Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Hobby vs. Responsibility

Every so often, an issue comes up that catches my attention and that I can't leave well enough alone, which also means discussing it on this blog and seeing how Pokémon fits into the issue. This time, the issue involves pitting what one likes to do ("hobby") against what one needs to do ("responsibility"), as conceived by a certain public figure. Based on the implications that both carry, Pokémon can potentially fit with them in various ways, and it becomes helpful to try to make sense of them as such. 

It is obvious that for many people, Pokémon is a (part of their) hobby, since it can be enjoyed, consumed, appreciated, the whole nine yards. Yet it could be easy to forget that behind all things Pokémon, there are also people maintaining or continuing their workings, and for them, Pokémon therefore becomes a responsibility, to be worked on so that other people can take it in. By these simple facts, it becomes apparent that Pokémon can be established to fit in both ends of the duality, and necessarily so.

Personally, Pokémon is also still a field of my hobbies, and that can hardly be changed. Still, its influence over some other parts of my life - including where responsibility is concerned, and no matter how small or insignificant - cannot be denied either, and thus in a sense it becomes a minor kind of "responsibility" to maintain. If there is ever an opportunity to make it a more major responsibility, it's one that I would cherish, even as I try to maintain it as a hobby along with other kinds of responsibility.

As to where this blog would fit in, it is at present still mostly a reflection of Pokémon as a hobby field as above. But in a way, there is also a sense that it should be maintained as a minor responsibility for its possibility of unlocking a major responsibility (also as above) later on, with the hope that it could also be tied to Pokémon. That hope is still fairly remote at this point, but it's one that I still wouldn't count out due to my continued involvement with Pokémon and the opportunities for that.

While the public figure may be justified in putting the two things in opposition to each other, there is also a sense that both may just be intricately connected and those connections make themselves evident in different ways, if the example of Pokémon is of any indication. In that case, both make themselves out as being important without necessarily having to be opposed. If the issue has resonated for me, it might just resonate for other Pokémon fans as well as others just making their way through life.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 4/29/2024

This month is almost at an end, and more or less so are the events in Pokémon Go, so it's time to roll them up. And there's quite a bit of that in this month, which is something to behold, especially when compared to this time last year (other than Community Day as below). So, it is (was) a busy month in a way, and that means the rollup can be considered busy as well.

Like last year, my April Fool's Day coverage was also a hint to what was happening in Pokémon Go. Dubbed "An Excellent Opportunity", for the entire day (April 1), all Nice and Great throws became Excellent throws - that is, as long as they landed within the colored circle when capturing Pokémon. While Field Research allowed Spinda to be encountered, Timed Research gave out mostly capture balls, with the most ornery task being making 25 Excellent (Nice) throws - not as easy as one might think even with the above bonus. Some people evidently made a fool of themselves on this day with what was given.

Next, from April 4 to 9, there was the Sizeable Surprises event, featuring Pokémon of all kinds of sizes, like the tiny Joltik and massive Wailmer. These (with increased Shiny chance bonus for the latter and the debut of Shiny Wimpod) joined other Pokémon of size extremes in the wild, Field Research task rewards, and even in raids, complemented by bonuses of double XP for captures with Nice or better throws as well as increased XXS and XXL encounter chances. Collection Challenges and themed showcases upped the ante of the event, and it seems Trainers really had a whale of a time with the eclectic sizes.

From April 12 to 17, Bug Out made its return with a smattering of Bug-type Pokémon, also in the wild, Field Research task rewards, and raids. Many of them also became part of Collection Challenges, a rather intensive set this time around. The double XP bonus returned, this time complemented with increased Candy and Candy XL chances as well as chances to find Shiny versions of Combee and Burmy. The remaining complements were new Bug type-inspired fashion items and themed showcases for the Pokémon. Also during this time was a Mega Heracross Raid Day on April 13 featuring its debut, with the usual bonuses of increased free raid passes and Shiny chance along with a paid ticket for even more free passes and increased XP, Stardust, and Rare Candy XL chance; successful raids also increased Pokémon appearances locally for 15 minutes. The Bug types were diverse and so were the opportunities.

In conjunction with the Rediscover update, the Rediscover Kanto event started on April 22 (23 in some places) and will persist until May 9, making this one a presently ongoing event transgressing months. During this time, Pokémon from this region appear more often in the newly instituted biomes, marking their places in them; they are complemented by bonus XP from weekly-daily catch and spin streaks as well as faster Friendship level increases. The families of starter Pokémon also have their own bonuses, with increased Shiny chances for them in their biomes, the special attacks (from previous Community Days) for the final evolved forms, and the respective Mega Energy from Field Research. A new, non-guided Special Research focused on the Pokémon can also be claimed. The update was semi-major, so the accompanying event had to be as such in some ways as well.

Sustainability Week also returned from April 22 to 26. In what seems to be a more minor repeat, only a select few nature-themed Pokémon appeared in 2 km Eggs and Field research task encounters; two of them (Drilbur and Trubbish) along with their evolved forms were featured in a Collection Challenge, the latter with a special Spotlight Hour appearance. Bonuses this time were of the Buddy Pokémon sort, with greater chances for souvenirs and presents, longer presence on the map, and decreased distance for a heart; showcases were also present with the themed Pokémon. Overall, the event wasn't too lavish and just fulfilled its purpose (sustainability) plainly.

Capping off the month was Cleffa Hatch Day that took place on April 28. As with earlier editions, the featured Pokémon was gotten through 2 km Eggs more often from PokéStops with increased Shiny chance and double hatch Candy. A free Timed Research set rewarded a Super Incubator and XP, while a paid ticket provided another set with the same rewards plus a Star Piece and a double hatch Stardust bonus. New to this edition are extended bonuses starting from April 26 up to the event day, with halved Egg hatch distance, event Field Research tasks, and event bundles on the Web Store and in-game shop. The event had more going for it this time around.

April of this year in Pokémon Go was quite happening, with some returning events and formats in addition to some unique surprises as with sizes and capture throws, not to mention the instituted Rediscover update. And that is not just a fool's errand, even given what this month usually starts off with - the events just set their own tone.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Pokémon on a Budget

Besides struggling with current "slowdown" problems, I'm also slightly struggling with some fund issues at the moment, and that has caused a lot of things to be scaled down or redirected, including for Pokémon matters. Funds are inherently important to some of the Pokémon experience, especially nowadays, but if a post from the very first year of this blog indicates, some Pokémon things can be gotten even after making certain financial initiatives. This post can then be regarded as a "continuation" of the spirit of that post, this time with a little more "budget-minded" spirit.

