Friday, January 31, 2025

The "Stuck" Prize Cards

Those who play the Pokémon TCG - physical or Live online, not the recent stripped-down TCG Pocket - know that as part of the setup, they need to lay down Prize Cards that become markers for victory, which are drawn mostly when opposing Pokémon are knocked out. Being actual cards of the deck, they become part of the hand in the process and can be played just like any other card. And therein lies the rub: if Pokémon don't get knocked out, or more specifically, one's Pokémon get knocked out before they knock out the opponent's, the cards are effectively "stuck" there (something I've already mentioned before) even with best play. This becomes something that can be discussed to a certain extent, including by experience.

Obviously, any card in a deck can become "stuck" as a Prize card, and this could be as benign as a duplicate Item or as crucial as a Stage 2 Pokémon, with no way to know what they might be initially as the cards are facedown. Some cards are known to have actions that allow the cards to be turned face up, but these are few and far between and still require the effort to knock out Pokémon to get at the cards; most recently, there is also the Hisuian Heavy Ball that essentially allows a swap-out with one Prize card, helping to alleviate the situation slightly. Regardless, because taking the last Prize card means attaining victory and ending a match, that one last card is effectively "stuck" where it is for pretty much the entire match.

I once played with a Gardevoir deck to help a friend practice for a tournament, and I became a first-hand party to the experience. Even though I played the deck cards as best as I could, my efforts never seemed to get off the ground, and I lost with no cards remaining in the deck (known as a "deck out"). It turned out that two of the Prize cards contained the namesake Pokémon of the deck, preventing me from mounting an offense with them. Later on, a friend who used the deck also had a loss and ended up in a similar situation, with a crucial Gardevoir "stuck" among the Prize cards. While it might be a coincidence that the "stuck" situations were with the same deck and Pokémon, it might possibly occur with other decks and cards.

Learning to play the (common) Pokémon TCG in a certain capacity might also mean learning to take advantage of or otherwise deal with one's Prize cards to avoid "stuck" situations like the one above. Yet even after learning how to do just that, there is always the possibility that some "stuck" situations might continue to occur, whether one is in control of the game or not. That could be considered both a consequence of how the game is structured and how the cards manifest themselves by chance. In any case, "stuck" possibilities are not deterrents to playing the game - as evidenced by its continued popularity - and they're just things to contend with, as with all the other elements that are present by players or situations.

Four years ago: Zorua in Mareep Clothing
Six years ago: The Magic of 25
Eight years ago: It's Been a Month...

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The State of Nominations, Part 32

Meanwhile, in the front of nominating new PokéStops, I have to admit (say up front) that I haven't been putting in much effort in this area for one reason or another, but I still keep the effort in mind when I play Pokémon Go. It is also certain that things continue to happen in the Niantic Wayfarer backend, where the nominations are processed before being able to become PokéStops. With that, I have to update my status as it concerns this area, regardless since it has become a periodic discussion topic on this blog.

To view the topic in perspective, that would require the hard numbers as usual. The most pertinent numbers at present are the Accepted nominations, which are now at 166 (increased by 5), and the Not Accepted nominations, which are now at 67 (also increased by 5). It seems that I've made half good progress and half not-so-good progress, and the Wayfarer system and those involved in it has seen that. The rest of the pertinent numbers are two nominations each In Voting and In Queue, whose results may or may not be expected any time soon, but that's certainly not for me to decide.

As well, I can address the Accepted nominations that may or may not have made it as PokéStops. The completely absent ones increased by 1 to 7, while the ones recognized as having become Power Spots also increased by 1 to 6. That leaves 10 nominations with the Accepted state whose status I can't vouch for personally, many of which still face the same constraint as last time. Time will have to tell if I can resolve the first and the last of these and determine their statuses in a definitive manner. 

I can also touch on adjacent matters. Like Pokémon Go itself, communities develop around the Wayfarer system, including the ways of "ambassador-ship". Recently, openings for becoming Wayfarer ambassadors had been announced and was promoted in a couple of my Pokémon Go groups. I briefly considered submitting an application, but the process requires me to show my interactions with the community, for which I am lacking. As such, I casted it aside, and the application process has since then closed. I may just be happy at present with making more nominations and not becoming too involved with community affairs.

Even if the process of nominating PokéStops is pretty much a side affair with respect to all the other things one does (including me) in Pokémon Go, it's still evidently an important side affair, which is why I keep making periodic updates on it - though certainly not too often. At least, recent developments like Power Spots have made things more meaningful for me as a participant in the Wayfarer system as a nominator, and by the further developments above, I may need to seek for further meanings in my involvement.

Five years ago: Bringing It Home
Six years ago: Three TCG Booster Packs
Eight years ago: Always 21 - Memories of 21

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 1/29/2025

There's a perfect opportunity to make my monthly rollup of events in Pokémon Go today, so I'm taking advantage of it to do just that; the reason why it is as such is because it pertains to one of the events that is included in this rollup. It's also the first one of the year, so it might also perfectly satisfy the fact that a lot of things often happen at the beginning of the year, whether or not they are personal. Regardless, it's also those things that are realized as events in Pokémon Go, and the rollup is to collect them all, here in a monthly manner.

First up, there was the New Year's event as has been the norm for several years now. It actually started on December 30 but I still consider it a January event due to the way that it goes across time, and in fact, this edition ended on the evening of January 1. Anyway, for this edition, a few selected Pokémon with outfits or headwear returned in the wild and raids, potentially having the chance to be Shiny as well. To encourage their search and capture, there were Field Research and two sets of Timed Research (one free and one paid with extra rewards) tasks, and Excellent throws gave out 2025 XP. Showcases, a web store bundle, and fireworks on the overworld made things lively, not to mention the usual celebration for turning the year over.

Leading up the year, the first real event was something called "Fidough Fetch", taking place from January 3 to 7. The core part of this event involved everyone completing a series of throwing-based Global Challenges that become more demanding (six in all) but also more rewarding, with the main reward being the debut of the namesake species family of the event. Naturally, to complement the debuting species family, other featured wild Pokémon were dogs or dog-like plus Voltorb, which also had a greater Shiny chance along with Electrike. To keep things entertained, Field Research had tasks suited to the demands and showcases provided a useful entertaining diversion, at least to keep things from going to the dogs.

Keeping things further lively was Fashion Week from January 10 to 19. Costumed or stylish Pokémon from the past returned in the wild and raids, and they're joined by the newcomer of a costumed Minccino family, also possibly Shiny. To keep things entertained, there were also Field Research tasks, new things for Trainers to wear, a Collection Challenge, and showcases, plus a paid Timed Research set for those who are willing. Bonuses of double Stardust, Candy XL chance, and Shiny chance for certain Pokémon complemented the festivities... as did Team Go Rocket, who made their own festivities in the Taken Over part from January 15 onwards. Their festivities added the Shroodle species family to 12 km Eggs, photo bombs with Croagunk, more costumed Pokémon and a Collection Challenge to go with them, and a Special Research set to lead up to battle Giovanni for Shadow Palkia. Then there were the usual features of more frequent Grunt appearances, using a Charged TM to forget Frustration, changes to Shadow Pokémon lineups in battles and raids, characteristic Field Research tasks and a special item bundle. In essence, there were two festivities of light and darkness in one sitting over the several days of the event.

