they're not already gargantuan to start off with. Besides being suitable, there's a certain captivating quality that plush dolls of this size have, and that becomes the branching point of this discussion from the earlier one: catching the "fancy" possessed by dolls of this size, along with a few illustrative examples of that "fancy".

Most recently, there had been hubbub and furor over the latest entry to this line of plush doll size, being the Gardevoir life size plush doll. Many fans are aware of the implications that are brought about by this particular Pokémon having a life size plush doll (for which nothing more will be said here), and this definitely means that those who conceived this plush doll and those who covet such a plush doll have caught a certain "fancy". When the Lucario life size plush doll entered the scene, some might have had the same reactions, even if it might have been less marked than for Gardevoir. Whatever "fancy" might be had, some are certainly preferential for these humanoid species in plush doll - even in life size.

Then, there are the more common entries like those for the species of Porygon, Psyduck, and Pikachu. Admittedly, though, the first of these species is somewhat tending into the uncommon given its history in Pokémon matters, but a life size plush exists for it and could be sat (and/or "ridden") on... just like it was meant to be. The other two are familiar yellow pals for those who are familiar (even, not so familiar) with Pokémon, and by the reactions and reviews to these, they're treated truly as "pals" more than anything else. In this way, the "fancy" of these Pokémon are "caught" and "served".

"Extraordinary" seems to be the word that can describe the scale of these life size plush dolls as well as the reactions of the people to them, Pokémon fans and non-fans alike. Something would captivate some people for the conception of these plush dolls and then other people to obtain them, and that's definitely the "fancy" that concerns these plush dolls. That too is "extraordinary" regardless, as is the general scales and sizes of Pokémon species.

Five years ago: On (No) Coincidences
Eight years ago: Space

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Pokémon Go Community Day, 2/9/2025

After the first main edition of Community Day this year turned a bit weird for me and left a bitter taste in my mouth, now it seems that it's time for the event itself to get a little weird for its second edition this year. It also represents the varied possibilities that Community Day may have, perhaps even foretelling of others that it might have in the future. Regardless, that's for later, and the weirdness of this edition is at hand.

With that, the weirdness involves the featured Pokémon of this edition, as there are two: Karrablast and Shelmet. These two Pokémon (and their species families) might appear disparate, but they are in fact inextricably linked to each other, as in the main series games, they require to be traded for each other in order to evolve into their next evolutionary stage (Escavalier and Accelgor respectively). Pokémon Go has no such requirement, but trading them is regardless strongly recommended as they can evolve freely afterwards, which would be a cost of 200 Candy for either family otherwise. All this still makes sense for Pokémon Go, as it has featured species with similarly steep Candy requirements before (Magikarp and Stufful) for Community Day.

Background aside, there are the usual features, new and old. There are two special moves in play as well: Escavalier gets Razor Shell and Accelgor gets Energy Ball, both Charged moves, for the purpose of this event, for coverage more than anything else given their types. The main bonus is triple XP for captures, always a useful one for new and less active Trainers. Obviously, the discounted trades and extra Special Trade bonuses come into their own for this edition given the above evolutionary requirements. The rest of the bonuses are the usual cohort - double Candy and Candy XL chance, extended Incense and Lure Modules, photo bombs, showcases, item bundles, stickers, and all kinds of Research task offerings that have come into their own starting this year, with the paid Special Research titled "Bug Report".

Evidently, some weirdness was also in play for me, as I decided to take care of Community Day while at the goings-on a different community less related to the game and Pokémon in general. The goings-on had weird things of their own and perhaps overran its time, so when I finally came to the actual Community Day local meetup, it was pretty much almost over... although that seems for the best given what transpired last time. In any case, I met the people I needed to meet, completed certain trading business and discussions with them, and got into the group picture, which from this point onwards I would rather not include in the post except it was for a different meetup. Weirdly enough, there were no goodies as well, corroborated by other reports, so it seems all the weird things of today were justified.

This edition - personally in some respects - affirms that Community Day can have weird things from time to time, and it might be just a matter of dealing with them in the best way possible. That is also very much applicable for this month's double feature, which does have a specific way of dealing with the Pokémon. Even then, that could mean opening up possibilities for the future, and that much seems appreciable at this point.

Two years ago: Pokémon Consulting?
Five years ago: Coming Up Roses
Six years ago: Cosplay: Eien no Kiseki
Seven years ago: Seeking Confirmation
Eight years ago: Time

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Pokémon Food Memories

Being a culinary enthusiast in some ways, food is for me something to savor and enjoy (in addition to make, find, and procure). For me personally, it can also be a way to create, keep, and conjure memories in all kinds of ways - certainly as far as this blog is concerned, even Pokémon ones. With that in mind, I thought I'd take a post on discussing how this is possible and reflected in the experiences that have transpired for me.