Presently, many gamers with serious (or even just semi-serious) skills will likely already possess a mobile device for playing some current "canon" games. For those who do, they can already start on a few Pokémon initiatives as well, the two main ones I recommend being Pokémon Go (to take in the "spirit" of the world even in a simplified and semi-realistic format) and Pokémon Unite (to reach out to some deeper things and to collaborate with others). Sure, once they get serious about them, then it might not become so "budget", but the basic experience is there even for those without one.

As for other budget "initiatives", the current Trading Card Game Live platform is nicely designed for those interested in the TCG but can't spare the "budget" for certain aspects beyond funds or finances. Those who already have the Nintendo Switch - possibly as the only budget option having been made - can enjoy Pokémon Unite and even Café Remix on there, which are definitely "budget" game choices and surely long-lasting ones, as some players like me can attest with their addictive qualities, and they may not even need to go out on a limb with their "premiums". 

Even if the fact of the matter is that some Pokémon games can only be had by having spared some budget for them (specifically, the devices that can be used to play them), it is at least comforting to know that some budget-minded options can still be made afterwards for play that takes even less toll on the budget. It's a comforting fact for me to keep in mind as I deal with my current fund issues, after which I'll hopefully have some funds to spare for more Pokémon games and things and expand my budgetary options for them as my other ones also expand.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Cosplay: Community Alliance Meeting

Goh: Oh! This sounds different.

Me: Well, as different as it is, it's actually similar to something we discussed a while back. 

Goh: Wait - I remember now. It's like the other gathering from last month.

Me: Yeah, it's like that, only this one has a few more communities in it.

Ash: Last time, there were six of them.

Me: Yes, so that time was also called the Six Communities Meeting. This one, I'm told, has a couple more.

Goh: Then you could say this one is the "eight communities" one.

Me: More or less. And other than that... it's also more or less the same as last time.

Ash: I see what you mean! Same place, same schedule. A friend of yours got me there too.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu. ["Very similar."]

Me: Only this time you have your Kanto/Johto outfit, and it's no longer a "break", so they went earlier, I'm told.

Ash: They did! They started out with community performances like last time - but I didn't get to perform (sing) this time.

Goh: What would you have sung this time, maybe if our friend had a plan?

Ash: Well?

Me: There are a couple choices for Pokémon songs, but they'd still take some effort - and then there are ones not related to Pokémon, but they're kind of "out there". 

Ash: I think I got you. 

Me: Anyway, you didn't sing, but you must have gotten in the character parade.

Ash: Of course - it was easy to get in! I tried something new for us.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu pika. ["I like what you did."]

Ash: If you liked it, we'll try it again somewhere else.

Goh: But then how did you do?

Ash: One of the communities picked me as a favorite!

Me: Nice! But... I think that's all you got, right?

Ash: Yeah...

Me: Don't worry. As you said, we'll try it in another place. 

Goh: I guess there wasn't much else?

Ash: No, just a little singing and dancing for the rest of the day - then I got back to my friend.

Goh: Then I'd say it was a nice afternoon for you two.

Ash: Right!

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["Good stuff."]

Me: A nice change of pace from the usual... and then it's back to the usual.

Goh: Well said. Other Pokémon stuff for you?

Ash: For our friend, it probably is.

Me: Sometimes we can get it all figured out, even for this happening.

Two years ago: TCG, My Past and Future

Friday, April 26, 2024

Animation Settings for Café Remix?

One more thing I'd like to discuss about Café Remix this month is yet another personal thing, which could also be considered as a "feature request" of sorts. The game contains a fair bit of in-game animation - for example Pokémon skills and star earning display in the stages. Those who like these visual effects will certainly let them play; even so, it's possible that some players will get tired of them even if they do still enjoy them. Thus, what I'm getting at is a feature request to deal with these animations - to control them, in other words, preferably through a setting.

In context, skipping animations is actually a trivial matter. When an animation plays during a stage, a tap will immediately dismiss the animation. As for animations outside a stage, most commonly on result screens, there is sometimes a "fast forward" (⏭️) icon on the upper right corner of the screen that will skip the animations or at the very least make them go faster. Having these controls is certainly useful and admittedly does allow some selectivity when one is ambivalent about skipping animations, but other times, one might just want to make it a done deal.

For this purpose, I propose additional settings for animations in the settings screen. The setting could be activated to skip automatically all animations in any place, or just stage animations or result screen animations. This would mean not having to tap the screen when an animation plays in stage or to tap the "fast forward" icon where it could be present, allowing one to become mindless about it during play. If these settings were to be in place right now, I would set it to "skip all" due to my inclination of focusing on special event stages as they appear.

The animations in Café Remix overall do provide a nice touch, but if my experience and possibly that of others could be of any indication, they can get ornery and repetitive, which could explain the rudimentary, manual skip controls in place above. What seems to be able to make them better, potentially, would be actual settings that control the skipping of animations automatically in certain cases as detailed above. The visual appearance of Café Remix is still its greatest strength, yet like certain powers, controlling them may be necessary for some improvement.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Trainers' Longing on the Road

An experience I detailed way back in the first year of this blog - now I realize not directly tied to Pokémon but has some Pokémon overtones - highlights that the longing of people is a normal part in the journey of life (as it is mine). It would be expected that Trainers journeying wherever they may in the Pokémon world would also have a sense of longing for certain entities connected to them - in a sense, someone they would write a letter to. I've decided to gather up a few of those entities to illustrate their sense of longing.

One obvious longing is for the people in the hometown of the respective Trainer, which would likely be the family of that Trainer or other important people like Pokémon Professors or their aides. They undoubtedly illustrate personal and "professional" relationships that Trainers could decidedly miss (long for), especially if they are defining of the Trainer, in which case it would also be a natural thing. Either way, longing becomes established due to the heft of the relationships, particularly being far removed from the location.

Closely related and associated is the longing for friends, which could also be from the hometown but are more likely to be (or includes those) from other places. Some people are known to attest that friends can be even more "family" than even actual family, and that may very well be the case for some Pokémon Trainers as well, which translates into the longing by Trainers for them. The longing may even be deeper sure to the fleeting nature of the meetings, without a guarantee that they may meet again at another time.