Having dealt with the takeover, Trainers then focused on themselves with the Steeled Resolve event from January 21 to 26. It featured the debut of the Rookidee species family through 2 km Eggs, Magnetic Lure Modules, and Go Battle League encounter rewards, with the former two having some different Pokémon as well - not to mention an assortment of power-packed Pokémon in the wild and raids. The seasonal Special Research is continued, and some evolved Pokémon also learned certain moves; the use of a Charged TM to forget Frustration was also continued for this event. Field Research tasks, a paid Timed Research set, and showcases also further packed power for those who need more of that. This event also served as the Go Battle Week for this season, with all the usual features: more Stardust from battle victories, more battle sets and battles each day, a Timed Research set, and more diverse IVs for encounter rewards. The power was definitely there for Trainers to use.

Now, the reason that the perfect opportunity is today is because today (January 29) is exactly the date of the Lunar New Year, and the usual Pokémon Go event also begins on the same day, which will last until February 2. To honor the Year of the Snake, a few slithery Pokémon (like Ekans) in the wild and dense Pokémon (like Nosepass) in 2 km Eggs become the main attraction, both of these with increased Shiny chance. For Research, Field tasks reward Stardust and encounters, free Timed tasks reward Zygarde Cells, and paid Timed tasks reward useful items and feature encounters. Luck is present in increased chances for Lucky Pokémon and Lucky Friends as well as daily Field Research tasks that reward coins. A Collection Challenge and usual showcases keep the celebration going until its end in a few days, marking another festive yearly transition for the month.

With January being what it is, it would be no surprise if it is packed with events, and this month in Pokémon Go has proven just that. Turnovers of the year, battles, and power were or are present all throughout the month, and some of those are perfect opportunities as well for Trainers, especially for this event rollup to be made on this day. Though perfection may not come often, if the opportunity demands it to come, then it should - and so there are the events in Pokémon Go this month.

Two years ago: Cosplay: Utsuru 7.5
Five years ago: Expecting the Contrary
Six years ago: Color Me (Shiny) Groudon
Eight years ago: Fire Power!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Intrigue and Darkness of "R"

Nowadays, Pokémon affairs run the gamut from A to Z, all letters in the (Roman) alphabet. Each of these is associated with various aspects - not to mention all of them and more for a certain Pokémon species - but one of these is rather strongly associated with shady things that are of interest to some yet also need to be vanquished by others. Such is the case of the letter "R", which has profound symbolisms when it comes to Pokémon affairs.

Many fans, certainly those who are "long in the tooth", will recognize the letter as symbolic of Team Rocket and its incarnations (Go Rocket, Rainbow Rocket), especially if the letter appears in big, bold sans-serif type - a sign that the team is around and one needs to get the heck out of that place before its members appear and cause trouble. Still, there might be some variations in how the letter might appear depending on the location and which members might appear, but on the whole, the team is to be expected to appear somehow.

Even when Team Rocket is not expected to appear, presence of the letter might indicate something dastardly nefarious at hand. The substance that is in play throughout the Detective Pikachu movie is the so-called "R gas" that is intended to "drug out" Pokémon to become something more than themselves while bringing their human companions ever closer to their likeness, something revealed in the penultimate moments of the movie. Though it does sound somewhat utopic, it's not hard to tell that there is a sinister quality about it.

Then there are just Pokémon species that start with the letter and could be up to some shenanigans of their own. The Alolan forms of the Rattata species family - including its evolved form Raticate - are known for their pestilent quality on the islands of the region. And while the Rhyhorn species family isn't quite as nefarious, its immense powers might make it qualify for some sinister efforts, more so if they are in the Shadow form, which incidentally could also apply very well for the Alolan Rattata family as above.

It's fascinating how a single letter can encode so much of a certain quality, which in the case of the letter "R" as demonstrated above, relates to some dark yet intriguing aspects. Though it is mostly linked to a villainous team, even other shady aspects can arise by association, albeit with some a little distant. Whatever the case, all affairs and aspects of Pokémon, no matter what letter they are linked to, are to be dealt with for good ones and vanquished otherwise.

Two years ago: Pokémon Is Magic
Three years ago: Legends: Arceus Unleashed

Monday, January 27, 2025

Staring at Faces in Pictures

I had the perfect idea or topic for a post on this blog - certainly always involving Pokémon somehow - but then when I went to write it up for today, I promptly forgot about it. There could be many reasons for this, but I'm not interested (and can't possibly) write about them all. So I have to fall back on something else, and I finally came upon one. Being the Pokémon fan that I am, I frequently have to look at pictures or photographs with Pokémon elements in them. And chances are, if they involve people or characters, there will be faces in them; invariably then, I'd have to look (stare) at them to consider them or think about how I feel in regard to them. That seems to make for a good point of discussion.

Some of these photographs certainly involve me and other Pokémon fans in different settings such as Community Day meetups or other meetups. Most of them do evoke the great feelings that were evoked at the times of the meetups, but some (particularly more recent ones) instead evoke more depressing rather than pleasing feelings. Meanwhile, the pictures, which likely involve the imagined characters of Pokémon, evoke even more diverse feelings of strength, compassion, unity, and yet still others. It might be that some of these feelings are specific to me, but surely I might not be the only one with them.

Coincidentally (or not), the topic evokes (or is also evoked by) a piece of music, which is not surprisingly entitled... "Face in the Photograph", another one composed by Yanni. It's a thought-provoking and contemplative piece given its repeated sections, which is why it's sometimes used as background music, and for the artist's fans, it's also some of their favorites. Personally, I consider it to have the capability of applying to many series, but of course, it can be applied to Pokémon with consideration of the above experience.

They say pictures (and photos) are worth many, many words, and if anything, sentiments in this earlier post are still proven true even today, with actual photographs included and with respect to the musical piece. While I have to try to contemplate just what that topic is that escaped my mind, perhaps a few Pokémon pictures and photos might jog my mind - especially through the faces in them and the evoked feelings.

One year ago: Your Journey - A Poem
Five years ago: Spinning Like a Spinda
Six years ago: The Cards, Revisited
Seven years ago: Changes
Eight years ago: A Loss Is... A Loss?

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Cosplay: Innoverse & Tanoshii Matsuri 2025

Goh: Wait, there were two festivals?

Me: Well, one of them was yesterday, and the other was today.

Goh: OK, that makes sense.

Me: So, the first one up sounds like it's a new one - and the festival itself is - but the character competition part is one that hasn't been around for a long time.

Ash: Hey, is this by that college that sounds like a continent?

Me: Yup, it is! Thus, the competition is known as AsiA Cosplay Competition 2025 [OOC title, of course].

Goh: I wasn't around back then, but reading your reports, they must have been fun. 