In creating memories, that has occurred with a friend, also involved in different Pokémon affairs, who I don't get to see physically often, as that friend is usually far away from me. However, some of the best times I've had with that friend were during mealtimes, be they common fast food or cultural delicacies. It can be said that we not only bond over our appreciation of Pokémon, but also the food that we enjoy together. In this way, memories are created over food alongside whatever we're involved in for Pokémon together.

Meanwhile, memories are kept for my Pokémon Go raid group and I, for which the former's anniversary celebration parties have always involved food of some kind. If the same kinds of food are presented even outside the context of that anniversary celebration (or even more simply, just by thinking about the food), it becomes hard not to associate them with the memories of those parties. Recently, things have turned sour for both of us, so the matter has become more of a "dissociation", but the point is still the same: it's hard not to do so.

As for the conjuring of memories, there are the various times my raid subgroups gathered and made an occasion of it with food, or when my other Pokémon fellows or I myself make certain occasions and predictably have food alongside. They bring to mind the specific occasions one after another as they occur, and the memories are conjured up in this way. Unlike the soured group relations above and like the still-sweet relations with that friend, this is something that is expected (or I expect it myself) to continue for as long as they possibly can.

Some things leave a mark on my mind, and one of those is definitely Pokémon. But food is also pretty well-defined in this case, and it also leaves a mark on my mind. Considering the above, they definitely can occur together as well, and that should be a good thing for me as I am a big fan of the former and a good fan of the latter. I'm sure that many Pokémon fans can agree on these sentiments and bring their own food memories to the table.

Three years ago: A Leftover Pokémon Promo?
Five years ago: Memories and Mnemonics
Six years ago: Pokémon Clocks

Friday, February 7, 2025

Go Tour: True and Ideal Representations

The last thing I want to cover in this stretch of Pokémon Go discussions is the big annual event that always takes place around this time of year, specifically this season. Evidently, that would be Pokémon Go Tour, which has been going on for some years now, and I always give an "extended preview" of it, which becomes the purpose of this post. I'd already divulged at the season's start that it is going to involve the Unova region, and that remains a true fact. Yet it is also the case that some things could be somewhat idealized, and those are the themes I'm working around for the purpose of this "extended preview".

Certainly, these themes are tied to the region's "box Legendaries" of Reshiram and Zekrom, who represent "truth" and "ideals" respectively. And they'll be a prime focus for this edition, as the two (along with Kyurem) will provide the necessary materials for the proper debut of Black Kyurem and White Kyurem as Fusion Pokémon, unlike the major mess-up from before. The particulars that will apply to this effort will likely be familiar to those with Fusion experience from before, and that will be something to look forward to and prepare for - but I don't want to get too far ahead right now, to wait on (and show) its evident truth and ideals.

Meanwhile, the truth is that the core event remains free as in the past few years, and there will be the other familiar elements. The ideals would then be the paid "add-ons" to the event, one of them being the usual Masterwork Research. Another one would be rewards structured in a way that is quite familiar to those who play other, more contemporary mobile games, but hasn't made it into Pokémon Go until this point. Such aspiring ideals are welcome to coexist with the true realities of the event situation.

Speaking of realities, the live edition of the event is also on hand, which will take place in two cities on the same weekend: Los Angeles and New Taipei City, on February 21 and 22. It has to be noted, though, that the former has been set by the grim of a true reality, though the event proceeds where it is, perhaps as an "idealized" form. Meanwhile, the second location in Asia may have existed as an idealism in the first place but has now become a true realization for another way to serve fans - ones halfway around the world.

And then there is the Global edition, which is scheduled the very next week... that is, on March 1 and 2. This has idealistic implications for some seasonal circumstances, but it is what it is, and the truth will be dealt accordingly when the time comes about. Anyhow, the ideal remains that the live Trainers get "early access" to the features - and therefore are able to test them - before the Global ones can check their truth. 

It's sometimes hard to say how some given major Pokémon Go live events will proceed, but the concepts thrown around by the Legendary Pokémon of this year's featured region for Pokémon Go Tour seem to make perfect sense for describing a few of its general particulars ahead of time. Then, in looking forward to it, there can be the opportunity to reconcile the truth and ideals in order to have the best experience possible during the event.

Three years ago: All Star, All Pokémon
Five years ago: Turning Around and Back
Seven years ago: An Eye for Pokémon
Eight years ago: Conserve and Cooperate