Perhaps most importantly is the longing that Trainers might have for certain Pokémon. As they make their way through various locations, they will be observant and likely be able to connect with the Pokémon, even if only momentarily and/or indirectly. Then, when they leave the location (alternatively, the Pokémon do instead), the longing then starts. In a way, this longing might be just as fleeting as the one for friends above in some circumstances, while in others it might be relieved just by coming back, like for the hometown longing.

In the end, Trainers are only human and they can be expected to have the usual assortment of human emotions, one of them being longing for certain entities. In the Pokémon world, the longing might be for any or all of the above, especially when the Trainers in question are making their journey somehow. While it may take an intensive journey and developed connections for the longing to be able to manifest itself, if the process transpires, then it affirms that human emotions are just as important as fantastic creatures.

Three years ago: Pokémon Airplanes
Five years ago: The World Is All Here
Six years ago: I'll Be... The One
Seven years ago: Shuffling in Alola

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Let's Go Rediscover and Renew

I've yet to make this month's event rollup for Pokémon Go for certain reasons, and that will come later on. For now, I'd like to discuss about a somewhat major update that the game has had, which is substantially more so than a regular event and thus deserves its own treatment. The major part of this update is sweeping changes that are directed to make a Trainer take another look at their world and view it differently - and for that reason, it's been dubbed as the "Rediscover" update. It sounds significant, and it is in fact as such.

With this update, now one can see a greater variety of environmental attributes (called "biomes") on the overworld and Pokémon encounter screens, and as expected, some Pokémon might be gravitated to - that is, appear in - some biomes compared to others. One might see mountains  in the distance for extended mountainous areas, or one might see vibrant green areas for parks and forests. Some familiar areas might just become more dynamic in this case, and that does become a call for "rediscovery" to see how they work out.

"Rediscovery" also comes from inside out, as now Trainers have more body appearance customization options available. They can now adjust skin color, build, hair features (including length), and even facial expressions. This is, of course, another step in the direction of mirroring their real-life appearance to their in-game appearance... or for some it could be the other way around as well, in addition to the existing options available, including clothing and accessories. Obviously, the possibilities of different takes have been granted.

Taking pictures of Pokémon is one last part of this update full of "rediscoveries". Some Trainers might have noticed a few changes over the past weeks (and recently) in this regard, and they'll culminate at the start of the next month with a wild one for this feature. Granted, some of the changes may not have become evident in the best of ways, but they're still regardless a part of the update as billed in its features. This may be one that some Trainers might have to make a significant "rediscovery" on their own.

All told, this update has some of the flavors of the "Go Beyond" update from a while back, yet it's not as functionally sweeping as that update. It is still a significant update in any regard - one that changes lots of things and goes beyond the usual norm of events (again, for which this month is due to be rolled up) - and as such requires a significant discussion beyond that as well. At least some renewed sense of exploration is instilled with the spirit of this update, and that may be the prime "rediscovery" to be sought after.

Two years ago: The Flame of Cyndaquil

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Needing a Time Distortion

Recently, things have been going somewhat slow for this blog. It might not be that apparent considering the posts themselves, but it's actually as such behind the scenes. It seems that I may need more time to get through my Pokémon activities and then write the posts on this blog, and that brings up a related issue to Pokémon and the ways of the species. Moreover, it's one that has been implemented neatly in Pokémon Go also just recently, and fits the current situation.

That related issue is being able to create (and make use of) a time distortion, as that which is caused by the Roar of Time move that is so identified with Dialga. In the recent Pokémon Go implementation, the time distortion is realized by putting a pause on timers for anything if they have recently been activated. Of course, one would think that an actual time distortion would and could do a little more than just stop time for certain things.

And that brings things back to my current situation. It seems I would need a time distortion not only to stop time (which is useful) but also to slow down its progression in certain aspects (which can also be workable). Such functions wouldn't be too out of reach for Dialga to incur, perhaps especially the latter, which would arguably be less intensive than the former. Either way, I'd be able to make use of the distorted time for what I would need to do.

Even so, time distortion still only exists in my dreams and in the confines of the existing Pokémon world. At least, there is no qualm in being able to think about things as they might be conceived in them without having them existing. Regardless, I'm still going to have to do without a time distortion, which means that things might still be a bit slow-going for some time, while I try to figure out a way so I can actually speed it up.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Cosplay: Biznet Festival

Me: OK, so now we can deal with Saturday's "other" thing.

Goh: So it was a festival.

Me: Right. It was directed to a lot of creative things, including the character competition (parade).

Ash: They had band and dance competitions too! I heard one of the bands I sometimes see.

Me: That is nice, but of course they didn't really work for us here. What worked was the character parade - and certainly Community Day.

Goh: But as Ash said, it was in a big field and after it rained, so his shoes got a bit muddy.

Ash: Yeah, I wasn't too happy about that, even with my Journeys outfit.

Pikachu: Pika. ["Frustrating."]

Ash: A lot of people also got mud anyway, somehow. 

Goh: If it didn't rain, would things have been better? 

Me: I would say probably, because I've been to the field myself when it wasn't wet, and it was nicer out.

Goh: Did anyone else show things off? 

Ash: There was a group of people with toy cars and a couple of food stands, but that was it. Oh yeah! There was a team game competition, but it wasn't for us. 

Me: Knowing the game, if it was only Pokémon Unite...

Ash: I'd be in it for sure!

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["I'd support!"]

Goh: But considering what you said, I thought there would be a lot more people showing things off and coming, but it looks like there wasn't.

Ash: Oh! Actually, there were a lot more stands outside the festival... but they weren't part of it. 

Goh: So I guess it's a "they are but they aren't" kind of thing.

Me: I have a feeling more people came at night to watch the entertainment... which Ash couldn't do because I called him back early.

Ash: I heard a little bit from outside, but I think you'd still not be interested.

Me: Good point anyway, and then there's the thing from the other day.

Goh: What did happen with the character parade?

Ash: I thought it would be in the middle of the afternoon, but it got pushed back late. 

Me: Oh, this must mean that it interfered with the giveaway for Community Day.

Ash: Pretty much so. 

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["That happened."]

Goh: How many characters? 

Ash: About 30.

Goh: And the prizes...

Ash: Only six - three best and three favorites. 

Goh: Yeah, I can see that not turning out well. 

Ash: Nope.

Me: So, even with two happenings in one roof, it's still pretty hard to get in both, especially if there's a delay. 

Ash: You can say that again.