Ash: You bet! 

Pikachu: Pika chu pika! ["For sure!"]

Me: Unfortunately, as you know, Community Day Classic was smack-dab on the same day and scheduled way before, which was what we discussed yesterday. 

Ash: So I couldn't take part. But I went there in the morning before Community Day and then went back after that, all in my Sinnoh outfit.

Goh: I'll bet the actual competition was right in the middle of Community Day Classic.

Ash: You know, I did ask a friend, and I think that was what happened.

Goh: Maybe our friend has intel on the competition?

Me: I heard it's just a character parade, but they were considering performances too. But I don't know much more than that.

Ash: One of our friends told us the winners had really wild outfits.

Pikachu: Pika pika... ["I think..."]

Me: See, that's what I thought. Even if Community Day wasn't on the same day, I think we still wouldn't have made it.

Goh: Anyway, at least you got to enjoy the festival. 

Ash: Sure! It wasn't like a theme festival since I heard it was for the college overall, but it almost felt like it. The karaoke group ended the day.

Goh: That's nice. And... "the day"? It's a two-day thing?

Me: I'm told the festival part that concerns us was only yesterday, so the second day (today) is for other people.

Goh: Well, that's OK, because you've got the other one today.

Me: I also they think they might have corroborated so we can have a full weekend.

Goh: Now that I think about it, that's possible. By the way, this is for a different occasion than last time and the one before that, right? 

Ash: The mall was also different! It was the nearby one for many conventions and festivals. And... oh, I see. It was right with the opening of a new play area.

Goh: I guess the two could go together. 

Pikachu: Chu pika pika. ["Seems like it."]

Goh: What is (was) Ash in for today?

Me: Just the singing competition. You know...

Goh: Putting Eggs in one basket, huh. 

Ash: I'm fine with that.

Goh: And the song for today was...

Ash: "Soko ni Sora ga Aru Kara"... and that meant my Hoenn outfit.

Me: I actually wanted to have you go with this on both yesterday and today, but I was concerned the rain (especially during Community Day) might affect how things would go. And the outfits fit anyway.

Ash: It all works out! And the festival was small but nice. A few booths for goodies and food. 

Goh: How about entertainment? 

Ash: Just dance groups and a DJ at the end.

Goh: Speaking of "at the end", let's hear about the results. 

Ash: Only two winners from 11 people... and I didn't get either. 

Goh: Aw.

Pikachu: Pi... ["Aw..."]

Ash: For the characters, only two also won, and they were wild ones... Hey, a friend just told me they're two of the three winners from yesterday! 

Goh: Um, that's wild all right.

Me: OK, so we dodged a bullet. All the same, I can't help but think the winners could have been more varied... likewise for both competitions.

Ash: Hey, one of the singing winners was a duet.

Me: Hmm. But my point still stands.

Goh: It's still a good, full weekend anyway for you two.

Me: Well, sure. It could have been "fuller", but that wasn't the case.

Ash: I think we always make it like that.

Pikachu: Pika. ["Hmm."]

Me: True. And maybe like the titles of these festivals, it could be about innovating a great time together, like we always do with Pokémon.

Four years ago: Unity Power
Five years ago: Cosplay: Aishiteru Minna
Six years ago: SwitchCon
Seven years ago: Private vs. Public Raids?

Friday, January 24, 2025

Pokémon Go Community Day Classic, 1/25/2025

There hasn't been an edition of Community Day Classic in five months, and that's a pretty long time. But when there is one - as in, today - it's one that many Trainers have long waited for, and it's one that's hot and entrancing. It's the latter because the species family is generally of the Psychic type and one of the involved Pokémon is a popular attractive target, and it's the former because a different involved Pokémon has also been involved in a big (even, Mega) event all its own. That might be just enough to pin down what this edition involves.

If not, then I can say it outright. Coming back for this edition is Ralts and its family of four species, along with Kirlia, Gardevoir, and Gallade. Last featured in August 2019, lots have happened around this species family, notably them getting their Mega Evolution forms (the latter just two weeks ago). Yet, the same main bonuses are retained: the fully evolved forms getting the Charged move Synchronoise, and Eggs taking only a quarter of the distance to hatch. Even the extra Timed Research furnishing Sinnoh Stones for evolving to Gallade is still around for that very purpose - it is a Classic "rerun" edition after all.

Aside from that, modern features and/or conveniences are also applied to the "rerun". They would be photo bombs, showcases, event item bundles in the respective shops, and - yes - the restructured paid Special Research as of this month's regular edition. This also means the new Field Research and Timed Research tasks also apply (including some that furnish Mega Energy for the evolved forms), as does some Ralts encounters begetting ones with special backgrounds. It's all about getting the modernity to jive and work well with the past.

Meanwhile, for the matter of me getting things to work out on my end, that is achieved with a little help from a certain person...

Me: ...and that means you, Ash. So, how'd things go?

Ash: Great! You sent me to the usual place this time, and I got many that you could totally battle with.

Me: Hmm. Whether that actually works out or not, I'll have to see for myself.

Goh: Did you meet your usual friend's friends... or maybe ones beyond them?

Ash: I did, but not too many of them.

Goh: The place for the meetup was right. Um... right?

Ash: I'm sure of it. My friend told me.

Me: Oh. A little bird told me that many were also meeting up somewhere else, also to hunt for a few "little birds" after all the Ralts had appeared. 

Ash: We did that too! For a little bit.

Goh: Anyway, I guess that could be for the better, seeing how things were the other day.

Me: Good point. But it would also seem very "un-community-like".

Ash: Oh yeah! The rain was also really heavy. We all wanted to go around for the Ralts, but we couldn't because of the rain.

Me: At least you came early before it started to rain.

Ash: That I did. And after that, I went somewhere else - the first place you sent me to.

Goh: Let me guess: it was a festival?

Ash: Sure!

Me: But we'll deal with that soon enough.

Some people might have foreseen the return of this species family as a Community Day Classic edition, and that could mean they were as psychic as some of the species in the family. Others might have appreciated the opportunity to get some wonderful Pokémon for battling in the form of the fully evolved species of the family, along with the special move. Whatever concerns they might have had - including the one of (re)experiencing this Community Day edition - all experiences are valid as far as any of the Pokémon in this family are concerned, hopefully with at least some community spirit in tow.

Eight years ago: Keychains!

Biggest Mistakes Involving Pokémon

I actually wanted to make this post a long time ago, but I kept getting sidetracked and wanted to actually nail down the discussion points before I actually wrote them up. However, since one of the points will be relevant very soon, I've got to get this post and discussion done and gone, so I've decided to make it with what I can scrounge up for that purpose. So here I go.

Some time ago, I accidentally made a critical mistake in Pokémon Go; fortunately, the mistake wasn't related to a major primary achievement, but it still hurt as it essentially reverted a big effort that took a long time to keep up. That accidental happening and critical mistake became the prompt for me to make this post, and that meant gathering up all the other points I want to discuss, being some of the biggest mistakes to plague Pokémon and their repercussions.

Coincidentally, the first mistake also concerns Pokémon Go. A long time ago, Niantic also accidentally released Black Kyurem and White Kyurem through Go Battle League encounters, which wasn't supposed to happen, as these Pokémon are Fusions involving Reshiram and Zekrom as parties to that process with Kyurem - the relevant matter to my previous discussion. Their instances were removed and compensation for some (but not all) resources was given, which provoked an array of reactions, most significantly of anger, as the resources weren't very little. The matter of this Fusion, however, is what will become relevant soon courtesy of Pokémon Go Tour, but I'll save further discussion for when it gets closer to that point.

Meanwhile, there is (was) a big mistake on a more internal aspect. Also some time ago, Game Freak as the originators of Pokémon were apparently hacked; as with many instances of hacking, the perpetrators got ahold of certain private (and Pokémon) information, some a bit too private while others are deserving of public scrutiny. The mistake that lies therein is Game Freak not sufficiently securing their systems and devices, at least according to the perspective of one of my analytical friends. Whatever the real circumstances involve, some kind of mistake was surely present and it is key to prevent the future recurrence of that.

Local Pokémon affairs seem to have had a bit of a major mistake as well. The PIJ edition for Jogjakarta some time ago was actually slightly marred by Pokémon Run not being held simultaneously on the weekend of the Pokémon Go paid event. AKG Games, also being the organizer for these and the local TCG in particular, also had a spate of problems, including getting cards to pass through Customs. They're footnotes, but are relatively comparable.

Then, for other Pokémon TCG realm matters, the game would be affordable and reachable for play... if it weren't for scalpers, for which the biggest mistake is in having let them take control of the card supply. To combat this state of affairs, the latest expansion (called Prismatic Evolutions) is to be printed at "maximum volume" with the hope of saturating the market and not giving the scalpers many chances to sell cards at high prices. Even so, this remains to be seen, as some prior efforts to rectify the situation have not gone all that well.

With the way Pokémon is today, mistakes are bound to happen - or in the case of the above, have happened. As major as the franchise may be, the most major thing may be to prevent committing mistakes similar to the ones above, including with respect to scale.

As well, this post may not be a mistake (aside from keeping it unfinished for quite a time) and can very well serve as a channel for improving current and future Pokémon matters.

Three years ago: The Sinnoh Cup of GBL

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Ship Guiders

Ships exist in the Pokémon world just as they do in the real world, carrying people and items to wherever they need to go. In either case, there is always the possibility that they might become lost on the way and need to be guided by someone or something. For those ships in the world of Pokémon, their likely guides might be the creatures of this world, which seems pleasant to think about... and then to discuss, which becomes the purpose of this post.

A well-known one in this regard is Dragonite, which is known for its keen sense in becoming guides for lost ships, setting them on more appropriate courses. One reason given for this (and slightly explored in the anime) may be to keep the ships away from where the species family actually lives and keep their secrets... well, secret. Regardless, the noble act is the highlight and other effects related to that are consequential.

Meanwhile, Ampharos is more practical in this regard, as according to lore, it is often placed in lighthouses to light them up using its bright tail. As in real life, the lighthouses then guide ships on the sea by their light. In this way, although the Pokémon doesn't perform ship-guiding actions directly, its light-producing ability is a proxy for these actions, and it can be classified as another species that guides ships.

Though Jirachi may not be classified as an actual Pokémon that guides ships, its presence in the sky once every millennium or so might become a point of interest for ships on the open sea to congregate toward, if it becomes known that the Pokémon will pass over the open sea. That would serve the people (Trainers) who seek to observe this Pokémon wherever it may go and then to make a requisite wish for the Pokémon.

Of all the things that Pokémon species can do, guiding ships might be one of the things that are of least concern. Yet given how ships exist in that world much in the same way as they do in the real world, the possibility of them becoming lost is still a realistic concern. Thankfully, some of the Pokémon can fill the guiding role perfectly, preserving their existence as well as that of the people who fare the seas in the vessels, dodging any quandaries.

Six years ago: Islands and Continents
Seven years ago: Passing the Guard
Eight years ago: Two Pokémon Pillows

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Spending for Café Remix Deliveries

It is known that in Café Remix, some Pokémon and their outfits are (and could only be) obtained through the Delivery feature, essentially an implementation of gacha. Many Delivery runs - that is, gacha draws - can be made for free daily, but to get at the more lucrative rewards, one will likely need to spend for extra runs or draws with Golden Acorns, possibly proxying real money if it was used to obtain them. Now that so many rewards are at this "lucrative" point and I've had to experience the spending several times over, I thought I'd make a discussion on that spending and how it should ideally occur.

Recall that each additional immediate Delivery costs 3000 Golden Acorns, or 30000 Golden Acorns for 10 of them plus one free. If there are still lesser rewards to be obtained, the former makes sense, but if only the "lucrative" rewards are left, then the latter makes more sense, as someone would be expected to spend for more Delivery runs due to the reward rarity, and the individual runs themselves would be cheaper - even the supposed "free" one. Of course, one could just spend on the multiple runs all the time, and some savings would still be justified with all the gained rewards from them.

As for the overall grand total of spending for them, at least for a stretch of time, one could very well be advised to stop after, say, 100000 Golden Acorns spent and getting none of the "lucrative" rewards, even when multiple ones are present. That said, if the latter is the case, then one should spend some Golden Acorns anyhow, but perhaps only to a practical limit, given that free Delivery runs are still present. Beyond limits, it seems there's a sense that one may just be wagering too much for them and it might make more sense to purchase an Instant Hire ticket (for a Pokémon) instead to get it over with. 

The notion of "gacha" is always a finicky thing, and that seems to be true even in this Pokémon puzzle game spinoff, especially with the pertinent issue of making the spend for it - as I have myself, prompting the creation of this post and discussion. It may just be that one can keep spending as little as possible, which might still make some "lucrative" rewards unobtainable, or spend a lot to get the rewards while taking a toll on Golden Acorns (and possibly real money) as a whole. Such a finicky state of affairs may just require finicky viewpoints to regard them, as with gacha in general.

One year ago: A Journey's Anthem
Five years ago: On the "Invisible Forces"
Six years ago: Fan Art... for Me!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Quickies: The Little Bugs in Life

Every so often, my neighborhood becomes swarmed with some bugs, and at times, a few even make it into my house. A lot of them are of the little sort (fortunately), and while they mostly don't pose bodily harm, they can be quite annoying to deal with, never mind by just being present. Yet they're also a reminder - for me - that some Pokémon species are little bugs of their own and present their own challenges, like the bugs I deal with.

Most recently, the little bugs are (were) of the sort of Wurmple and Caterpie, which being the wormlike caterpillars that they are, could make them regarded as slightly "icky" under certain circumstances. The Pokémon species are likely friendly even with their resemblance, though the real ones aren't necessarily so. It may take a quite a bit of nerve to become emotionally attached to them or to just deal with them as necessary.