Me: Well, for this one, it's both fortunate and unfortunate that things lined up the way they did.

Goh: But you two still got things going the next day.

Me: True, so we can only take it in stride. Anyway, that's that for this weekend, and if there's anything that should always line up, it's Pokémon for us.

Ash: I'm sure it will!

Pikachu: Pi! ["Yeah!"]

Goh: Why not?

Me: Good question - the answer is always to come.

Three years ago: Ideas for Pokémon Vehicles
Four years ago: Reading the Signs
Five years ago: PokéMania and WhatMania
Seven years ago: Costume Issues

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Cosplay: ChibiCon 4 x ICGP Regionals 2024

Goh: Well, ChibiCon is big, all right.

Ash: This one looks different!

Me: Indeed it is. Because DJF is no more, something else has to host ICGP Regionals... and that's where we are. 

Goh: Other than that, I think other things should be similar.

Me: Well, I think so too. And as usual, the convention runs for two days - but obviously I couldn't send Ash the other day

Ash: OK, so what do you want me to do today? 

Pikachu: Pi pika? ["What's in mind?"]

Me: For today - with your Hoenn outfit - just think of the convention as a "reunion" - a way to connect me with other people, warmly. Oh, and by being here today, we keep our attendance record...

Goh: I noticed that. I guess you do want to keep it that way.

Me: Sure, why not. Also, the convention changed places again. 

Ash: It's back in the big mall! But I think it's much better that way.

Me: Yeah, the other one had a stuffy and cramped hall. This one is much bigger and better.

Goh: OK, what was the structure like? 

Ash: After I went in, there were a few communities. Then all the creators were in the big hall along with the stage. Outside of that was food and drink, a sitting space, and the exit.

Me: Sounds like they used the hall wisely. Let's see - who did you connect with? 

Ash: A few Pokémon people in the hall! 

Goh: Did you get something for our friend? 

Ash: I did - he's been waiting a long time for this one.

Me: OK, I can't wait. Who else? 

Ash: A bunch of music gamers! They had a game with nine buttons, and I played it a bit today for you.

Me: Ooh! That's a rare one. Thanks, and I hope you had fun.

Ash: Yeah! You would have liked some of what I played. 

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["Very nice!"]

Goh: Cool! But I guess you met our friend's friends too.

Ash: A lot of them, everywhere. And too many to list too. I even got into a discussion to meet others.

Goh: Oh, a discussion? On what?

Ash: People like our friend, then and now. I didn't catch most of it since our friend told me to go eat, but it looks like social media might affect that. 

Me: Well, I do have a reason to believe the people there are right. So many things have happened after I connect with them there.

Goh: Including this one!

Me: Right. 

Goh: So, we can say our friend really has lots of friends, including at conventions. Speaking of, what else went on today? 

Ash: I didn't see much on stage, but what happened didn't have things on stage because of the ICGP thing.

Goh: And what about that thing?

Me: I can answer that based on one of my friends in it. They had the dress rehearsal, outfit judging, and performance competition today.

Ash: I think I missed the last one - it was right about when you told me to eat.

Sorry about that. I think the schedules changed slightly too for that.

Goh: That is a little frustrating. What about what Ash missed on the first day?

Me: By my info, there would have been bands, dance groups, and the character parade, which I actually wanted Ash in instead of...

Goh: ...in what happened the other day?

Me: Yeah, you can say that. And there was one band in particular that I wanted Ash to check out.

Ash: Oh! If that's the one, I met the drummer during the discussion. Funny how that worked out.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu. ["How interesting."]

Me: Well then. You know, I guess we made great use of the convention as a "convention" in a true sense today rather than to seek rewards from it. 

Goh: The "reward" was Ash connecting for you.

Me: Not the reward I was thinking of, but sure. Anyway, once again this little (chibi) convention has grown beyond its roots.

Ash: So did the fun!

Me: That too. Now, we can always expect the little big things whenever this one comes about.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Pokémon Go Community Day, 4/20/2024

Me: OK, the next three days are going to be filled with discussions... and it starts with this one.

Goh: Oh, Community Day. Well, if we're talking about it, Ash must be involved.

Ash: I'm here!

Pikachu: Pika! ["So am I!"]

Me: Great! So, today's Community Day might be a little offbeat, sprouting even.

Goh: Wait, let me guess the Pokémon... Bellsprout?

Me: Goh's got this. We have its family of odd plants.

Ash: It evolves into Weepinbell, then Victreebel. James would love this... but I don't think he's here.

Me: No, but that's probably for the better.

Goh: Hey, what move does Victreebel get this time?

Me: A Grass-type Fast Move - Magical Leaf.

Goh: Interesting - the same as one of its types. Could be useful.

Me: Why not. Oh, and the main bonus is tripled Stardust - something that's always needed.

Ash: A Star Piece could be useful!

Me: Sure. OK, so that's the primary feature roundup. The rest we probably can guess.

Ash: I think we can use Lure Modules and Incense for longer.

Goh: Double Candy and Candy XL chance is not only a must - it's useful.

Ash: I can trade for less, maybe get two Special Trades in.

Goh: And we'll see it in photo bombs, maybe if someone raids a Weepinbell later on.

Me: All the usual stuff. Field Research from PokéStops, extra Special Research set with Professor Willow, showcases, store and shop bundles, and of course stickers if you open Gifts.

Ash: Yeah! I think we got them all.

Goh: So where did you send Ash this time?

Ash: It was a really big field! But they had a really big stage and a few stands.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu! ["You could see everything!"]

Goh: Wait, it's a festival, yes? So Ash was in it for something else?

Me: Certainly. But we'll talk about that later. I thought we'd talk about both at the same time, but then I realized it was a bad idea. Let's get Community Day down and out first.

Ash: OK, so your friends must have planned this all out. I got to link up with Professor Willow for free this time thanks to a little something they had. "All About Bellsprout", was the title of the set of tasks.

Goh: Sounds like you learned about the species family.

Ash: Yup! And I caught many Bellsprout, at least as much as I could. Only four were Shiny, but you already had two Shiny ones.

Me: Indeed. So this "offbeat" edition is also a "catch-up" edition for those who didn't have that.

Goh: That's nice. You did evolve some, right?

Ash: My friend's best, Shiny, Buddy Pokémon, a Lucky one, two for battling, and a Purified one.

Me: OK, thanks. Good thing I had all of those.

Ash: And here's a picture of everyone.

Goh: And wasn't there a giveaway?

Ash: There was, but, um...

Goh: Was it affected by the festival?

Pikachu: Pika... ["I guess..."]

Me: Must be it. Again, we'll talk about it later.

Goh: Well, at least the Community Day part of the day was OK.

Ash: Except that the field was a little muddy after it sometimes rained.

Goh: Except for that.

Ash: Yeah, my shoes got a little muddy too. Do you think it can get cleaned a little for tomorrow?

Me: I can do something at the least.

Goh: Oh, so tomorrow is...

Ash: Something big!

Me: Big enough that you'll want a bit of a rest after today. So I'll take care of the rest, and...

Goh: We'll be talking tomorrow again.

Pikachu: Chu! ["Right!"]

Me: And things continue then. For now, this is a point to pause.

Friday, April 19, 2024

My Favorite Pokémon Outfits in Café Remix So Far

My next discussion pertaining to Café Remix this month is more personal (by what I have and use) rather than objective, but it's still relevant nonetheless. Those who play will certainly recognize the multitude of outfits for the Pokémon present in the game, which are cosmetic and/or functional. Some players will surely take some of these as favorites, and I do have some as well. Thus, I'm taking this post to discuss about a few of those favorites based on personal progress.

Two outfits I find fascinating that are purely cosmetic are the "turtle print" outfit for Squirtle and the "drummer" outfit for Grookey. They change neither the puzzle scores nor the abilities of the Pokémon, but they still have a striking appearance, if only for them outside of puzzles. The hexagonal and yellow contrast of the former, as well as the cool appearance of the latter, very much complement the Pokémon, and I can still say that I like them for that. 

Of the oldest outfits that could be obtained through Delivery, I like the "stylish server" for Sneasel and "colorful egg" for Starly. Now, these are pretty and/or dazzling, but they are also functional: the puzzle scores are massively increased and the Pokémon type changes, with the abilities mostly remaining the same. That makes them even more valuable in certain circumstances, and they still look awesome to boot. Them being favorites is not surprising, thusly.

Some Pokémon I only have in a special outfit without a regular outfit, like Braixen with its "Welcome 2023" outfit and Greninja (not Shiny) with its "great chef" outfit. They are nevertheless rather dazzling as far as outfits go, and I like them for that, moreover the chance of being able to play with these Pokémon that the outfit itself affords. I may not be able to say much (else) about them functionally, but I can still say that their looks captured my heart.

Lastly, a couple of Pokémon have "five-star" outfits that I like: Eevee with its "festive" outfit and Zorua with its "starry sky" outfit. Both of these radically change the skills of the Pokémon in question (in the case of Eevee, it allows Pokémon to be tapped to clear them), regardless of having some very nifty appearances about them - one is a bit complex and the other has a background literally integrated into the outfit, truly in line with its high status.

At this point, there will have been many more Pokémon outfits in Café Remix present and possessed. Yet the ones mentioned above should provide a general idea of what outfits players might take a liking to - in this case, I myself. Different players will like different outfits, but it just might be possible that they'll like certain ones for almost the same reasons that I've mentioned above - for gameplay appearance, or both, and how all that becomes enhanced.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Cleaning Up Like Poison Types

I've admittedly got a bit of cleaning up to do in some respects, and it can be a bit of a tough task to do for people and Pokémon alike. I say Pokémon because some species - specifically of the Poison type - can be tasked with cleanup duties of their own, and they also do it in their own ways as well. While I deal with my own task, I want to consider how the Pokémon deal with their task at hand. 

The first is the Grimer species family - the Alolan forms specifically. By repute, the primary member of the family was brought to the region to deal with its trash problem... but the result seems to be that they "clean up" to make more of themselves, including the higher-order Muk. Their "mess" may be one that Trainers can take advantage of, even at the irony of the original intent.

Then there is the Gulpin species family. They, on the other hand, can really "clean up" if they want to, by the repute that they can consume and digest pretty much anything - especially the gargantuan Swalot in relative size terms. It might be a little hard for Trainers to make use of this inherent power, but at least they seem more amicable for that purpose as long as things are under control.

It's strange how some Pokémon of what could be considered the "dirtiest" type, the Poison type, could be the ones that "clean up" the most - from two species families, no less. They're idiosyncratic in that way, yet they do just fine with their ways. I still have that "cleaning up" task to deal with, but these Pokémon may just shed some inspiration for its completion in a cleaner manner.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Musical Emotion, Place, and Event

A fan for a different game series suggested that music for a game could evoke senses of emotions, places, and events, based on what has been contributed to it. While I'm not about to make a comparison of the contributors with those for Pokémon games, as I consider all of them masters in their own regard, I can make a comparison of how those senses are reflected in the music for Pokémon games, which in many respects would be a fairer comparison.

It is perhaps fairly easy to identify event in music, as that is what happens when two Trainers come into contact with each other and subsequently battle as in the main series games. Then there's the Mega Evolution music in Pokémon Shuffle, which for its over-the-top quality does indicate the event very well. The initial pre-battle screen in Pokémon Unite has a pretty distinct musical indicator as well. All the events vary, but the music serves well to represent them.

The identification of place is a little less easy but still workable. Hometowns (and some major cities) in past main series games can be quickly identified by the music alone, and so does the main part of the café in Café Remix no matter what time of year it is. Of course, there is also the Pokémon Center (and in some cases the Poké Mart) music, which become identification for their respective places. The places are "out there" yet are also in the music.

Emotion (or feeling) may be the hardest of the three to identify, as it may not be clearly evident in some cases. Yet some pieces of music for ruinous places - for example the Abandoned Ship in Hoenn - do in a way convey a derelict emotion about them. How Fever Frenzy in Café Remix is adjusted musically according to mode (One-Minute or Slow Cooking) can be considered to convey different emotions as well. It's still a hard thing to say.

Considering that fan's characterization of senses in music pieces for a game, there may be some truth in it - not only for that other game series, but also for Pokémon games too. As hard as it could be to determine if the senses are actually present, there is still the affirmation that music can and do convey different senses, which is in a way important for modern games and has to deserve some consideration and thought in involvement.