Then, there are the little bugs of the sort of Joltik and Spinarak, two spider-like little bugs. Having them appear in places can certainly give some people the creeps, even the ones that are Pokémon species, never mind the real ones. The Electric and Poison capabilities of the former doesn't help matters much either in dealing with them, as analogs to what the real bugs can do. There is a certain "handle with care" quality that goes with them.

As much as some people (including me) would prefer not to have to deal with little bugs like those of the above sort, both the realistic and Pokémon ones, admittedly they give their own colors to some situations of life. And they'll always be present for their purposes if the people let them be. With that, it seems I'll keep dealing with swarms of bugs as best as I could, hopefully preferring that they'd be Pokémon ones.

Three years ago: Six Degrees of Separation
Five years ago: Getting Too Technical
Eight years ago: Dreams of Itasha

Monday, January 20, 2025

For Pokémon and Nightmares

Something that might be rarely discussed together, even brought up in close proximity, is Pokémon and nightmares. The latter is certainly shadowy and less pleasant, while the former is generally brighter and more pleasant. Even so, it's undeniable that both do have their links and can be discussed together to some extent, and that becomes the point of this post as an attempt to present such a discussion. 

As mentioned in a post from a very long time ago, Nightmare is both a move and a status inflicted by that move, mostly known by those who play the main series games. It rides on the Sleep status condition and causes a Pokémon with the status to lose HP progressively through the "torment" caused by the status. It's quite reflective of the feelings anyone would have if they are experiencing an actual nightmare.

Meanwhile, in the second Mystery Dungeon series ("Explorers"), there is a story specific map called "The Nightmare", set within the mind of a Pokémon. It's a hazy and dark map with enemy Pokémon that are similarly as such, and the hero party Pokémon have to deal with that through all the floors before making it out, resolving the situation, and continuing the story. It's not an easy thing, as with actual nightmares.

Yet, perhaps as a figurative "nightmare", being stuck in battle with damaged or otherwise incapacitated Pokémon presents a great difficulty for the player or Trainer, especially to overturn the situation. Though the player or Trainer may not be in a daze (sleep) as the situation happens, the situation might put them in a sufficiently similar trance, and it might take a similar "wake-up call" to get out of that situation and more.

In the course of life, some nightmares - of both the literal and figurative kinds - are hard to avoid and may sometimes even recur. But if Pokémon matters (as the above) have anything to say about that, darkness that results from nightmares may just have a way to give out to the brightness that comes after. In this way, both are linked to each other and still relevant to Pokémon, for all to deal with and recover from.

Three years ago: Pokémon and the Multiverse
Eight years ago: All in the Cards

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Cosplay: TP & VV Cosplay & Photo Contest

Ash: Oh! Um, well...

Me: Yeah. A little thing for today - a festival.

Goh: OK, so it has a character and photo competition. Who's involved?

Me: A few friends of my friends, and a local phone and gadget shop.

Ash: Just like that one time!

Me: Different shop, but you get the point. Anyhow, before you go there, you'll need to hit up a few of my raid friends for some special and slightly difficult raids.

Goh: What was the Pokémon?

Ash: It was... Shadow Ho-Oh!

Pikachu: Pi pi pika! ["Extreme!"]

Goh: Wow, that's extreme, all right. How'd you do?

Ash: I caught a couple of Shiny ones, but the stats were just OK. I even got some of them to learn Sacred Fire.

Me: Excellent. You did all that you could with them. Back to the festival...

Ash: It started raining when I went there and I almost got really drenched! 

Me: Oh, I'm sorry about that. If it hadn't been for the raids, I think you'd have made it in better shape.

Ash: Well, you gave me an umbrella anyway, so that helped a little. But I missed the character parade anyhow.

Goh: So, our friend, what's the deal?

Me: Well, I thought we would be able to raid just enough before getting to the venue and making it... but apparently that's not the case. So yeah, sorry about that too.

Goh: Sounds like this one was sudden.

Me: You could say that. There were only the raids planned for today, and had been for a long time, but then all of a sudden, the week before, this came up.

Goh: Understandable. Life happens. Anyway, it was a festival, right?

Ash: Yeah, a little one, with a couple of food stands and even the card game shop setting up.

Pikachu: Pika. ["Small."] 

Goh: Nice. So you can bet they want people to come.

Me: Exactly the point. And they obviously want my friends and character friends to come too.

Goh: Well, sure. You weren't tempted to buy anything?

Ash: No, our friend says his gadgets are still fine.

Me: And I already purchased something to help with them, actually, so no more buying for now.

Goh: Got it. Was there entertainment, though? 

Ash: Two dance groups... and in between that was the awarding for the character parade.

Goh: Oh. Who won?

Ash: Character friends of our friend's friends.

Goh: Um, that's a mouthful.

Me: In other words, friends of my friends of my friends sent in their characters and won. Makes sense, since they organized it.

Goh: I can see that.

Pikachu: Pi. ["Sure."] 

Goh: So today was just all about meeting friends, both at the raids and here.

Ash: Pretty much, and I had a good time at both. It was just that...

Goh: The rain was the problem? 

Ash: Yeah. I think the festival had a power problem in the middle of one of the dance groups.

Me: Well, it's still a good day for friends and such. And I hope the phone and gadget shop got the promotion they needed with the festival.

Ash: I think everyone still got something good today!

Goh: That's always a good way to look at it.

Me: And hopefully the outlook won't be as gloomy as the sky today, but as bright as Ho-Oh's feathers.

Six years ago: Peace
Seven years ago: Suspending My Disbelief
Eight years ago: Ash, Satoshi, or... Ali?

Saturday, January 18, 2025

The (Android) Back Button and Pokémon Go

For those who play mobile games on the Android platform, they'll likely be familiar with the back button, either physical or on-screen, the latter for most devices nowadays. Many games will invariably implement a way to use it even if the game is full-screen and the buttons auto-hide. Pokémon Go technically does neither, yet it still does implement usage of the back button in some ways, which is useful to discuss. 

A long time ago, I wrote about fast captures and how the back button could be used in one scenario for it. Unfortunately, that usage was removed some time later, although the original fast capture method remained. So, this becomes a deprecated usage scenario, and it seems likely never to return. At the least, the back button can still be used to flee a Pokémon encounter if a ball is not being thrown at the Pokémon.

Essentially, the back button does what one expects it to do: it returns one to a previous screen or closes the current screen. For any screen that has an X button present and/or can be swiped down to reveal an X to close it, the back button fulfills that function and can be said to become an alternate method for that purpose. In a way, it's also "natural" for those who are used to navigating in other apps on the platform.

Some screens, however, don't respond to the back button. PvP battling requires one to press the actual exit button (some jokingly call it the "top left" button) to surrender and leave a battle, so not wiring the back button makes sense in this regard. Pokémon appraisal also requires its screens to be dismissed by tapping the screen, and no other way is possible save for closing the game, which is beyond this discussion.