Two years ago: Rotating to Objectives
Three years ago: Longing for Team Go Rocket
Five years ago: Choosing Pathways
Six years ago: And Again, I Dream
Seven years ago: We're All Tied to Pokémon

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Historical Pokémon, Revisited

Way back at the beginnings of this blog, I had written a post detailing the intrigue and possibilities of exploring Pokémon in a historical manner. Nowadays, there are a couple of answers for this topic, and they will be discussed shortly and accordingly. It is also those answers that has led me to write this follow-up "revisit" post; it could be considered a somewhat late thing to be done, yet on the other hand it seems better-timed and there is no better time - so now is the time.

The first answer, of course, is the Pokémon Legends sub-series, which is now in practice formally established as such with its second edition, Z-A, coming some time later and its inaugural edition, Arceus, being released a while back to great reception. Details are still scant on the new game, but if things are to be similar to the first game, there will be specific regional forms for certain important Pokémon as well as completely different species, all of which will represent the "historical" aspect. It seems the sub-series will be the assigned primary carrier of the aspect.

As for the second answer, that would be the Paradox Pokémon in the Scarlet and Violet main series games. They're like certain familiar species, only substantially changed in appearance. Uniquely, they represent not only the "past" (the "true" historical aspect) but also the "future" (the historical aspect that is "yet to be"), a nod to the representation of both time periods by both games. Thus, the "historical" aspect of these Pokémon may be considered debatable, but at least some of the elements may be considered representative, if only to a certain extent.

Both of these have their own characteristics of persistence - the Legends sub-series with more iterations and Paradox Pokémon possibly appearing in other games - so the historical aspect also stands a chance of being persistent as well. All that's left to do is to explore other parts of the historical aspect that haven't been explored, which might deal more with the former than the latter - yet anything is still possible.

Revisiting the aspect seems to show that it can be visited and revisited in different ways, in both current and upcoming developments in Pokémon. What is clear and definitive is that the aspect has registered itself in Pokémon and will continually be explored. At that point, it won't be a "revisit", but it will instead be an "enrichment" of a taste of the Pokémon world beyond the confines of the present time. And should that taste "linger", then the historical aspect is definitely fulfilled.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Pokémon Profile Frames and Video Backgrounds

I've just gotten off a routine audio call (could have been video, but it was decided to be just audio this time) with a couple of good Pokémon friends of mine. While the setting was kind of meager yet workable, it also got me thinking about ways to improve that setting. One of the ways to do so is by having special profile frames and video backgrounds featuring Pokémon. While these may not necessarily be supported across all platforms for audio and/or video calling, they could still be considered nice touches for when they are supported and/or the opportunity arises.

Regarding profile frames, most platforms nowadays have circular profile images, which might make it a little hard to apply a circular border manually. Still, it's not impossible, and I can think of a way to create a circular border inspired by the design of the Pokémon logo. On the other hand, other platforms may support external borders - though in some cases not freely - and a selection of one of these external borders, particularly one that evokes Pokémon, might be just workable. The solution for this seems platform-dependent and may need ingenuity.

As for video backgrounds, some platforms may allow background images to be set directly within them, with or without the aid of a "green screen", and that may very well be convenient and workable - in the Pokémon case, using a Pokémon image. Whether or not that's the case, one could also set up an actual backdrop to be used in video calls, and that backdrop could contain a Pokémon image. This would have to be prepared beforehand, but in doing so, it could become a universal solution no matter the platform. Some things will still depend on the call participants.

The use of profile frames and video backgrounds that feature Pokémon in calls over certain platforms is inherently optional - evidently none of my friends and I used them in our previous call - but for those who make frequent calls, both audio and video, and especially regarding Pokémon in some way, the use may very well be warranted or even necessitated. Any or all the solutions above might help in that regard. As for my (our) personal case, the next time a regular opportunity for a call arises, we might think about these solutions... or not, and enjoy the Pokémon call regardless.

Two years ago: Love Nature, Find Beauty

Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Slowest Pokémon Day

I've just had what could be termed as a "slow Pokémon day" where I wasn't able to do much in relation to Pokémon things, being only able to catch a Pokémon and spin a PokéStop as is requisite in Pokémon Go. And even then, it was almost impossible for me to do both, particularly the latter, because it was just that much of a "slow day". Given what had just transpired, I thought it might be wise to discuss about it, especially in the superlative, and extract meanings from the experience. 

As stated, it could have practically been the "slowest" day if I didn't catch and spin as I did. For those whose focus is on other games or things, a "slow day" could potentially mean different things. It could mean only being able to go through one battle or even raising just one Pokémon, either of which might be "slow" even on a day that is less as such. Of course, the "slowest" day would potentially mean being able to accomplish one action out of what could be several for these things.

Discussing about "slow" brings to mind a Pokémon that is "slow" in both name and behavior - Slowpoke. In the context of the current discussion, it may mean a Slowpoke that could only stay on one rock all day long and not bothering to move about. It could still dip its tail in the water to try to catch something, but this could remain a slow process as well for the Pokémon in question. Slowpoke being a "slow" Pokémon probably won't mind anything that happens, but people likely will.

The "slow day" experience that I just had might continue for a little while longer, and that could be an indication to take things slower during this time and not as fast as things could be. It may not mean taking things as slow as a Slowpoke, but it could mean taking things at my own pace - the pace being different than my normal one. Yet that doesn't mean skimping out on Pokémon things; it just means having to do them differently due to the pace - as slow as it might be.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

More on Outfit Grades in Café Remix

Over a year ago, I had mentioned "outfit grade" in my general overview of Pokémon outfits in Café Remix. It's an aspect that is definitively linked to the feature, to be sure, but my mention of it really only scratches the surface of the aspect. Therefore, I thought of expanding the aspect to a fuller write-up with greater details, and I've decided to take this post for that purpose. It also becomes one of the things I want to discuss about the game over the course of this month.

As noted, friendship boosts or repeated copies of the same outfit are the ways to increase the outfit grade. They're also linked to obtaining (hiring as staff) the Pokémon representative of the outfits because... that is what in fact happens with the first one: the representative Pokémon becomes appealed to join the staff with the first friendship boost in its regular outfit - or with just the special outfit if the regular outfit version hasn't joined - and thus the friendship boost also boosts the outfit grade of the regular outfit. This is why the monthly Premium Pass since the Delivery function change (which also contains my earlier notes) contains five instances of the Pokémon: one to allow it to join with the regular outfit, and four to increase its outfit grade for that outfit; this is similarly accomplished outside of the Premium Pass with Pokémon obtained through events.