In extreme cases, the back button can be used to exit raid and Gym battles, although these are extreme cases indeed. A more common case is using the back button at the main overworld map to bring up a prompt to exit the game, one of the ways this can be done and possibly frequently by many of those who play. They also "seal the deal" in the ways that the back button may be used with regard to Pokémon Go.

The Android platform's back button has to be something many of its users recognize and use fairly often across different apps. This will also likely apply for apps whose usage of the button may not be seemingly apparent, like a great deal of games, of which Pokémon Go is one of them. Beyond what its appearance suggests, the back button can be used fairly frequently within it, affording a good deal of flexibility.

One year ago: Memories of Kanto
Two years ago: 1000 Species Is Real!!
Three years ago: My Pokémon Identity
Four years ago: Pokémon Body Pillows
Six years ago: Rivalries
Seven years ago: (Almost) A Pokémon Party

Friday, January 17, 2025

My, How Time Flies

Of course, the biggest reason for the load of "my" posts over the past few days would be because it's the occasion of my birthday today. For some people, it's a time that they might dread because it reminds them of time's passage, while for others, that same passage is something they look forward to. With that, it seems like a fine topic to discuss on this occasion, along with the necessary Pokémon perspectives as a part of this blog.

As indicated, the passage of time can be an ornery one - or else it's one that is full of great happenings, especially on a personally related day like today. That also might explain why this post might have taken longer than usual to make, since they all happened to happen on this very day, including Pokémon ones. And as I try to go through them, time just... passes by (flies), and all of a sudden this special day returns. But that's a good thing for Pokémon and my Pokémon loving self.

For that, there is the reminder that a lot of things have happened for both Pokémon and me, and they'll keep on happening. I'm not required to go through all of them, but some are, and others are all the same even if the requirement isn't all that evident. Whichever one applies, to go through them and come out with a pleasant feeling afterwards is not only an expectation but also a right, one that I can exercise for myself on this day - my "anniversary" - and then again when the anniversary for Pokémon happens... but this latter matter is best reserved for when it happens, next month in fact.

The occasion of today, and the topic I've chosen for it, brings to mind a specific song by one of my favorite artists:

My! My! Time flies!
One step and we're on the moon
Next step into the stars
My! My! Time flies!
Maybe we could be there soon
A one-way ticket to Mars
-- "My! My! Time flies!", Enya

Essentially, the song bears the messages I brought up above, with the way the song recounts world happenings like the one quoted above in its first verse. It also has a slight tinge of rock music, unusual for this artist and her songs in general. But Pokémon is unusual enough for me that the artist's slightly unusual song is warranted on this particular day.

Speaking of which, perhaps the artist wouldn't mind to have a Pokémon version of the song... maybe with the following lyrics, at least what I can currently furnish:

My! My! Time flies!
A professor comes and warns you
To not go inside the grass
My! My! Time flies!
He then says, "You'll be OK,
If you take one of these balls..."

By the way, as an aside, it seems that I've been having problems keeping track of how long I've been around... but that may be a side effect of the theme I've been discussing throughout this post: time flies.

Regardless, there's at least some good things that occur as time passes by, and evidently one of them is me getting acquainted with Pokémon and all that pertains to that. And then there is today as my "anniversary" of sorts. With all of the above together, time may just pass by even more quickly.

Happy birthday to me, and that should make for memorable times ahead.

Two years ago: A Legendary Existence
Three years ago: Unique Touches
Four years ago: Wishes for Good Days
Five years ago: Always Together
Six years ago: Wonderful Opportunities
Eight years ago: A Pokémon Party?

Thursday, January 16, 2025

My "Missing Pieces" in Pokémon Go in 2025

As for the game that predominates my Pokémon affairs at the moment, which would be Pokémon Go, things are progressing for me as they are expected to proceed. However, it has to be admitted that there are (still) "missing pieces" in those progressions, some of which affect portions of those progressions. As such, it seems pertinent to mention those "missing pieces" and how I'm apt to deal with them presently.

One of those things is my total XP, which at the moment is only a few million away from the hallowed peak of Level 50. Granted, if I'm really serious about it, I could wrap it up within a few days... but that would mean forgoing pretty much everything else, which I don't want to do and can't anyway for reasons of practicality and impossibility. As it is, to go slow and steady about it is still a good approach, and one that allows this missing piece to fill itself.

Then, there is still the intricacy of PvP to worry about. As previously stated, I've recovered some footing in it, though not completely. I can still battle in the GBL sometimes on some days, but not as much as I could devote to it as in the past. I'm also observing "community" PvP and its formats, but I'm finding myself unable to devote time to delve into or battle in them for much of the same reasons why XP progression above is the way it is.

Speaking of "community", it's been the case that things haven't always progressed well for me alongside my local community, and recently, I've been made aware of that fact yet again. And now that "community" is at the forefront more than ever, it's an even harder matter to solve. After speaking with certain people about the matter, I believe that it may be time to take the matter into my own hands - though as with the others above, it's not always on my side.

Pokémon Go will still be on my agenda throughout this year, but it's only the start of the year and some "missing pieces" are already - if not having done so for some time - making themselves evident in the general picture of the affairs for this game, at least some that are personally related to me. It would seem that I'd have to continue seeing the bigger picture while minding some of the current "gaps" in it.

Two years ago: I'm a Legend!
Five years ago: Only Women Like You
Six years ago: Pokémon Conversations
Eight years ago: My Pokémon Anime Epoch

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

My Team Status in Café Remix

Meanwhile, on the front of Pokémon puzzle spinoff games, on my personal end there is the presently popular Café Remix. Specifically for my personal discussion, I'd like to bring up the matter of teams, which are so important for many happenings in the game. Regarding this, I've had to go through a process that I didn't think I'd have to go through, and that is reflected in the current status of my team and what it was before today.

I'd been happy with the team I initially selected, but lately, many of the members had been underperforming (in fact, not at all). The team had been continuously going through inactive member turnovers - ones who hadn't logged in for 30 days being removed from it - and this even involved one of the players who had been tops in the past along with a "friend" of that player. Clearly, it was time for drastic measures.

For that, I elected to leave the team voluntarily and seek a new one. This, however, had the caveat that I wouldn't be able to join one within a span of 24 hours, which meant not being able to contribute to a team-based event if there was one - and in fact, there was. The game gave a warning and confirmation regarding this matter after viewing the team info and tapping "Leave". Luckily, that gave time for me to find a prospective new team.

After the 24 hours had passed, I joined a new team, which I chose according to the progression of most of its members as seen in the team search preview. The progression of the current team event was also evidently much further along than my previous team. While it remains to be seen how I will fare with this new team in general, at the least I am in good company with the team's current state.

So it is that my current team status is one that is formerly of one team and now another through leaving and rejoining. It's a last resort, but it just might be necessary for things to improve in the game, especially if the situation above happens. Given its caveats, it's also necessary to recognize when one should undertake the process if needed. Regardless, it also means that teams are just as necessary for the good of progression here.

Four years ago: I Need Good Energy
Six years ago: Keeping Up with VGC
Seven years ago: Here Comes an Ex-Raid

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

My Pursuit of Unite Licenses Thus Far

Next on the personal discussion agenda is something related to the battle royale that is Pokémon Unite. To battle with and against others in the game, one needs Unite Licenses to be able to use certain Pokémon. Any deserving player Trainer will certainly try to obtain them whenever possible, and that's also what I've done. For that, it can be said that I've made good progress on this front based on what has happened.

The best progress of all on this front is that I have obtained all the Unite Licenses for all Speedsters and Defenders that are in the game up to this point. While I may not use all of them right away, this can make for adaptability in certain situations, with one example being me joining a team and having either of these as dedicated roles. Of course, I'll also need to be on the watch for new Pokémon with these roles in order to continue completing them.

As for other roles, I have a good collection of the Pokémon in each despite not having all. I'm only missing a few for Supporter and Attacker, and a few more for All-Rounder. Likewise, using them all will take time and effort, but the adaptability is nice to have. Furthermore, in the process of doing so, I might just develop new occasional usage favorites - a recent one being Azumarill for All-Rounder. Eventually, I may or may not have all Pokémon for these as well.

How did I come to obtain the Unite Licenses for these Pokémon? I actually obtained some of them through a set of gift boxes that were distributed back in the game's usual holiday event, one for each role; for example, I used the Attacker box to obtain Dragapult because it was the most expensive of the ones I don't already have. For the others, I paid for them with Aeos Coins, practically the only other "free" way of obtaining them. 

Continuing the pursuit of Unite Licenses thus means looking out for the events that allow me to obtain them freely (like the above, or certain Legendary Pokémon events) while also considering which ones I can afford and are pertinent to my battle needs. The former might not come often and the latter might not always be easy to determine, but both will certainly have some kind of results when I go through them.

It's not always an easy matter to battle with the Pokémon that are now and will be present in Pokémon Unite, so obtaining different Unite Licenses might be one way to make the matter easier. That is regardless a key point of the game, even if one has settled and become familiar with specific roles by necessity or preference. With that, my pursuit of Unite Licenses for Pokémon of concern keeps on going for what might come next.

Four years ago: "Post-Shuffle" Activity
Five years ago: Fusion without Confusion
Seven years ago: Playing the Meta Game

Monday, January 13, 2025

My Next Pokémon Figure Targets

Well, it seems that I might have to get rather personal with my posts on Pokémon things over the next few days, but I think that might be appropriate for a certain reason, to be detailed. So here I go. First up, I'd like to deal with something that I haven't touched in a long while, which would be the specific kind of merchandise that is Pokémon figures, something that fervent fans like me do collect and have (quite) a few of. Regarding this topic, I'd like to pose a few of my next targets for this should I be able to procure some of them.

Something that might be rather certain for this is that I'm not really interested to get full-size (or larger) figures at the moment. Predictably, this is due to a few constraints, mainly those of space and funds; the latter is especially crucial for any figure, but even more so with full-size ones, while the former is also tied to the interest of being able to show them off in the best way possible, something that I'd need to figure out for all figures regardless. Of course, I'll still accept those that are given to me, and perhaps I can work with them.

My interest (and thus, targets) would currently lie in figures of a smaller scale, like those of the Moncolle line, for which I only have one exemplar at present. I could foresee expanding my collection to more figures in this line, although the primary constraints as above would still apply. Therefore, I'd either have to pick and choose which figures I actually want... or else accept any giveaways that are directed to me, which is incidentally how that one Moncolle figure came about. Some considerations are still needed in this regard.

For other Pokémon figures that I'm open toward, I'm also interested in unique ones like the Pikachu character ones that I obtained some time ago. More figures along this concept would be something fascinating to obtain, especially if I can make them work according to the constraints as given above. Still, other figures that are cleverly crafted or originate from unique sources are also fair game, for which my sources tell me that there is actually such that are about to come soon - or in fact may have actually come for able fans.

Though I don't plan on expanding my Pokémon figure collection in the near future or even at any time adjacent to that, it's still great to be able to set a semblance of targets - personal ones, at least - for what I'd like to obtain next. That way, when the time or chance to obtain another Pokémon figure comes along, I'll know exactly what to get, although the "how" is still unknown at present. Personally, even anything beyond my targets would be appropriate, yet it's just as appropriate to develop a vision even at this moment.

Three years ago: Goh's Workstation Setup
Four years ago: The Rain and Pokémon
Seven years ago: My Pokémon Show
Eight years ago: Pokémon and Cosplay

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Cosplay: Atarashii Sekai

Me: Welcome back, for real this time.

Ash: Somewhere for me to go!

Pikachu: Pi! ["Yup!"]

Me: Sure! Though... it'll be slightly different today - we'll get to that soon.

Goh: What's different? It looks like your run of the mill, um...

Me: Festival, I'm told this is.

Goh: Oh, OK.

Me: But I'm sure Ash will recognize the place. 

Ash: Oh, it's the mall rooftop! But... the people running it are different... and there was another festival too?

Goh: Would our friend care to explain?

Me: OK, so it seems that this is a business festival by one of the colleges in my area, but they've chosen to have a second half with a Japanese theme. And well, you know, people will come to that.

Goh: Well, of course. But outdoors? This time of year where you are? Won't it rain?

Ash: I had the same thought... and it did in the afternoon, right after the character parade.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu. ["You were spot on."]

Goh: There you go. Since you brought it up, how was the parade? 

Ash: All the characters were great! But I wasn't in it. 

Goh: Oh? Something else to explain by our friend?

Me: OK, so I decided not to put Ash in on this one because it's paid, and I wanted to save for a better time. That's what's different.

Ash: Sure. We understand. Right? 

Goh: Right.

Ash: Also, I think my blue shoes need a bit of a fix, but my special journey outfit is fine. 

Me: Noted. Another good thing we skipped out.

Goh: So, what else was at the festival? What did the booths have?

Ash: A lot of food and drinks! And some communities too. 

Goh: It's a business festival, so it makes sense. And the entertainment must have been standard.

Ash: Yup! I think I've seen all of them in other places. Dance groups, singers, bands, and the karaoke group.

Pikachu: Pika pika pika! ["All of them there!"]

Me: I'm pretty sure you have.

Ash: Oh, and I got to see the parade winners. And... I know some of them and their characters.

Me: So we may or may not have had a chance.

Goh: You'll want to try for next time.

Me: That's something to consider.

Goh: Well, if Ash didn't take part in the character parade, he must have spent the day with our friend's friends.

Ash: Yeah! One took me there, another was for character things, another one was for Pokémon things, and a few more were for other group things. 

Goh: Sounds to me like our friend is involved in a lot of things. 

Pikachu: Pi pika pika? ["Maybe too many?"]

Me: Hopefully not too many, but just enough to keep me and Ash going.

Ash: Hey, and maybe they can keep this festival going next time!

Goh: That's a thought.

Me: And after this festival and "break day", (Pokémon) life goes on.