Thus, the first friendship boost or outfit could be thought of as "Outfit Grade 0" since it's the base of everything, though the game doesn't really warrant that as a consideration. What is to be considered is that each outfit grade increases the puzzle score of a Pokémon with the respective outfit by a percentage, which is cumulative for higher outfit grades. Some Pokémon with specific outfits may also be able to start a stage with a skill icon already in the puzzle without having to use an item, as is the case with Pachirisu that I previously mentioned. Outfit Grade 4 is obviously the highest outfit grade, and it has the highest added score percentage, as well as a score boost for the usage of one of its abilities. It goes without saying that the (highest) outfit grade can and should be pursued.

What becomes a challenge is certainly the effort to obtain those outfit grades. Those who frequently use the Delivery function will likely have obtained Outfit Grade 4 for almost all regular Pokémon and lesser grades for maybe a few others in special outfits. Unfortunately, it is those Pokémon that will prove difficult to have their outfit grades raised to Outfit Grade 4; if one is lucky, Outfit Grade 2 might be obtainable, but otherwise Outfit Grade 4 is a dream. As for those from events, whether the instances for higher outfit grades are provided is totally up to the event structure and key Pokémon, but at least some of the possibilities may remain open to be taken advantage of.

In a way, the aspect of outfit grades for Pokémon in Café Remix goes deep in itself just as it can go somewhat deeper in explanation to understand it. And that depth has now become rather ingrained and bordering on essential for many players, so an understanding of it is wise and could unlock the potential for greater success for players and their Pokémon at the café with their various outfits.

Four years ago: Pokémon Helmet Covers?
Six years ago: Go at Home
Seven years ago: Paint It, Picross

Friday, April 12, 2024

Making Road Runs with Pokémon

I had mentioned a few days ago that one of the things that Pokémon has pervaded is running races, specifically those carried out by people and on roads. This case has also assumed a form and a name: Pokémon Run. The premise is a typical running race on a road but with a Pokémon twist, featuring a few thematic inclusions over the length of the run - and then of course all the Pokémon adjuncts that go with it. It has become its own thing, so it seems appropriate to gloss it over.

And indeed it has become as such, even way back at the local PFJ event over a year ago, which I neglected to mention. Back then, the run happened on December 11 in two categories: a 3K "family run" and a 5K "fun run"; both also took place in the vicinity of the mall for and general area of the local event. It becomes obvious that I wasn't present at that time, but given the current state of affairs, the reception must have been very good as with the Pokémon event overall and in general.

The result is that Pokémon Run comes back this year... or rather, came back, as it was held alongside the PIJ in Bali event on the Sunday of that period. I (or rather, Ash) had the opportunity to check things out on that morning just before the rush to go back, and we got to see the warm-up for the run, although not the run itself. Even with all the Pokémon elements, it was still a true running race, which does mean a lot of things for both those who participate and me.

For that, I have to admit that I'm not really in the physical condition to participate in one, even if another does come up; it's a Pokémon Run, not a walk, the latter of which I prefer even at a brisk pace. The registration fee, from what I recollect about the Bali edition, is also a little steep, with or without the "race pack" containing the gear and associated merchandise for running, which would be the only thing I'm interested in. Other than that, it seems other Pokémon endeavors are fit for me.

Still, the idea of a thematic running race event like this is a novel one for both runners and Pokémon fans (or runners who are Pokémon fans). They get to enjoy both running and Pokémon at the same time, possibly becoming a new experience for both that is somewhat different from what both usually entail. Either way, the pervasiveness of Pokémon becomes rather evident for this novelty, becoming a form that many people can get fit with and/or fit into.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Leafeon Apple Shampoo for My Needs

Around half a year ago, I had mentioned one of the "unexpected" collaborations of Pokémon, which would be the licensing deal with local brand Yuri for their "dee-dee" line of children's hygiene products, as soaps and shampoos. Recently, I've found myself needing to change my shampoo, and that suddenly made the usage of one of the shampoo versions from this line to be rather viable - and so I took the plunge for its usage, even with it being a little outside of its scope. 

My hairstylist, the one I now currently trust to deal with my hair including for Pokémon cosplay needs, told me to change to a "no-frills" shampoo due to the condition of my hair before the switch. While other kinds of "no-frills" shampoo exist, I settled on the "dee-dee" line due to the Pokémon tie-in, and because it would be like "washing a wig" anyway: some have used children shampoo to wash wigs for cosplay, and since the "wig" I use most often is practically attached to my hair, it made some sense.

For this purpose, I settled on the apple-scented shampoo, since I also like the same scent as it is used in the hand soap from the same line. It was given a tie-in with Leafeon on the bottle's front, which I'm sure is a nod to the type of the Pokémon as well as its general color. The scent is not overpowering and is more subtle, alleviating one of my concerns, but most importantly, it functions as a plain, "no-frills" shampoo that would fill the direction of my hairstylist to take care of my hair outside of their care.

I have been using the shampoo for some time now, and I can say that it seems to have been a worthwhile decision. It gets the job of cleaning my hair done well and has had no apparent side effects; moreover, my hairstylist has approved it by looking at the results - even though I did not tell them what shampoo I switched to. I obviously benefit from this arrangement due to the results for my circumstances as above, though for real wigs, other cosplayers will likely benefit from a neutral shampoo instead.

By now, the licensing deal for the tie-in seems to have disappeared, but the shampoo itself will likely remain in production - and that would be good news for me and my hair needs. The tie-in itself will still grace the shampoo bottle, which I can refill with the shampoo, and I would still consider that the Leafeon shampoo as it is and will still be. While "unexpected" as the tie-in may be, it just seems to work on different levels, even at the level of this Pokémon fan who needed and got a workable shampoo.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

A Song in My Heart, The Air That I Breathe

Well, today's a certain special day that I've touched on in past years but never directly, and that will seemingly always be the case. As such, my dealing with it on this blog, besides involving Pokémon as expected, can only be based on the goings-on of that day. One potential part of that is a certain song that has intense statements and feelings but is actually slightly divisive as to how it should be regarded - is it a love song, or a spiritual song? Regardless, I have found it appropriate to involve it in a discussion along with Pokémon for the presently appropriate time.

In lieu of citing the relevant lyrics of the song, I can describe its lyrical content in a general manner. The four key parts of the song are its two verses, chorus, and bridge. The verses deal with the desires and longing of a person for a certain entity, and in particular the ideals of that person vis-a-vis that entity, without which the person feels weak and lonely. The chorus deals with likening the entity to two things, which also happen to be in the title of this post (and thus the only direct lyrical address). The bridge reaffirms the desires and ideals presented in the verses, with and without the entity in question. Neither love nor spirituality elements are mentioned directly anywhere in the lyrics, yet the song itself seems to evoke both at the same time - perhaps depending on who one asks as well.