Six years ago: These Sides of Paradise
Seven years ago: Another Big Shuffle Update

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Searching for New Pokémon Meetups

I've experienced - that is, been able to participate - in various meetups (also, gatherings) for different Pokémon things, and they've mostly turned out great, incrementing all the experience that I've had with them. All the same, I'm also interested to take part in new kinds of Pokémon meetups and gatherings, particularly for Pokémon things that I don't deal (or haven't dealt) with. These would constitute new kinds of Pokémon meetups and gatherings, and they could be rather incremental in that regard.

The meetups or gatherings could be for games that I play now but I don't often touch, like for Pokémon Unite; for this particular case, I've recently heard of certain local meetups that involve the game though not necessarily playing it, but even with that, I'd love to take part if only for the experience. Even something as remote as Café Remix could conceivably have a meetup or gathering for it if the players have their will and way, and given my current interest, I'm going to have to participate if it does happen.

Meanwhile, there could be other remote areas of Pokémon for which meetups could be made and I could participate in them. As an example, a gathering of artists that have a passion for Pokémon wouldn't be too out of the ordinary, and even with my meager artistic skills, it's totally something that I could participate in. Further, I'm aware that Pokémon cosplay is somewhat of a disorganized thing in my local area, and if it could be organized somehow, then a meetup for it can happen - and I will definitely have to participate.

Anything about Pokémon could seemingly and conceivably have meetups attached to them, especially if the people involved with those things have the will and way to make them happen. They would likely become meetups that have a certain novelty for me, and I would want to search for them and participate in them if at all possible. With all the meetings I've taken part in thus far and how they've turned out, the ones that are new to me would be ones that I would want to seek out to get into, and then add to my experiences.

Five years ago: Faults in Some Stars

Friday, January 10, 2025

The (Personal) Importance of In-Game Trainer Appearance

It is recognized that two current and popular Pokémon games (Go and Unite) have a way of representing the player Trainer in those games along with an array of customizations for that representation. They do so with "avatar items" for the former and "fashion items" for the latter, though they refer to much of the same (or similar) things and some players (like me) may have the tendency to interchange the terms with or without intent. Of course, as a player representation, it has a certain quantity of importance for every player, though this quantity will surely differ from one player to another. I thought I'd take a post to discuss this aspect, especially how it could pertain to me personally.

Undoubtedly, for some players, this would be important. One of my fellow Pokémon Go players (Trainers) immediately took to customizing the Trainer appearance to put on some weight to it - a feature recently introduced in that game - to make it more representative of the player's actual appearance. Others, meanwhile, had jumped on the latest "punk" hairstyles that were introduced along with the Wild Area event that featured Toxtricity, even though they themselves do not possess such a hairstyle. So, the importance could be for either true or idealized representation, or something within the gamut in between both. That seems to ring familiar with the current season of the game.

Meanwhile, the options in Pokémon Unite are more idealistic and may be considered more reflective of what players see in themselves as a Trainer. Still, there is a degree of players being able to customize as they see fit, perhaps to align slightly more with their real selves rather than their imagined ones. Evidently, hair and contact lens color options - also recently introduced much in the same way as appearance options in Pokémon Go - somewhat play into this. Many of the outfits (notably the "animal" ones) in the game, however, could still be considered to be out of the ordinary and less realistic.

As for me personally, I might be able to say that Trainer appearance in the games mentioned above is important, but not to the point that, say, I'd expend actual in-game currency to make my appearance fit what I want to show in the world. In any case, I've established (in a way) its importance by basing the outfit I use in the videos on the YouTube channel for this blog according to selections I made in Pokémon Go, being ones I've made freely for that purpose... which is something that I still need to get back to, as an aside. Yet I might want to keep the appearance updated as I see fit with the situation.

The great thing about customizing Trainer appearances in both of the games mentioned above is the ability to put oneself (or a representation of such) within the game, and that is important if nothing else. For those who jump on the latest customizations, it might very well be very important for them, while those who are more conservative - like me - might see a lesser degree of importance. Any appearance of the self is still important in certain ways, and an envisioned Pokémon Trainer can be shown as such.

Seven years ago: A Pokémon-Pikachu Balloon
Eight years ago: Where It All Started

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Club Campfire Rewards in Pokémon Go

As evidenced in the Community Day edition from two months ago, checking in for a Campfire meetup linked to the event no longer rewarded the Special Research set, but a "community" Timed Research set instead. In fact, this also started to apply for anything that could have a Campfire meetup created for it, as Spotlight Hour, Raid Day, and so on and so forth. This actually represents a "bringing together" of these initiatives under one umbrella, that which is called Club Campfire, and it has the benefit of rewards in Pokémon Go attached to it. That also makes it a point to be discussed in order to take advantage of it in the best manner. 

First and foremost, however, these meetups have to be ones hosted by a Community Ambassador, which will be indicated clearly in Campfire as the meetup will have the "Rewards" tag on it. This might imply that more areas with communities should have their leading members apply to become Community Ambassadors, a task that has its own separate details. Regardless, by checking in as usual (close to the meetup location and starting 15 minutes prior to the start time), returning to Pokémon Go will make Rhi appear in the Research section. Rhi will then prompt a selection of one of four choices (Catching, Raids, Battles, or Connecting), and this results in particular Timed Research sets and tasks for the option, and they need to be completed within eight hours.

The contents of the tasks are suited to the choice that was made; further, at least one task will require close interaction somehow (Raids and Connecting both will demand that one creates or joins a Party, while Catching has a trading task and Battles has a PvP task). Therefore, if one doesn't expect to interact very much, Catching and Battles - the latter in particular - are safe options regardless of whatever event is tied to the meetup along with its demands. Yet if one needs to pursue certain rewards, like the additional free passes for the Raids option, the caveat has been outlined and the required interaction is a given. As well, no matter the choice, some Field Research tasks adapt to the checked-in meetup and Party Play will have additional bonuses.

Even if one doesn't care about the rewards and the tasks, there is one small incentive for going to meetups and checking in. Each time this is done, it increments the counter of a new medal called the Community Member medal. This becomes useful, if only for those who haven't obtained a certain number of specific medals for specific tasks as in Special Research or the leveling tasks for going beyond Level 40. The ultimate goal of the medal is to attend 100 meetups on different days to obtain its platinum level... but it hasn't even been 100 days since the medal was introduced nor have there been meetups on every day since then. So, this will still take a bit of time - particularly for those who don't attend meetups often - but it may just work out nonetheless.

Reaping the rewards of Club Campfire meetups in Pokémon Go takes a bit of consideration and perhaps a little bit of effort, but there's at least something for everyone and every time - specifically, the times when the distinct meetups that tie into the rewards are held. The choice to (try to) attend these meetups and obtain the rewards, whichever ones are appropriate for the given times, will still be up to a Trainer to make, but done right, the benefits will be evident and universal for them and others. It seems that there is a sense of unification that the system attempts to bring, just like how Pokémon Go has done so for everyone over many years.

Six years ago: Pokémon Ceramics
Seven years ago: Hitching a Raid Ride
Eight years ago: A Tale of Two Shirts