As for Pokémon connections, considering the song and its lyrics in a general sense, there are the ever-present connections between Trainers and their Pokémon and (to a lesser extent) Trainers and someone else they consider important. Love could certainly be involved somewhere in there, and that would fit in, being a potentially evoked theme of the song. Meanwhile, the things to which the song creates a likening could resemble the songs made by Pokémon like Jigglypuff and the Sweet Scent of certain Grass-type Pokémon. They seem to be always present no matter what, and so they linger in one's heart or ethereally - also admitted and affirmed in the song's bridge.

Spiritually, there is always a kind of desiring and longing around this special day, especially given that "break" I've mentioned recently, and the day in fact marks something significant for that. Going into it with more detail on this blog is not what I'm interested in, but Pokémon remains an interest for me and many people (fans). In a way, it and its elements are perhaps the lingering song or air that the song mentions, which would be desired or longed for when it's missing in certain capacities.

Being somewhat indirect about the topic in question, the above discussion might not fully satisfy the curiosity of readers and/or Pokémon fans. On this special day, however, any sort of special sentiment - especially as suggested by the above - seems rather welcome, and that may just be what Pokémon evokes just as much as the song evokes. And as the song plays and the air is inhaled, Pokémon and real life continues to proceed.

Four years ago: Let's Get Going Today
Five years ago: Expecting the Detective
Seven years ago: Evolution Revolutions?

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

All Gym Leaders' Meetings?

One of my other games has a regularly scheduled meeting at or near the beginning of the month for those who play, within the game itself (it's an MMO, which allows for this to happen). It's dubbed as a meeting of them representing various "guilds", coming together to update each other on general info. It becomes a sight, but what would also be a sight is seeing - or at the least, imagining - such a thing happening for Pokémon, and not necessarily through a game. In my mind, that would involve a certain group of supreme Trainers in and across regions.

By the title of this post, they would of course be Gym Leaders (and/or others of similar capacity), and the meeting would involve them all. Like the meeting in the MMO, they could gather up in a sufficiently sized hall at an assigned time, exchange information on current happenings, and connect personally with another if necessary. As for frequency, the meeting wouldn't have to happen once a month, given their other usual business; they could still meet once every two or three months, and all would (still) be fine.

A meeting for Gym Leaders would perhaps decidedly be smaller in scale and possibly scope compared to the MMO meeting, even if it had a similar structure in any way. Even so, it would likely carry greater weight due to Gym Leaders being who they are, being supreme Trainers as I mentioned above. They would be moving not only themselves but also the regular Trainers they come into contact with as challengers, associates, and friends, especially if important Pokémon issues come to light.

Do Gym Leaders even associate, though? Those of and from a single region might find reasons to do so, one of which might be convenience, and they can use the meeting as a regular regional forum for Pokémon affairs in that region. A cross-region association would be less likely to happen unless prompted, but a meeting could still happen, albeit not as regularly. Any form of association will regardless become a precursor to grand meetings like that which I've postulated as above.

It may be hard to imagine Gym Leaders initiating a meetup, something that would be a side activity from their normal activity. Still, they are Trainers, Trainers are people, and people are or at least tend to be social - which then goes back to them initiating meetups like the one in the MMO as above. People in the world of Pokémon are likely to be of no exception, particularly Gym Leaders, and a social push by them might just lead to an initiative like the meetup.

Four years ago: Pokémon Upbringings
Five years ago: Benefits

Monday, April 8, 2024

Pokémon for the Sake of Pokémon?

In aesthetics, there is a school of thought or philosophy that dictates that art in its true form is created just for its own purposes and is free of any ties to social or functional purposes - "art for art's sake", originally rendered in French but is now found in different languages including English. It's even the slogan of a certain movie studio, and some filmmakers abide by that slogan. Now, for some, video games may also be considered art, which means that Pokémon - itself a franchise filled with art - could be scrutinized under this philosophy. Even so, the scrutiny also leads to the consideration that Pokémon may be representative of only itself, with it seemingly being made pervasive in all things, for example running races (perhaps more on this later) that don't seem to have apparent connections. Thus, it takes a discussion in order to try to establish a few things about the matter.

For the discussion, it's worth recalling that the original Pokémon games were based on the childhood visions and experiences of its originator. As such, those games could be construed to have a purpose (to encapsulate those visions) and are not merely artistic for their own sake. Beyond these first games, a relevant and important mission statement becomes key to this scrutiny, and this statement was divulged nearly five years ago in a certain Pokémon happening. If this mission statement is taken to be applicable to basically everything about Pokémon thereafter, or at least those which were created during and after the formation of The Pokémon Company - the entity important to this statement - then the the philosophy could be considered irrelevant, and Pokémon does have a purpose. For the running race, as a continued example, it means that beyond simply complementing it with Pokémon, the race is to demonstrate the liveliness of Pokémon.

A tangent to this philosophy that still has ties to Pokémon is the expression of "Japan for Japan's sake", which I had already explained over a half-year ago (though in a slightly different form) in a post about a certain descriptor for rabid and radical fans, of and beyond Pokémon. It may be true that it is important to instill appreciation for foreign things in their languages and as they are - even for stuff from where I am locally - but it also seems important to be able to understand the things, if not their languages, while doing so, which means facilitating those things with translation and other related processes if the possibility arises. Pokémon underwent these processes, and it could be said that they took the franchise to new heights that it perhaps couldn't possibly reach had it remained only in Japan(ese).

While I'm not a philosopher, I find that it seems important to dig into philosophical concepts every now and then to make sense of the world, including things that make up that world, like Pokémon. At this present point, that means determining if Pokémon has a purpose beyond existing as what it is and in the different forms that it may take - and in fact, that seems to be the case in many respects. Some art beyond that which has relations to or involves Pokémon may beg to differ - and that may be perfectly understandable given the viewpoints of the creators - but if anything, Pokémon may be regarded to go beyond these viewpoints, especially as it's apparent that Pokémon itself also goes beyond art.

One year ago: Pokémon: Hisuian Snow
Two years ago: On Trainer Footwear
Four years ago: Voyager of Glory
Five years ago: You Can, I Can
Seven years ago: On the Road Again